Entries by admin

Declaration of assets of Senior Officials at Open Spending Albania

 In the framework of Money, Government and Politics program, updated data are released in Spending Data Albania portal, “Money and power” column, about declared assets of Members and Ex-members of the Council of Ministers as well as their relatives’ assets. The data are published in compliance with access to information, transparency and accountability principles and […]

Information on Declaration of the Senior Judges assets

In the framework of Money, Government and Politics program, updated data are released in Spending Data Albania portal, “Money and power” column, about assets declared by Senior Judges and members of the High Council of Justice HCJ as well as their relatives’ assets. The data are published in compliance with principles of access to information, […]

Workshop with Journalists: Open Spending Initiative

Our organization AIS on 10th of October, 2015 at 10.30 am held a workshop with journalists involved in the Open Spending Initiative. Open Spending Initiative consist in creating a Network of  affirmed local journalists, engaged in informing the public on expenditures of budgetary institutions in Albania. The workshop presented instruments and well-structured data which increase […]

AIS participant at the Telecenter Europe Conference

Albanian Institute of Science as a member of Telecenter Europe Network participated at the annul Conference held in Beograd between 24-25 of September. Issues of employment in the ICT sector at the european market and the capacity building over different target groups were the main focus of the conference. Moreover the conference served to present […]

Jora Risto announced as e-Participation Ambassador for Albania

e- Participation awards on 8th of December at the European Parliament in Brussels Albanian Institute of Science as a member of the Telecenter Europe Network within the e-UROPA project during May–September 2015 organized the online competition “My e-participation Story”. The competition aimed the collection of the most significant stories related to the use of e-participation […]

Money, Government and Politics, program was presented at TransparencyCamp 2015

September 11-12, Washington DC Even this year our organization AIS was part of TransparencyCamp 2015 an “unconference” for OpenGov, organized by Sunlight Foundation. Each year the event gather hundreds of people to share their knowledge on the way of using new technologies and policies in making governments more accountable towards their citizens AIS representative Besjana […]

Money Government & Politics

Money, Government and Politics project and its activities address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program opens up and well-structures data about the wealth of high state officials, and expenditures of state institutions, concessionary corporates, and electoral spending.This process enables to track cases of nepotism, embezzlement, and conflict of interest. Access to such data increases transparency, accountability and public pressure in cases of favoritism, and embezzlement of public funds or assets.

Albanian Institute of Science participates at the OGP Dialogue for Western Balkans

On 10- 11 September AIS participated at the Open Government Partnership Dialogue for Western Balkans. The main purpose of the event was the exchange of experiences and the consolidation of policies on the well-functioning of Open Government Partnership. AIS as a non-profitable and non-governmental organizations through Open Data Albania project has contributed not only to […]

Call for reporters within the Open Spending Initiative

In addition to our program Money, Government and Politics, AIS invites media representatives and reporters to become part of a network committed to transparency in public spending. Open Spending Initiative consist in creating a network of affirmed local reporters engaged in informing the public about the public expenditures of budgetary institutions in Albania. In this […]