Entries by admin

E Drejta e Informimit mbi Financimin e Subjekteve Zgjedhore

FINANCIMI I PARTIVE POLITIKE DHE KANDIDATËVE NË SHQIPËRI: VËSHTRIM I PËRGJITHSHËM Viktor GUMI Ekspert Ligjor Financimi i partive politike në Shqipëri rregullohet përmes këtyre dispozitave ligjore: a) Neni 9, paragrafi 3 në Kushtetutën e Shqipërisë citon se “Burimet financiare të partive, si dhe shpenzimet e tyre bëhen kurdoherë publike”. b) Financimi i aktivitetit vjetor të […]

Final Report, ZA’LART 2015

The ZA’LART platform under the slogan Make Election Count during the period 22 of May- 26 June 2015 reached 411 reports from citizens that contain information and denunciations of abuses in the context of the election campaign during the pre and post elections day of June 21st. Separated in 12 categories reports has identified cases […]

ZA’LART in Media

Over 230 cases of “Vote Buying” reported at ZA’LART Link: http://www.kosovapress.com/sq/rajoni/keshtu-blihen-votat-ne-shqiperi-230-raste-te-denoncuara-44792/ Legal consequences for Vora’s Mayor, Aranita Brahaj representative of  ZA’LART speaks about election concerns for VOA   Use of Young People during Election Campaign and Vote Abuse Election Day and Irregularities Reported at ZA’LART – Voice of America

AIS – 3rd International Summer School on Open and Collaborative Governance, 2015

Albanian Institute of Science will participate at the 3rd International Summer School focusing on Technologies and Applications for Open and Collaborative Governance, organized by the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean taking place in Samos, Greece from 29th June – 3rd July 2015. In this activity AIS /Open Data Albania […]

Interim Report of ZA’LART 2015

Until June 12 at the portal ZA’LART were reported from citizens 200 reports. They contain information and denunciations of abuse within the campaign. Reports are  divided into 12 main categories of violations and the main number of reported cases deals with the misuse of administration and public sector. For such offenses there is a high […]

Electoral Financing

Executive Director of AIS Aranita Brahaj invited at the TV program of ORA News “Ekopolitikë” to talk about election campaign, financial incomes and expenses. The program directed by the well-known journalist Aurora Sulçe addresses issues of political economy.

e – Participation day event in Albania

In the framework of e-Participation Day, Albanian Institute of Science in cooperation with Telecenter-Europe, organized in May 7, 2015 a training with youth from high schools of Tirana, conducted under the Europe for Citizens Program in eleven European countries aiming to educate and involve citizens in policy-making through ICT instruments. Also, during the event took […]

Youth on ICT for Fair Elections

Workshop: in Vlora, Shkodra and Berat AIS in partnership with Vlora Youth Center within the projects ZA’LART and Vlora Youth Vote 2015, funded by the Small Grants Programme of the Commission for Democracy of US Embassy in Albania and OSFA took part in the presentation titled Method/Instruments citizen participation in decision making processes at Young […]