ZA’LART 2015

ZA´LART 2015, is a project where the citizens are invited to denounce (report and alert) on an open source platform (website & app mobile), about problems they encounter during electoral campaigns and electoral day. Citizens are empowered with tools that allow them to participate in a real time monitoring process. This project is a new form of democracy that aims to give voice to the common citizens’ through a crowd source platform.

The Albanian citizens will be heard and have the possibility to express a personal opinion on the electoral process. This project is based on ICT for Fair Election and aim to contribute for active citizenship and democratic process of Local Government Election 2015 in Albania. The facts (audio, photo and video), irregularities and information collected, will provide a clear overview of the electoral process and encourage the interested bodies (civic stakeholders and institutions) to undertake appropriate administrative and politic measures.

Open Spending Albania

The project establishes a platfrom where every ordinary citizen is able to monitor transactions of the state treasury, the day-to-day expenses of each institution, by having access to the amount of expenses, descriptions, beneficiaries and clients of state institutions, be it independent institutions, central government, and local government.

The goal of the project is to provide access to well-structured and visualized data on public procurements and spending, supporting citizens and CSOs to participate in a more open government approach








Albanian Institute of Science with its Open Data Albania team, willing to empower both individuals and the Albanian society with information on how taxpayers’ money is spent, has built a new platform known as Spending Data Albania. Through certain applications, the public has the opportunity to learn how each individual contributes through their taxes to the total budget or to specific budgets by sectors. Similarly, an application known as Money Map and Budget provides information on division of budgets by sectors. The most interesting part of the platform is the Treasury Transactions application. This application and the standard of monitoring the day-to-day expenses made by the state administration is a standard that is being offered to the Albanian citizens at a time when countries with much more advanced democracy or models of access to information have not yet managed to achieve.

The information provided by this platform is exhausting regarding every state budget from January 2012 until the current weeks. This application, the range of information and its philosophy enables the society, the media, and the citizens to have access to information about the ways the taxpayers’ money is spent, as well as about the public assets, based on the slogan “Public Money is my Money”. The entirety of transactions includes also those expenses and transfers made to those selected through public procurement.

We invite the public at large to take this opportunity to inform themselves and invite you to write to us so that we may help you with the technical use of the applications available or by making even more detailed analysis of the Treasury Transaction Monitoring.
This Project is supported by:

The goal is to provide a platform where citizens, through several applications, can get information on everything related to public expenditures. Services offered to the public include monitoring of the state treasury; online tax calculation; money map and budget.

ACADEMIC´AL – Increasing the Visibility of Scientific Research

As part of the scope to base our projects ICT Solutions, AIS implemented during the first 6 months of 2013 a platform for the Albanian scientific research. The aim of the platform was to increase the visibility of scientific researchers and their scientific works. The project delivery include a central portal that provides information on researchers including activities, projects engaged, relations with other researchers and institutions. The portal contains data of 300 researchers in Albania and more than 500 documents (publications & result-sets of experiment activity).

Smart Tourist Albania

This project establishes a social media outlet where citizen-fed information becomes important and stimulates the solution of problems.

Goal: Create a movement in which citizens intervened directly with voluntary actions on environment, culture and tourism in the country.


Donor: American Embassy, Open Society Foundation Albania
Duration: 2012/2013
** Web Platform
** Mobile App
** Activism

Smart Tourist Albania enables the citizens through an Open Source Platform consisting of a Web site and mobile application to report on the problems of tourists related to environment, cleanness, and pollution.

After reporting and communication with the social media, the project marked another success by becoming a movement where dozens of young people were organized on a voluntary basis for cleaning up the beach of “Kepi i Rodonit” in the summer 2012.

Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania is an initiative that embraces the Open Data principles. The project aims to collect from public offices data on socio-economic indicators, process and publish them based on emerging topics and semantic technologies.


Donor: Open Society Foundation
Duration: Dec. 2013 – Dec. 2014
* Web Platform
* Advocacy

Digitalization of Ethnographic Heritage – “SOTIR” Photo Archive

Digitalization of 14,000 photographic plates of the 20th century in Albania. The project aims to enforce practices on the conservation of ethnographic objects and cultural heritage of the country.

Digital Inventory of the Ethnographic Fund of the Pre-Alps Zone

The Albanian Institute of Science has started to implement the “Digital Inventory of the Ethnographic Fund of the Pre-Alps Zone” Project. The project targets the villages of Iballa, MërturGuri, and Arsmiliska of Puka District, Region of Shkodra.The area is very interesting thanks to an entirely autochthone ethnography and culture. It contains the Early Medieval city of Koman (8th and 9th century). The assets of this area are currently being put at extreme risk with the local people leaving the area, and old objects not properly valued. There are still special buildings and ethnographic objects found in this area that represent culture and tradition, and a significant potential for proving the thesis of Albanians being an early European people, and for attracting cultural tourism to the area.

The purpose of the project is to identify architectural objects like tower-like houses or fortified workshops not recognized as monuments of culture, and therefore not registered as part of the National Cultural Assets Inventory Fund Centre. The project also intends to identify well-known ethnographic objects like folk costumes, handicraft tools for producing musical instruments or clothing; musical instruments like lahuta (a traditional type of flute) or flute older than 70 years. Each object shall be registered and entered in a digital inventory. The direct objectives of the project consist in identifying ethnographic and cultural values, but the projectis also expected to have an indirect impact on promoting an integrated tourism to specific areas for their nature and for their anthropological elements.

The program is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Cultures part of the Cultural Heritage initiatives. The Albanian Institute of Science has also implemented other similar projects, including “Digital Inventory of “Sotir” Phototek”, and the “Lahuta of the Albanian Epos” Exhibition.

Program Coordinator Ms. Besjana Hysa [email protected]

Transparenca mbi Shpenzime Elektorale. Modeli Amerikan dhe Problematika ne Republikën e Shqipërisë.

Bisedë në Studion e Ora News TV, e ftuar Aranita BRAHAJ, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave – Nëntor 2012.

Në rastin e Shqipërisë partitë politike nuk kanë ende kurajë të bëjnë fushata të hapura dhe transparente për mbledhje të fondeve elektorale. Ato mbledhin para por kjo nuk behet publikisht dhe nuk reklamohet në media apo mitingje të hapura.

Procesi i transparencës me Financat e Partive Politike në Shqipëri është proçes për të cilin kemi filluar të punojmë shumë vonë dhe praktikisht është i munguar, Legjislacioni vetëm për dy fushatat e fundit ka parashikuar me disa nene transparencën dhe monitorimin e financave të partive politike. Por parashikimet ligjore nuk janë shumë të qarta dhe lënë shteg për transparencë të vonuar ose jo të plotë. 

Ende sot nuk kemi një publikim nga Komisioni Qendror Zgjedhjeve për shpenzime elektorale. Madje disa nga Partitë pjesëmarrëse në dy fushatat e fundit zgjedhore nuk kanë bërë ende procesin e detyrueshëm të auditimit.

AIS presents at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance


AIS participates at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 Jun – 02 Jul 2014.
The principal advisor of AIS, Dr. Ing. Julia Hoxha, presented a paper on Open Spending Albania.

Link to the paper

Link to the talk presented at Samos Summit

Below is the abstract of the talk:

In this paper, we describe Open Data Albania (ODA) project and concrete cases of open data utilization. ODA aims at providing open datasets of valuable information which can be structured, analyzed and presented in different forms leading to intuitive knowledge representations. Besides the datasets, the project has also produced analytical studies based on the data and insightful visualizations to make the knowledge understandable and easy to utilize by different communities.

The platform where the data is published online is the most prominent one for open data in Albania and very popular between the journalists, who are continuously using data from ODA to provide the public with information on different social-economic aspects. In many cases, the project has been used in direct advocacy initiatives. In this paper, we described a set of cases where the data is utilized by different groups, such as government institutions, NGOs, media, and academia.

OGP Albania – Ministry of Finances Censures the State Treasure Public Data

In the name of the principles of Journalism for Public Information, I would like to share with you a concern over a recent case of State Treasure Public Data being censured.

The Albanian Government is obliged by law and by the respective secondary legislation acts to ensure transparency over every single detail about the way that the Albanian taxpayers’ money and monetary public assets are spent.  Besides, in the context of its commitments for an Open Government Partnership (OGP), our Government is obliged to publish the daily List of Payments sent by the State Treasury to the Bank of Albania for execution. In addition to the date, total amount, and paying authority, such list includes also the identity of the beneficiary, the legal act on which the transaction is based, and other descriptions. Since February 2012, these data have been updated on the website of the Ministry of Finances, under the section Reports – Treasury. The Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Minister of Finances Ridvan Bode, and the Minister for Innovation Genc Pollo have also referred to this process of ensuring respect for the principles of democracy, good governance, transparency, and rule of law. Although the data were published using a technological model not in compliance with the ‘user friendly data’ principle, they were constantly published online from 1 February 2012 – 30 May 2013. Currently, however, the data for February, March, April, and May 2013 have been removed and censored during the first week of September. These four months of 2013 are significantly important, both because they are the last months of the right-wing Government, and months of an electoral year. In addition, the data for June and July are presented in a defective and non-convertible format.

The Treasury data have to be published even as a result of a very expensive project for introducing AMoFTS, a modern system for processing the transactions of the Central Government based on international standards and practices for financial reporting, and efficient, effective, and transparent use of public money and assets.

The Open Data / Spending Albania staff notes that this is a case of flagrant censorship to the detriment of public information. This type of censorship affects one of the largest responsibilities of a Government, i.e. the responsibility for efficiently using public finances and assets. The Albanian citizens have the right to know how their money is spent, and whether that money is used in the public or political and personal interests. Likewise, every citizen of the Republic of Albania has the right to know who the suppliers of the state and public institutions are, and who benefits from the taxpayers’ money. The removal of the data for four months, and the continuous defective publication of these data shows a case of misuse of duty, if not the fact that the respective state officials do not feel comfortable facing the public over this period of their governance. 

A democratic state ensures transparency and accountability for the ways it spends public money. With hopes of having your attention and media awareness through your website and programs,


Aranita BRAHAJ
Open Data Albania
Email: [email protected]