Entries by admin

How have Municipalities done their tenders! Contracts with Direct Negotiations and Investment Tenders

Open Data Albania has inquired into the number of tender procedures and fund limits for public procurement announced by 61 local government units (municipalities) following the recent administrative-territorial division. The research article is based on the database of the Transparent Procurement portal. The portal contains information about every public procurement procedure for each of the […]

Open Local Government Procurements – Open LGP

This project intends to make open and easily searchable the data related to public tenders and contracts of the local government (61 new municipalities). Thus, the citizens shall be able not only to see what services, works, or public purchases are being contracted, but even the amounts of money allocated to the public programs. Every call for tender will be transparently accompanied by updated additional information about the project name, type of procurement, tender deadlines, number of participating bidders, the selected offers, project status, date of financial clause, operational period of contract and payments made by the State Treasury Office for each public service or public work.

Improvement of the Living Conditions for the Roma Community Seven municipalities reconstruct Roma houses.

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), through its Open Local Government Procurement (OpenLGP) enables monitoring of all public procurement processes carried out by the 61 local government units in the country. The project focuses on every public tender and contract (of any value) carried out from July 2015 onward. Transparency of Public Contracts is important not only […]

Java e Interneti 2016 / Get Online Week 2016

Fuqizohu, Punësohu Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave në partneritet me Telecentre Europe organizon për të pestin vit në Shqipëri  fushatën vjetore Get Online Week për fuqizimin dixhital. Ky event mbahet ne datat 14 deri 20 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllim i kësaj fushate është nxitja dhe aftësimi i sa më shumë personave në përdorimin e internetit. Në […]

Tregues mbi Shoqëri Aksionare me Kapital Publik Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania ka hulumtuar mbi tregues të performancës së Shoqërive Aksionare SHA me Kapital Publik, duke marrë në shqyrtim 120 të tilla. Analiza ka vlerësuar kapitalin e tyre themeltar, rritjen apo zvogëlimin në vitin 2014 dhe 2015, xhiron vjetore për 2014 apo fitimin vjetor përpara tatimit. E njëjta analizë është bërë edhe për Aftësinë […]

DiploHack Tirana Award Ceremony

What happens when a programmer, a civil society representative, and a diplomat solve a problem together?! The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and Albanian Institute of Science hosted more than 50 participants on 29-30 January at DiploHack Tirana. Thirteen teams composed of a mixture of diplomats, programmers, and civil society representatives worked together on […]

Programme Diplohack Tirana

DiploHack: Introducing The Challenge  Friday 29 January, 17 – 18:30 Embassy Netherlands, Rruga Asim Zeneli 10 Welcome – what is a hackaton – composing the teams – logistics. Diplo Hack: Hackathon! Saturday January, 9:30 18:00 Embassy of the Netherlands, Rrug Asim Zeneli 10 10:15 welcome by Dewi van de Weerd, ambassador of the Netherlands to […]