Entries by aranita

ZA’LART 2015

ZA´LART 2015, is a project where the citizens are invited to denounce (report and alert) on an open source platform (website & app mobile), about problems they encounter during electoral campaigns and electoral day. Citizens are empowered with tools that allow them to participate in a real time monitoring process. This project is a new […]

Smart Tourist Albania

This project establishes a social media outlet where citizen-fed information becomes important and stimulates the solution of problems. Goal: Create a movement in which citizens intervened directly with voluntary actions on environment, culture and tourism in the country. Donor: American Embassy, Open Society Foundation Albania Duration: 2012/2013 Module: ** Web Platform ** Mobile App ** […]

Java e Përdorimit të Internetit – Get Online Week Albania 2012

Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave në partneritet me Telecentre Europe organizon për herë të parë në Shqipëri fushatën: Get Online Week 2012 – Java e Përdorimit të Internetit 2012. Kjo fushatë organizohet prej tre vitesh në vende të Bashkimit Europian. Qëllim i kësaj fushate është nxitja dhe aftësimi i sa më shumë personave në përdorimin e […]

Aksioni Vullnetar “Kalatë e Bregut tim” në Kalanë e Bashtovës

“Kalatë e bregut tim” është një aksion i një grupi vullnetarësh të projektit “Act Now as a Smart Tourist” http://smarttourist.al . Aksioni synon pastrim nga mbeturinat dhe promovim të monumenteve fortifikime në Brigjet e Shqiperise. Këtë rradhë Aksioni ishte në Kalanë e Bashtovës dhe u realizua në datën 1 Maj 2014. Ky projekt mbeshtetet finaciarisht nga […]

Invitation for Participation at “Hackathon Albania 2013”

Open Data Albania is proud to announce its Annual Hackathon 2013. This event is a gathering of friends, activists and citizens that want to give their contribution through visualizations or projects, and help the general opinion. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where we collaborate as a team in writing applications, downloading data, creating visualizations or […]

Central Election Commission violates the Electoral Code concerning Financing of Electoral Subjects

Legal and administrative irregularities in appointing the Auditing Experts After publishing the data about the electoral expenditures for the two last campaigns, Open Data Albania, in an effort to ensure as much transparency as possible over the official data concerning the 2013 Electoral Campaign, found certain violations of the law in the organization of work […]

Electoral Spending as Open Data

Some countries lack the process of the publication and transparency for Electoral Expenditure. Former communist countries, countries with a new democracy or the ones who do not acknowledge political freedom, have not put into law the obligation to publish the Electoral Expenditures. Even in places where this law exists, there are big difficulties in building […]

Qytetarët dhe Zëri i tyre në Zgjedhje – ZA’LART

Të nderuar miq dhe kolegë Në proçesin Zgjedhor 2013, veç medias tradicionale si Tv dhe Gazeta, fushata po pasqyrohet nëpërmjet raportimeve qytetare edhe në një media sociale me titull zalart.al ZA’LART funksionon si Web dhe së shpejti si App-mobile i shkarkueshëm në celular, i cili që kur u aktivizua ka marrë 62 raportime nga tetë […]