Entries by admin

7 January 2020, Top Story Media Programme: 1 in 3 tenders with no fair competition. Open data promote investigative journalism and enable reporting of corruption over Albanian taxpayers’ money

On January 7th, Top Story, an investigative show, reported on forms of fraud with public procurement tenders in the country. Journalist Entela Barjamaj and the national Top Channel TV team introduced shocking facts on Top Story, such as one in every three tenders being conducted without fair competition.  300 million Euros of taxpayers’ money seem […]

7 janar 2020, Top Story Media Program: 1 në 3 tendera pa garë të ndershme, Të dhëna të hapura nxisin gazetarinë investigative dhe denoncojnë korrupsionin me para të taksapaguesve shqiptar

Në datën7 janar emisioni investigative TopStory denoncoi forma të mashtrimit përmes tenderimeve prokurimeve publike në vend. Gazetarja Entela Barjamaj dhe ekipi i Tv Kombëtar Top Channel, sollën në Top Story fakte tronditëse si mbajtja e një në çdo tre tendera pa garë të ndershme.  300 milion euro, para të taksapaguesve rezultojnë çdo vit të humbura, […]

Albania 1 Euro – The Government rented eight state properties for 916 new jobs

The Albanian Government has signed eight contracts in 2019 for economic subjects that have obtained actual rights over state property against a symbolic price of 1 Euro. The Albania 1-Euro programme aims to grant potential employers (businesses) state property to use, with the purpose of increasing private investments and the number of employees. In 2019, […]

Access to Information on Justice, and the integrity and promotion of individuals in the justice system

Data and documents on the justice system after the Reform. Additional access to information on the new justice institutions and individuals being promoted to the system. The new Access to Justice Info database aims at enhancing the integrity of processes and institutions through a data mine (base) and information made available to the public and journalists. […]

Open Contracting for Tenders by Albanian Road Authority – Transparency and Risk Assessment of Abuse

Tenders and Contracts awarded by the Albanian Road Authority are now accessible by Open Contracting standards. Following tenders for municipalities, public-owned business companies, health, the Albanian Road Fund, and Central Purchasing Agency, the non-profit organization AIS is also ensuring transparency over tender stages and contracts awarded by this key contractor authority in the country. The Albanian Road […]


Ne, një grupim prej 15 organizatash të gazetarëve dhe shoqërisë civile, në mënyrë të përsëritur, duke filluar nga Dhjetori i vitit 2018, përmes deklaratave tona publike i kemi kërkuar qeverisë të tërheqë dy projektligjet e prezantuara publikisht si Paketa Antishpifje, duke renditur të gjitha kundërtitë tona. Gjithashtu, pas dorëzimit të këtyre dy projektligjeve në Kuvendin […]

Information Memo on the State of Schools, where the project is being implemented, in Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities, following the earthquake of 26 November 2019

The “Open ICT Education for Youth Employability” Project, Grant Contract no. 2017/394-533 , implemented by ODK and AIS, scheduled to last from 15 January 2018 until 15 February 2020, targets beneficiaries/educational institutions from Kosovo and Albania. More specifically, high schools from Kurbin and Lezha Municipalities are among the targeted beneficiaries. Following, you may find some […]

Request for information and access to Evaluation and Actin Plan after the September 21st 2019 Earthquake

Our organisation has submitted today two requests for information and access to documents addressed to the Ministry of Defence, National Civil Defence Agency and the Ministry of Interior. These requests for information are aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability about measures taken for security and care in cases of natural disasters, in this case following […]

The company “Fusha shpk” is awarded a contract for Segment II of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevared, i.e. the segment down to the Tunnel

The company “Fusha shpk” is also awarded another contract for the remaining segment of Vlora Pedestrian Boulevard. The winner is announced last week, while the competition by the Albanian Development Fund was announced in August 2019. The value of the winning bid is 385 173 305 leks. 6 Albanian companies participated in the tender, and […]

Asset Declarations of MPs elected in 2019

The Spending Data Albania database, its Money and Power Section is updated with asset decalrations for the MPs elected in 2019. The data has been taken from the official statements made to the High Inspectorate for Declaration of Assets and Control of Conflict of Interest by applying for access to information. They are processed by […]