In honor of International Anti – Corruption Day, our organization AIS is happy to announce new tools and more released data for more transparency not only about public expenditures. Those data and tools are part of our new project Money, Government and Politics.

This project and its activities intend to address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program aims at opening data about the wealth of high state officials; expenditures of state institutions; electoral spending and expenditures of the concessionary companies. Comparison and analysis of such data increases transparency and public pressure in cases of favors in funds or public assets.

The objective of the Money; Government and Politics Project is to expand the Open Data Albania and Spending Data Albania platform by introducing new data that will empower the Albanian public with information and better decision-making skills.

Project time frame: November 2014 – 30 December 2014. Donor: National Endowment for Democracy, and other potential funds to be raised.

DataThon Albania 2014 – Invitation for participation

Activist, Journalist, or Student of Economics; Journalisms and Political Sciences!
The Marathon of Open Data – DataThon Albania is coming.

This year, competition will be based on the data on Budgetary Expenditures. How do the young people analyse the budgetary expenditures of state institutions, which are the most distinct clients that are provided with money buy the state, and while making these payment available, are there identified cases of abuse, nepotisms or conflict of interest situation. Having a better understanding of the delivery of taxpayers money – this is the goal of this marathon in this fourth year of its organization.

Competition is recommended in groups of 2-3 persons. This year, those that will conduct better analysis during DataThon, there will be 2 rewards for them, each of them consisting in a 15 000 Leke.
In order to be inspired on Transparent Expenditures, you may click in advance. Spending Data Albania .

It organised AIS and ODA

All those who would like to participate in this event, may be registered for free in the following liknk, and be provided with a free participation ticket.http://www.eventbrite.com/e/datathon-albania-2014-tickets-1…

This ticket is necessary to be shown upon your presence at Protik on DataThon


Program’s Impact  Open Data / Spending Albania 

Until now, Open Data Albania has been focusing mainly on the transparency of public funds such as the state budget; programs expenses; individual tax distribution etc. Lately, after the publication of several articles with data about the underground wealth on minerals such as oil, copper, chrome, it was made possible to start a public debate and analysis about how these wealth is being managed; how the mineral products are being sold in the international market and whether the revenues generated are being reported correctly. About 40% of the Albanian exports’ value come from selling of oil products and minerals . The exploitation of the minerals and of the oil wells is being done as concessions foreign companies. After selling the product, a part of the income goes to the state budget in the form of mineral rent.

Is Copper being sold under real market value? 

Open Data Albania has published a few days ago some data about the exploration and exports of copper mineral in the country . The data are based on official sources and have been gathered in the framework of the transparency of exploiting national assets. After the publication of the article by the ODA, some media used the data for their journalistic work. After the publication of some facts on the quantities sold and the declared revenues, immediately some experts of the mineral industry reacted elaborating on calculations which clearly demonstrate that the price for sales is a real price for copper. As a result, according to them, the selling of the mineral with lower price brings lower income for the state budget or economic damage for the national finances.

The magazine titled JAVA  has published an article of eng. Qerim Ismeni where he argues that the quantity of copper (the source site of Munella-Puke) sold out of the country contains some minerals and it has a higher value than that of the one declared. Quote:

“…together with the copper there have been exported about 25 thousand tons of zinc and a quantity of gold and silver, cadmium, indium, selenium, tellurium, etc. From this the calculation grows to $900 million rather than $205 million income published by ODA”. The article of eng. Qerim Ismeni for JAVA magazine was published also by two daily newspapers  on the same day, which drew the attention of the public for more transparency in the management of the assets given on concession.

Oil resources and the problem of having high prices for domestic consumers

Another group of articles that have generated public debate over the way how national assets are being managed has to do with indicators of the oil trade and industry. ODA has recently published articles on the quantities produced and sold out of the country . It has also published a comparative article about the retail prices of oil and diesel in the country compared to countries in the region  and in Europe. In the end, this information has encouraged the media to write articles where the abusive management of the only oil processing company in the country is denounced. The ill functioning of the company that processes the domestic oil has brought to the situation where the domestic consumer has to buy imported oil with high costs as in other European countries with higher standard of living and without oil resources.  Article titles such as: Dita; Shekulli ; Shqiptarja ; Opozita ; Illyria  etc, in their front pages were: “Poor in wealth”; “Rich Land of Poor People” . The analysis of the journalists was based fully on the data published by Open Data Albania.












Aktivitete të AIS pasqyruar në Media

Dy ikona prej guri të cilat mendohet se i përkasin shek të  XII-XIII janë gjetur në kishën e vogël të fshatit Arsmiliska që gjëndet rreth tre orë larg qytetit të Pukës.

Evidentohen Ikona Guri, Projekti i AIS në Zonën Para Alpe

Me mbështetje të programeve të Trashëgimisë Kulturore nga Ministria e Kulturës, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) në muajt gusht – tetor ka realizuar në terren një proçes pune për evidentimin dhe kartelizimin e objekteve etnografike të paregjistruara në zonën e njohur si Para Alpet. Konkretisht është punuar në fshatrat Iballë; Mërtur Guri dhe Ars Miliska të rrethit të Pukës Qarku Shkodër. Përmes këtijë projekti është synuar jo vetëm evidentimi por edhe kartelizimi i objekteve me vlera të veçanta etnografike. Proçesi i evidentimit dhe kartelizimit të objekteve, është realizuar sipas kritereve dhe modaliteteve të legjislacionit që rregullon evidentimin dhe kartelizimin e objekteve etnografike pranë sistemit të dixhitalizuar të QKIPK, Qendra  Kombëtare e Inventarizimit të Pasurive Kulturore.

Në punën në terren janë evidentuar objekte etnografike tepër interesante të materializuara në gur; metal; dru apo tekstil artizanal. Çdo objekt veç vlerës që lidhet drejtpërdrejt me vjetërsinë e tij dhe karakterin artizanal, përcjell edhe simbolikë të pasur të periudhës Iliro – Arbërore dhe të mesjetës së vonë. Shumë prej objekteve kanë vlera që adresojnë në nevojën për tu shpallur edhe Monument Kulture. Ato mbartin karakteristika të spikatura monumentale, arkitekturore dhe tradicionale.

Rast tipik është ai i Kishës së Ars Miliskaut ku gjenden dy ikona guri të hershme dhe një galeri gdhendjesh po në gur. Këto objekte në gur, së bashku me element të tjerë në dru, u evidentuan dhe kartelizuan pranë Qendrës së Inventarizimit. Më tej specialist të programit do të propozojnë pranë Drejtorisë Rajonale të Kulturës Shkodër, inicimin e një procedure për ta shpallur këtë objekt Monument Kulture.

Etnografi-Kishe-Zona Para Alpe

Rikonstruksioni grafik i këtyre tre elementeve: porta; shenjtorët e gdhëndur në gur, si dhe të simboleve të gdhendura gjithashtu në gur na rezulton si një “ikonostas” me shumë interes, në të cilin paraqiten figura përfaqësuese pagane e më tej edhe të krishterimit (Katolik Romak).

Etnografi-Dru-Zona Para Alpe

Etnografi-Gur (Ikone supozohet Shen Nikolla)-Fshati Arsmiliska


Etnografi-Gur(Ikone supozohet Zoja Shna Prende)-Fshati Arsmilska 2Etnografi-Gur (Pjese Ikone Supozohet Zoja Shna Prende)-Fshati Arsmiliska 2

Etnografi-Gur(Ikone)-Fshati Arsmiliska 1

Programi i AIS në terren ka evidentuar mbi 50 objekte etnografike të kësaj zone të cilat po inventarizohen dhe pajisen me kartelë evidentuese pranë Qendrës së Inventarizimit. Ky inventarizim në fondin tonë dixhital do të ndihmojë jo vetëm në evidentim të qartë të vlerës etnografike por edhe më tej në kontribut për konservim dhe mbrojtje më të mirë të këtij fondi.

Etnografi-Dru-Zona Para Alpe 2Etnografi-Gur-Fshati Arsmiliska 1

Instituti falënderon në mënyrë të veçantë Ministrinë e Kulturës për mbështetjen, dhe Qendrën Kombëtare të Inventarizimit për bashkëpunimin me qëllim finalizimin e këtij projekti.

Etnografi-Gur-Fshati ArsmiliskaEtnografi-Hekur-Zona Para Alpe 1Etnografi-Veshje- Zona Para Alpe 1Etnografi-Veshje-Zona Para Alpe 2Etnografi-Veshje-Zona Para Alpe 3

skica e deres

Spending Data Albania – sheds light on cases of conflict of interest.

For the last nine months, Project “Spending Data Albania” has published every transaction involving payment of public money to beneficiaries and clients of the state institutions. Such information helps Albanian citizens learn how their money and public assets are being spent. At the same time, individuals may know clients who provide paid services to the state institutions, and from time to time see whether there is any nepotism or conflict of interest involved in such arrangements.

Thus, representatives of the opposition, as well as some representatives of the media, have identified a case in the data published by Spending Data Albania regarding the Treasure Transactions which raises obvious suspicions about unlawfulness and conflict of interest. One of the private companies founded and owned earlier by the Socialist Member of Parliament Koço Kokëdhima seems to have benefited from contracts with a large number of state institutions, while the MP was at the same time the shareholder and owner of Abissnet.

The Treasure Transactions application tables were published on newspapers’ front pages, and the former Chair of the largest opposition party in the country, Mr. Sali Berisha, has announced on social networks that such facts will be used to ask the Constitutional Court to revoke the mandate of MP Kokëdhima based on Article 70, point 3 and 4 of the Constitution. In a similar case in 2009, another MP lost his mandate by a decision of the Constitutional Court.

First Page Tema Conflict of Interest RD First Page Conflict of Interest Shqiptarja.com First Page

Takim Informues: Si të bëhesh pjesë e DataThon 2014

Të Martën datë 28.10.2014

Ora 11:00

Vendi : Protik Innovation Center

Aktivist, Gazetar apo student në Ekonomi; Gazetari e Shkenca Politike!
Maratona e të dhënave të hapura – DataThon Albania po afron. Këtë vit konkurrimi bëhet për të dhëna mbi Shpenzime Buxhetore. Si i analizojnë të rinjtë shpenzimet e institucioneve buxhetore, cilët janë klientët e spikatur që marrin para nga shteti dhe a konstatohen përmes pagesave raste abuzimi, nepotizmi apo konflikt interesi. Të kuptosh më mirë ku shkojnë paratë e taksapaguesve – ky është synimi i maratonës në vitin e katërt të organizimit. Në ditët në vijim do të mbahet një takim për të prezantuar eventin dhe opsionet për pjesëmarrje. Konkurrimi këshillohet në grupe 2-3 persona. Këtë vit ata që analizojnë më mirë gjatë DataThon shpërblehen edhe me çmim, ku jane 2 cmime secili 150$.
Paraprakisht për tu frymëzuar mbi Shpenzime Transparente klikoni Spending Data Albania http://spending.data.al/.

organizon AIS dhe ODA

The Supreme State Audit and the Albanian Institute of Science signed a cooperation agreement

The Supreme State Audit and the Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS), engaged through a cooperative agreement for the exchange of data between institutions. The agreement was signed by the chairman of SSA, Bujar Leskaj and the executive director of the Albanian Institute of Science, Aranita Brahaj.

Pursuant to this agreement, SSA will engage in exchanging data of mutual interest, opening a window of communication with the public in order to increase transparency and modernize the institution.
Through this cooperation, it will be created the possibility of using various data published by Open Data Albania which is a serious project appreciated from both within and outside the country for the quality of data and analysis that it prepares and publishes.
Through the implementation of this agreement, SSA is fulfilling the tasks for capacity building and enhancing professional standards in auditing, through training, workshops and other joint activities with the aim to modernize the institution and strengthening the fight against corruption.
Brahaj, in turn, praised the cooperation and new approach of SSA to Civil Society, noting that this cooperation through the exchange of data will generate new ideas and will help in finding defects, improving the fight against corruption. Both sides expressed the determination to implement this agreement and the belief that a sincere cooperation between public authorities and civil society will give concrete results in increased transparency, improved economic analysis by using data on socio-economic indicators in Albania, aiming of improvement of governance.

Open Government Data on the Web: A Semantic Approach

Julia Hoxha
Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
[email protected]
Armand Brahaj
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Germany
[email protected]

Initiatives of making government data open are continuously gaining interest recently. While this presents immense benefits for increasing transparency, the problem is that the data are frequently offered in heterogeneous formats, missing clear semantics that clarify what the data describe. The data are displayed in ways, which are not always clearly understandable to a broad range of user communities that need to make informed decisions. We address these problems and propose an overall approach, in which raw statistical data independently gathered from the different government institutions are formally and semantically represented, based on an ontology that we present in this paper. We further introduce the approach deployed in publishing these data in alignment with Linked Data principles, as well as present the methods implemented to query single or combined dataset and visualize the results in understandable ways. The introduced approach enables data integration, leading to vast opportunities for information exchange, analysis on combined datasets, simplicity to create mashups, and exploration of innovative ways to use these data creatively.

Link to publication:

[JHoxha_ABrahaj] OpenGovernmentDataontheWeb-ASemanticApproach

Utilization Cases of Open Data Albania

Julia Hoxha` and Aranita Brahaj*

`Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
[email protected]

 *Albanian Institute of Science, Tirana, Albania
[email protected]


In this paper, we describe Open Data Albania (ODA) project and concrete cases of open data utilization. ODA aims at providing open datasets of valuable information which can be structured, analyzed and presented in different forms leading to intuitive knowledge representations. Besides the datasets, the project has also produced analytical studies based on the data and insightful visualizations to make the knowledge understandable and easy to utilize by different communities.

The platform where the data is published online is the most prominent one for open data in Albania and very popular between the journalists, who are continuously using data from ODA to provide the public with information on different social-economic aspects. In many cases, the project has been used in direct advocacy initiatives. In this paper, we described a set of cases where the data is utilized by different groups, such as government institutions, NGOs, media, and academia.

To read the paperhttps://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/wiki/images/6/63/ODA-UtilizationCases-SharePSI-Workshop.pdf