Tracing of tenders related to the Natural Disaster of Covid -19, AIS database as an independent monitoring mechanism

AIS has traced tenders carried out by health institutions in the country, creating a database with information on tenders’ procedures, purchases, performance, and status. The database enables transparency and tracing of contracts signed for:

Medications – 

Equipment –

Protective Gears –

Medical Oxygen –


Purchases of Vaccines –

The data are listed by type of procedure and institution. Tracing, transparency, and accountability take particular importance in times of crisis and humanitarian disasters. The database of tenders carried out during the situation of the natural disaster created by Covid19 is part of the project in “Public contracts in a situation of the natural catastrophe caused by Covid-19 – Strengthening the Independent Monitoring Mechanisms”, supported financially by the US Embassy Democracy Commission Small Grants Program in Tirana. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the State Department.

Harta e Parregullsive Zgjedhore dhe Blerjes së Votës,

Shkodra, Dibra, Durrësi, Elbasani janë nga zonat me më shumë raste të raportimeve qytetare për blerje vote në 2015 dhe 2017. Projekti Za’Lart ka një arkivë të krijuar në fushatat zgjedhore 2015 dhe 2017. Në këto fushata janë ftuar qytetarët të raportojnë përmes një aplikacioni me të njëjtin emër Za’Lar Raised Voise-ICT for fair Elections. Qindra raportime qytetare, kryesisht anonime kanë bërë të mundur evidentimin e shkeljeve zgjedhore dhe identifikimin e hartës së parregullsive. Arkiva, Në 2017 projekti Za’Lart  ka krijuar Hartën e Shkeljeve Zgjedhore

Shkodra dhe Dibra rezultojnë nga qarqet me më shumë indice për parregullsi, blerje vote, presione dhe korrupsion zgjedhor. Përmbajtja e parregullsive u krijua në bazë të denoncimeve qytetare kryesisht me video dhe audio. Disa nga faktet janë të njohura publikisht por jashtë vëmendjes së Institucioneve të Hetimit. Më poshtë po listohen disa raportime në Za’Lart Zgjedhje 2017 për Qarkun Shkodër.

Shkodër Shpërndahen ndihma në Selinë e PSD një ditë para datës së votimit 2017

Tom Doshi premton pako ndihme për 400 familje pakica egjyptiane në Shkodër, 2017

Qytetarët ofrojnë të shesin Votën, e kemi bërë çdo herë kemi të paktën të sigurojmë një muaj jetesë

Banorë të Malësisë së Madhe: Na kërcënojnë për votën

Përfundojnë në Spital Kryetarja e LSI Puke Znj.Saimira Laçi dhe kryetarja e LRI Znj.Romina Kuçi janë kërcënuar dhe lënduar nga drejtues dhe përfaqësues te PS ne Puke

Të burgosur nga Dukagjini fushatë me Video nga Burgu

Të tjera postime janë në platformën Za’Lart dhe në YouTube

Za’Lart është një projekt i organizatës AIS , ICT for Fair Election. Përmes një platformë me të njëjtën emër projekti u jep mundësi qytetarëve të raportojnë shkelje, parregullsi, incidente dhe problematika zgjedhore në kohë reale. Kjo bën të mundur listimin e parregullsive dhe evidentimin e fakteve për blerje vote dhe korrupsion zgjedhor. Projekti është zhvilluar në zgjedhje 2015 dhe 2017.  Disa nga raportimet janë verifikuar nga një ekip gazetarësh i atashuar pranë Projektit për fushatat zgjedhore. Organizata nuk është në proces monitorimi për Fushatën Zgjedhore 2021, por mbështet çdo iniciativë për monitorim dhe zgjedhje të rregullta.

AIS is looking for a Public Relations and Outreach Officer

Position:                     Public Relations and Outreach Officer

Program:                  Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption

Publication Date :    01/03/2021

Under:                       Project Director and Head of the Organization

Working period:      29 months (extended over 3 calendar years).

Salary: Net total salary plus mandatory employer’s and employee’s contributions, plus salary tax, of 848 Euros per month (net salary, considering applicable obligations as of March 2021 is approximately 72 300 Albanian lek).

Deadline for application: 1 May 2021, application to be sent to [email protected]

AIS, an organization committed to transparency, accountability, good governance and anticorruption, is implementing programs in the above-mentioned areas. In order to increase the visibility of the organization and that of the results of its projects, the organization is looking for a Public Relations and Outreach Officer.

Job description: The Public Relations and Outreach Officer will commit to drafting, developing, and implementing the methodology and strategy for public communication. He/she will issue media advisories, narrative reports, notifications, promotional materials, information for education and promotional purposes in the framework of the project activities carried out by the organization. Participate in maintaining a Blog for transparency, and in designing multimedia instruments for visibility purposes. He/she will work towards engaging the public through social networks. The Public Relations and Outreach Officer will also be in charge of analyzing the impact of the organization’s activities on certain groups targeted as beneficiaries through information and awareness. Participate and contribute to drafting the organization’s work plan and communication strategy.

The selected candidate will be engaged for a 29-month working period during three years 2021-2024. Months of engagement will correspond with the project calendar of activities. The monthly gross salary for this position is 848 Euros. This includes the deductible mandatory (employer’s and employee’s) contributions, plus the 40% tax on the (declared) salary.

The selected candidate must perform his/her duty in the organization’s office and be flexible to travel as needed for the program’s activities and presentations (events and training courses).

Public Relations and Outreach Officer report to the Project Director. He/she will have the obligation to co-operate and guarantee his/her willingness to work in a team and have a clear vision of communicating and co-operating with media actors.


  • University Diploma, preferably in Human Sciences.
  • Previous working experience of over 2 years in the Media or Public Relations.
  • Good writing and reporting skills.
  • Knowledge in the use of multimedia instruments and social media in public communication.
  • Knowledge of Open Data standards and techniques.
  • Good knowledge of English language.
  • Ability to communicate with experts and staff engaged in different professional profiles.
  • Ability to draft press releases, public notifications, narrative summaries, requests for information, abstracts, essays and information articles.
  • Ability to use precise terminology on public spending, procurement, legislative procedures, and public law in general.
  • Ability to work with inter-sectoral terminology by using dictionaries of terminology.
  • Knowledge and ability to follow current news and developments.
  • Ability to communicate with project experts, media representatives, and civil actors.
  • Knowledge in the use of social media and multimedia instruments.

In addition to meeting the job technical requirements, candidates must be people of integrity and motivated to work on issues related to information and awareness.

Candidates must submit their CV to [email protected]. The CV should contain information about the university education, professional experience, and the requirements for the position. The CV should be accompanied by a paragraph containing references to previous work experience. The candidates selected based on their CV will be invited for an interview. The organization shall have the right to a two-week probation period based on practical tasks before confirmation of appointment.

The contract will be signed for a renewable period of six months following the project implementation calendar.


Terms of Reference:

  • Follow carefully all the activities of the organization and their results.
  • Draft reports, memos, media advisories, and promotional texts about the project results.
  • Lead processes for preparing multimedia instruments (videos, banners, flash banners, folding sheets, etc.) related to the project and its performance.
  • Communicate with journalists by committing to increase the visibility of Open Data, and support journalists on their inquiries for more information and better skills in using the information available.
  • Participate in organizing events and prepare notifications, information, and promotional materials about them.
  • Draft methodologies and work plans for communication with civil actors for each open data database developed by the organization.
  • Prepare narrative reports for any sub-activities related to the media, communication, promotion, awareness, and education.
  • Inform the Project Director and staff about the project’s impact on the public, and about the need for interventions for each activity.
  • Compile periodic evidence on the dissemination and impact of the project results on the media and public.
  • The selected candidate must perform his/her duties by being physically present in the organization’s offices. Remote/online employment shall only apply during humanitarian emergencies.
  • Report every day by email on his/her day’s work.

The CV is required in Albanian, and should be as simple as possible, and not in any certain forms or standards. Candidates must send their CV to [email protected] under the subject “Application for Public Relations and Outreach Officer ” no later than May 1st, 2021.

Kërkohet një Ekspert Lokal Përmirësim i Kapaciteteve Organizative dhe Institucionale

Datë 05/03/2021

AIS, një organizatë jofitimprurëse e angazhuar në Transparencë, Llogaridhënie dhe Mirëqeverisje është duke kërkuar një ekspert lokal për angazhim me kohë të pjesshme ditë pune. Eksperti duhet të asistojë organizatën në hartimin e disa dokumenteve si rregullore dhe manual të praktikave të mira menaxheriale dhe financiare. Eksperti duhet të vlerësojë edhe nevojat për ndërhyrje në statut dhe të bashkëpunojë në hartimin e strategjisë së punës së Organizatës. Angazhimi është me kohë të pjesshme 20 ditë pune në vit, në dy vite me pagesë bruto për 20 ditët e punës në vlerën 3000Euro (viti i parë).

Eksperti duhet të jetë prezent në zyrat e AIS gjatë zbatimit të angazhimit dhe në bashkëpunim me Drejtorin dhe Sekretarin e Organizatës.

Kriteret. Personi duhet të ketë eksperienca në rritje të kapaciteteve institucionale apo auditim institucional në sektorin jofitimprurës. Kjo eksperiencë duhet vendosur në CV-në që do të përcillet për përzgjedhje. Eksperti Lokal duhet të njohë dhe zotërojë parime të rregullimit ligjor, institucional, financiar dhe të burimeve njerëzore në një subjektit ekonomik. Ai/Ajo duhet të zotërojë shumë mirë gjuhën shqipe dhe gjuhën angleze.

Kandidati duhet të ketë eksperienca të mëparshme në hartimin e dokumenteve të sipër kërkuara dhe duhet ti artikulojë qartë këto eksperienca.

Përveç Ekspert në këtë thirrje mund të aplikojë edhe një subjekt që ka punë të ngjashme të mëparshme, dhe është i gatshëm të bashkëpunojnë me tarifën e mësipërme.

Në adresën [email protected] duhet të dërgohet një BIO e shkurtër me të dhëna për kriteret dhe angazhimet e mëparshme.

2021 Budget, Public Costs envisioned for Private Public Partnership (PPP) Concessions

Open Data Albania is investigating the costs envisioned to be paid for Private Public Partnerships (PPP) or concessions, covered by the 2021 state budget. The article conducts an analysis of the concessionary PPP contracts that are active in 2021 and the costs envisioned for each of these contracts for the period 2018-2023.

In 2021, according to the Explanatory Report of Law No. 137, the 16.12.2020 ‘On the 2021 Budget’, 18 PPP concessions are to be covered by public funds. Over 274 concessionary companies are registered in the country. For each of them, the Concessionary Register created by AIS organization contains information and data on the scope of the contract, its management, and performance. Of these concessionary PPP contracts, some are budgeted and paid directly from the state budget. The total value envisioned to support concessions from public funds for 2021 is a planned amount of 14 432 692 000 (fourteen billion and four hundred and thirty-two million and six hundred and ninety-two thousand ALL). If we convert it to Euros, it is equal to around 116 769 352 (one hundred and sixteen million and seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand and three hundred and fifty-two) Euros, according to the official average exchange rate of the Bank of Albania for 2020.

Data: MFE (2020), Report for 2021 state budget, downloaded on 21.12.2020
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania

The planned cost for 2021 for covering these concessions by public funds is equal to fifteen point seventy-four (15.74%) per cent of the total investments envisioned in the 2021 budget.

In terms of the budget deficit, the value stands at thirteen points twenty-eight (13.28) per cent of the projected deficit value for 2021.

Also, the planned cost for covering PPP concessions by public funds expressed in terms of Gross Domestic Product results in zero point zero nine (0.09) per cent of the Gross Domestic Product.

The legal condition for calculating Costs for covering PPPs by public funds and state budget is that the total amount of annual net payments, which are conducted by the central government units, which result from the concessionary contracts or public private partnerships (PPP), should not exceed the limit of 5 per cent of the actual budget tax revenues of the previous year. For 2021, the costs planned for PPP concessionary contracts are estimated at three points twenty-six (3.26) per cent of tax revenues.

Data: MFE (2020), Report for 2021 state budget, downloaded on 21.12.2020
Processing and Analysis: Open Data Albania

The highest cost among thirteen contracts envisioned for public funding for 2021, is marked by the contract for the construction and operation of “Rruga e Arbrit” (Arber Road). The projected value for this contract is 4 105 100 000 (four billion and one hundred and five million and one hundred thousand ALL, or 28% of the cost planned for the total PPP for 2021. This is the contract with the highest value, signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. The contract is implemented by the concessionary company Gjoka 87. The contract is signed in 2018 with the company Gjoka Konstruksion. During the period 2019-2023, payments envisioned as budgetary support from public funds for the contract are estimated at 16 529 100 000 (sixteen billion and five hundred and twenty-nine million and one hundred thousand).

The second largest contract is the one entitled Concession/PPP (Provision of customized set of surgical instruments, sterile single-use medical supplies used in surgical halls, biological waste treatment and disinfection of surgical halls). The projected value in 2021 for this contract covered by public funds is 1 704 982 000 (one billion and seven hundred and four million and nine hundred and eighty thousand) ALL, or 12% of the planned total cost for 2021. This contract is signed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. This contract is managed by SaniService concessionary company and is signed with this company in 2015. During the period 2018-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are projected at 10 027 713 000 (ten billion and twenty-seven million and seven hundred and thirteen thousand) ALL.

The third largest contract ais entitled “Customs scanning service”. The projected value for this contract is 1 580 698 000 (one billion and five hundred and eighty million and six hundred and ninety-eight thousand) ALL or 11% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Finances and Economy. This concessionary contract is managed by 2S Albania company. The contract is signed in 2013 with Rapiskan company, and is amended law in 2015. For the period 2018-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 9 667 011 000 (nine billion and six hundred and sixty-seven million and eleven thousand) ALL.

The fourth contract in terms of the projected total cost is the one entitled “For the construction of the landfill, incinerator, and rehabilitation of existing Tirana waste disposal sites and electricity production. The projected value for this contract is 1 386 921 000 (one billion and  three hundred and eighty-six million and nine hundred and twenty-one thousand) ALL or 10% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy/Tirana Municipality. The contract is implemented by Integrated Energy BV SPV, owned by GeoGenix.  The contract is signed in 2017. For the period 2018-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds for this concessionary project are estimated at 7 474 381 000 (seven billion and four hundred and seventy-four million and three hundred and eighty-one thousand) ALL.

Ranking continues with the PPP project for “Provision of Hospital Laboratory Services” The projected value for this contract is 1 280 444 000 (one billion and two hundred and eighty million and four hundred and forty-four thousand) ALL or 9 % of the planned total cost for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The concessionary contract is implemented by the laboratory NETWORKS company. The contract was signed in 2019 with a consortium consisting of a union of operators like Labopharma Sh.p.k & Exalab France & AB Laboratory Solutions B.V. For the period 2021-2023, payments envisioned as budgetary support for this contract, and covered by public funds are estimated at 6 923 565 000 (six billion and nine hundred and twenty-three million and five hundred and sixty-five thousand) ALL.

The concession/PPP for the medical checkup of the population aged 35-70 is planned to be paid during 2021 in an amount of 876 090 000 (eight hundred and seventy-six million and ninety thousand) ALL, or 6% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. This concessionary contract is implemented by 3P Life Logistic. The contract is signed in 2015. For the period 2018-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 5 256 523 000 (five billion and two hundred and fifty-six million and five hundred and twenty-three thousand) ALL.

Another concession contract that is active and covered with public funds is the one entitled “The construction, operation and maintenance of the Milot-Morine Road”. The projected value for this contract in 2021 is 800 259 000 (eight hundred million and two hundred and fifty-nine thousand) ALL, or 5.5% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. This concessionary contract is managed by the concessionary company “ALBANIAN HIGHWAY CONCESSION”. The contract is signed in 2016 with the consortium ‘Catalyst Viva Das General Contracting LLC, Salillari, sh.p.k, Bee Tech-Violiap Ateve and Kastrati, sh.a’’. For the period 2019-2023, payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 3 704 262 000 (three billion and seven hundred  and four million and two hundred and sixty-two thousand) ALL.

The next active contract in 2021 covered with public funds is the one entitled the Concession/PPP (Provision of the Dialysis Service in 5 regional hospitals). The projected value for this contract is 779 000 000 (seven hundred and seventy-nine million) ALL, or around 5.4% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This concessionary contract is managed by the concessionary company “DiaVita”. The contract is signed in 2016. For the period 2018-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 4 475 539 000 (four billion and four hundred and seventy-five million and five hundred and thirty-nine thousand) ALL.

Another concessionary contract is the one entitles The construction, operation and transfer of the incinerator for processing of Fier urban waste. The projected value for this contract is 752 770 000 (seven hundred and fifty-two million seven hundred and seventy thousand) ALL, or about 5.2% of the planned total cost for 2021.  This concessionary contract is managed by the company Integrated TechnologyWaste Treatment Fier. The contract is signed in 2016. For the period 2018-2022, payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 3 763 852 000 (three billion and seven hundred and seventy-three million and eight hundred and fifty-two thousand) ALL.

An active concession project in 2021 is the one entitled “For improving educational infrastructure in the municipality of Tirana. The projected value for this project is 658 325 000 (six hundred and fifty-eight million and three hundred and twenty-five thousand) ALL, or about 5% of the planned total cost for 2021. There are currently two contracts to improve educational infrastructure through PPP concessions (known as the concessionary schools). The contract for improving the educational infrastructure in Tirana Municipality in Zone is implemented by concessionary company Z.M.A. The contract is signed in 2018 with the winning group of operators, including: GI KONS shpk, MET ENGENEERING shpk and ZENTI&CO. This project is covered by the contract “For improving educational infrastructure in the municipality of Tirana in Zone 4. This contract is implemented by the concessionary company Tirana 4. The contract was signed in 2020 with the concessionary group of companies consisting of:  The Union of economic operators: Alba Konstruksion shpk, FUSHA, ED KONSTRUKSION, ERZENI/SH, SON Engineering & Construction and A & E ENGINEERING sh.p.k. For the period 2020-2023, payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds for the project are estimated at 4 649 443 000 (four billion and six hundred and forty-nine million and four hundred and forty-three thousand) ALL. This project is supported through the interim tax for improving educational infrastructure, tax paid only in Tirana municipality.

Construction and operation of the access road to Yacht Port – Orikum-Dukat Bypass (St. Elise Bridge) The projected value for this contract in 2021 is 393 979 000 (three hundred and ninety-three million and nine hundred and seventy-nine thousand) ALL, or about 3% of the planned total cost for PPPs for 2021.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. This concessionary contract is managed by the concessionary company “Orikum – Llogara Road”. The contract is signed in 2019 with “GJIKURIA” sh.p.k. For the 2020-2023 payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 2 903 318 000 (two billion and nine hundred and three million and three hundred and eighteen thousand) ALL.

The construction and operation of Milot-Baldren Road is another active concessionary contract, which means costs to the budget. The projected value for this contract is 65,000 (sixty-five million) ALL.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. This concessionary contract is implemented by BARDH KONSTRUKSION company. The contract is signed in 2019 with the company NK sh.p.k as the concessionary, and “BARDH KONSTRUKSION” as the concessionary company. For the period 2020-2023, payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds are estimated at 1464 945 000 (one billion and four hundred and sixty-four million and nine hundred and forty-five thousand) ALL.

The construction, operation and transfer of incinerator for urban waste processing of Elbasan Municipality is the other concessionary contract to be active in 2021 and supported by public funds. The projected value for this contract is 49 124 000 (forty-nine million and one hundred and twenty-four thousand) ALL.  This contract is signed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. This concessionary contract is implemented by ALBTEK ENERGY company. The contract is signed in 2014 by the former contracting authority, the Ministry of Environment with Albtek Energy company and is amended in 2015. For the period 2018-2021, payments envisioned as budgetary support covered by public funds for the project are estimated at 2 033 626 000 (two billion and thirty-three million and six hundred and twenty-six thousand) ALL.

Passports are created in the  OpenCorporates.Al portal for every concessionary PPP company and their owners. Through the Concessionary Companies, 274 such companies can be listed and viewed (registered as of February 2020).

The register of Magistrates, new Profiles of prosecutors and judges introduced to AksesInfoDrejtësi

The Register of Magistrates, a public database created by AIS, is enriched during December-January 2021 by the passport profile of 17 judges and prosecutors (magistrates) who passed the vetting process in recent months or weeks.  Every created passport contains information like the CV, self-declarations, qualifications, scientific research, promotions, disciplinary measures, asset declarations for each individual judge and prosecutor.

  1. Albert Demirneli, Prosecutor
  2. Afërdita Ndoi,  Prosecutor of Appeal Durrës
  3. Dorina Bejko, Prosecutor, District of Pogradec
  4. Arben Qosja, Prosecutor of Appeal, Tirana
  5. Pranvera Pustina, Prosecutor, General Prosecutor Office, reconfirmed on duty by IQC Decision No. 308, dated 14. 10.2020
  6. Moisi Duda, Prosecutor of Appeal Durrës
  7. Enkelejda Osmani Xhengo, Prosecutor, District of Durrës
  8. Sokol Ngresi, Judge of Appeal
  9. Valbona Vata, Judge of Appeal
  10. Erjon Cela, Judge
  11. Anita Mici, Judge
  12. Vojsava Osmanaj, Judge
  13. Altina Nasufi, Judge
  14. Genti Shala, Judge
  15. Irena Brahimi, Judge
  16. Blerona Hasa, Judge
  17. Elona Toro Stavri

Passport profiles have been already introduced in the database for dozens of other judges who have successfully passed the vetting.

Also, AccessInfoJustice enables access by search filters for every document of new justice institution, such as acts, decisions, processes, reports etc.

AIS, an organization promoting Open Data for Albania has created and maintains this data mine.

Eavesdropping of NDrag’heta involving the Municipality of Tirana and the Health Authorities – What do we know so far? published on 21 January an article entitled: Eavesdropping of Ndrag’heta involving the Municipality of Tirana and Health Authorities.

The article as follows:

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The arrest of tens of members of the Italian mafia group, Ndrangheta, emphasized their connection with officials of Tirana Municipality and Rama Government, and their involvement in corrupt tenders and construction permits. The entire money laundering scheme of the Italian Mafia in Albania is suspected to amount for Euro 250 million.
The full interception file contains more than 1000 pages and more is expected to be published in the coming days.
Exit News presents a summary of what is known so far.

Arrests. On 18 January, the Italian Anti-mafia arrested 50 members of the Italian mafia group ‘Ndrangheta’, following a multi-year operation.

Those arrested include:
Mayor of Rosarno in Calabria, Giuseppe Idà,
A member of the same commune council, Domenico Scriva,
The Calabria Entrepreneur Antonio Gallo, known as the ‘Prince’,
Former subtenant of Guardia di Finanza, Ercole D’Alesandro,
The entrepreneurs Tomaso and Saverio Brutto, who were trying to enter the Albanian market. Tomaso Brutto is also a member of the commune council of Cattanzaros, while Saverio Brutto is a member of the commune council of Simeri Crichi in the province of Katanzaro.
The operation included also the arrest of the following seven Albanian nationals, whose involvement is not yet known:

Edmond Baci, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro;
Henrik Baci, born in Albania, resident in Albania;
Odeta Hasaj, born in Albania;
Bilar Hoxha, born in Albania, resident in Albania;
Alban Keta, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro;
Bledar Koçi, born in Tirana, resident in Tirana;
Memlin Voci, born in Albania, resident in Catanzaro.

According to interceptions of those arrested, the arrested Italian entrepreneurs have opened their businesses in Albania, especially in construction and health. Therefore, the mafia representatives have used certain Italian politicians and mediators, who have established contacts with high-0levelpoliticians and officials in Albania.
the interceptions include conversations about meetings with officials of the Municipality of Tirana or ministers, who, in exchange for bribes, would award tenders and construction permits to the Italians.

According to OraNews, which has published some of the interception transcripts, the entrepreneurs Antonio Gallo and Antionio Speziali speak with Lawyer Claudio Larussa, a representative of the entrepreneurs  Tomaso and Saverio Brutto about getting in touch with officials close to Mayor Veliaj. The intention was to get construction permits in the city centre, near the Palace of Culture, where sale prices are high. They also mention health tenders during their conversation, i.e. provision of hospital supplies.

The transcript below dates 28.10.2017.

On the top of page number 618, it says:  “Gallo (Antonio) explains to Speziali, Larussa, and Brutti, how it works in Albania, how one could get tenders in the public sector, implying clearly bribes.
Gallo: He is Albanian, he is the President of this Group there, in Albania.
Speziali: You could work with hospitals, too.
Gallo: I don’t know about that, but he is the President of Sol in Albania, all hospitals, he is close to the Prime Minister, close to the Mayor of Tirana, he is an important person.
Citizens raise their voice to say “No” to the destruction of cultural heritage in Durrës
Speziali:  Claudio (Larussa) went there with the Mayor of Tirana.
Gallo: Yes, he did.
Speziali: Tell me about Albania. I do have the plants ready, but I am a bit sceptical about taking them there. If we get them, and send them there, it’s OK with me, but I don’t want them to cheat me then. We need to send them hedging right person.
(They talk about a person called Nik, an Albanian citizen.)
Gallo: I spoke with this friend of mine, Nik, who told me that the person who got three licences to build in Tirana… has three licenses now, and for the 180 million he will spend, he is expected to give them 10 million.
Speziali: Seriously?
Gallo: He told me they are looking for funders. They find an entrepreneur, who is already OK, and the bank finances him. You can make money out of this, because you can sell them for 4 or 5 million per [square] meter, half of Tirana.
Speziali: Apartments?
Gallo: Apartments. He, this constructor, has three licenses for building skyscrapers.
Speziali: 4000 euro, no… 2700-2800 euro.
Brutto: Oh God …. In the centre of Tirana?
Gallo:  Apartments in the new skyscrapers are sold for 3800-4000 Euro per square meter. And do you know what the actual construction cost is? 510 euro.
Speziali: But if you do something luxurious.
Brutto: Can we talk to this Nik?
Gallo: If you are in Rome, he will be there on November 9th. He is the President of Sol Group in Albania, of oxygen, he is connected to hospitals, to Enel, he is connected with all. He told me clearly. They want 20% for the tenders. So, they (referring to Nik) can pay for it.

Who is Nik – the contact in Albania?

According to MCN TV, ‘Nik’, who is mentioned in the interceptions of the people arrested in Italy, is Besnik Halili. He is known as a person close to mayor Veliaj, and to other Socialist ministers.
Besnik Halili is the sole owner of NCI shpk, and representative of the company GTS-Albanian Technical Gas (Gazra Teknike Shqiptare) shpk, where the sole shareholder is the Italian company Sol s.p.a., which is mentioned in these interceptions.
Besnik Halili is the husband of Luneda Sufali, former director of the Albanian Gambling Supervision Authority (AMLF) during 2013-2015, today Director of the State Social Service.
Tenders won by the company GTS-Albanian Technical Gas shpk
According to Open Data Albania, the company GTS has won 80 tenders in the health sector, amounting to a total of 7.5 million Eur, VAT excluded.
It is striking that GTS has won all the tenders, where it has applied. All the tenders are won for the same fund limit made available from the institutions.
The Open Data Albania Platform had already raised the alarm about the tenders won by GTS shpk without any competition, that is, with GTS being the only company participating in the tender.


The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author. You may find our database by clicking on,, and

Data/ How did Ndragheta’s intercepted company win 80 public tenders in Albania ? “Open Data” raised the red flag, but no one listened to it. has published on 23 January 2021 an article entitled Data: How Ndragheta’s Company won 80 public tenders in Albania. Open Data raised the red flag, but no one listened to it

Persons involved in the Euro 250 million affair in Italy are being interrogated.The data available shows that Ndragheta’s intercepted company has won 80 public tenders in Albania. All in the health sector! As the document shows, the number of tenders already won is 80.


ITALY – The Guarantor of Ndragheta’s Prince, Antonio Gallos, to corrupt the Albanian Government is suspected to be the President of ‘Sol’ Group in Albania, Besnik Halili! The company, which is known in our country as “GTS-Albanian Technical Gas shpk”, is now under the magnifying glass of the authorities, as it is suspected of being involved in money laundering. According to ‘Open Data’, Ndragheta’s intercepted company has won 80 public tenders in Albania. They are all in the health sector! As the document shows, the number of won tenders is 80.


The tenders are all in the health sector. publishes the scheme of the total number of tenders by tendering authority.

It was Open Data, an open platform serving to catalogue the data from the Government institutions, which had already raised the Red Flag in this case. A document made public showed clearly that ‘GTS.SHPK’ had won a tender from the University Hospital ‘Shefqet Ndroqi’. All the tenders announced by the Ministry of Health and their subordinate structures, including Tirana University Hospital Centre for hospital oxygen, are won by “GTS”.

It took the Italian authorities to carry out a huge operation to find out that there is a company in Albania laundering money, and above all, serving as a bridge between the Albanian Government and elements of mafia groups!

Besnik Halili, together with notorious individuals in the Italian state, were identified by interceptions initiated upon finalization of the Italian mega-operation. Thanks to this Police action, 50 persons were arrested, including businessmen and members of Ndrangheta, who were connected to Government officials and businessmen in Albania. They are all accused of being part of a corrupt affair of Euro 250 million.

The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author. You may find our database by clicking on,, and

Albanian Media: Eavesdropping of Italian Anti-Mafia about Influence over Tenders in Tirana. 80 Procurement Processes were already reported by Open Procurement Albania for their risk of Corruption and irregularities

Several news portals have used our databases in January in reporting on corruption and irregularities. Some of them report on alleged connections between eavesdropping made by the 2017 Italian Anti-Mafia (published in Italy in January 2021) and the tenders reported for risk of corruption and irregularities on our database for Transparent Procurement. The Italian Anti-Mafia eavesdropping into persons being investigated as members of the Mafia Organization, Ndrag’heta, sheds light on conversations about pre-arranged tenders and people of suspicious influence over authorities of Official Tirana. The eavesdropping transcripts were published in January 2021 on the Italian media, and were partially republished in Tirana, mainly by media portals or freelance journalists. Certain journalists drew a logical line between the eavesdropping of “people with influence” or “clientelist tenders” and the list of tenders marked by RedFlags for their risk of corruption in our database for Public Procurement.

Our organization has created several databases for some years now, monitoring public contracts in sectors of Health, national Infrastructure, and Municipality. Opening data, using OpenContracting standards, we enable an automatic evaluation of tenders for their risk of lack of competition, and disqualification of all the operators, who submit cost-effective economic bids. These tenders are listed and marked by a Red Flag, as tenders exposed to a high risk of irregularities and procedural issues. The Tender RedFlag Index is an instrument for reporting corruption, an instrument developed by the civil society in the country.

Some excerpts from the media portals:

The article above refers to open and transparent data provided by databases of the organization AIS. The editorial line, arguments, and facts in this article belong to the media and the author, and not necessarily confirmed by OpenDataAlbania. You may find our database by clicking on,, and

The Register of Magistrates and their Scientific Contribution, Publication and Views


Magistrates that are appreciated (viewed) for their scientific research, publications and contribution to the doctrine of law

The Register of Magistrates, created by the organization AIS, promotor of Open Data for Albania, ranks the most favorite Judges and Prosecutors according to Google Analytics and Google Search Console shows in terms of their contribution to the Doctrine of Law and in areas like Constitutional Law, Ownership, Contract Law, etc.

In creating this data mine, containing data and documents for magistrate judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania, in addition to CVs, we have also included decisions, evaluations, self-declarations, and the scientific research done by these magistrates. Below are the most viewed documents on the Access Info Justice database, Register of Magistrates

The most viewed documents for January include:

  1. The PhD Thesis of Ms. Evelina Qirjako is the most viewed document in January. It is entitled “The meaning, importance, and criteria of validity of judicial action in the case of Transfer of Real Estate, its importance, nature and the effect of the registration of a title of ownership in registers of real estate”. This dissertation was defended in 2016 at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Justice. The mentor for this thesis is Professor Ardian Nuni.

Ms. Qirjako has exercised the duty of the Supreme Judge during 2008-2017. Her mandate was terminated by a decision of the Supreme Judicial Council dated 24.04.2019, and her title as a Magistrate is subject for review by the transitory justice institutions. Profile of Ms. Qiriako

  • The second top viewed document in January is a doctoral dissertation in the area of Constitutional Law. The dissertation entitled “The Constitutional Control in Albania, the Role of the Constitutional Court as a guarantor of the Rule of Law and Fundamental Human Rights”. This author of this scientific research in the area of Constitutional Law is Ms. Valbona Bala (Pajo). Mrs. Bala had previously been an Assistant Judge at the High Court. Her re-evaluation process (vetting) was interrupted following a long saga of complaints and decisions by the institutions involved. The dissertation is defended at the University of Tirana with Prof. Aurela Anastasi being the Associate Academic. Document Ms. Bala is an author of scientific publications on issues related with the execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.


  • The third most viewed document written by Magistrates (Magjistrat.AL) is a dissertation for a PhD Degree by a magistrate, whom the temporary Justice Institutions have decided to interrupt the reevaluation process. Ms. Rezarta Mata with her scientific research on “Extra-contractual responsibility of public bodies in Albania” is viewed hundreds of times in January. At the time her reevaluation process was interrupted, Ms. Mata exercised the duty of Judge in the Judicial District Court of Tirana. She has defended her dissertation for a PhD Degree at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, with Professor Ermir Dobjani as her mentor.   Her scientific research is published under the Documents section, in the profile of Magistrate Rrezarta Mata, in the Register of Magistrates.

In the meantime, a good number of views are still marked for the PhD Dissertation of the member of the High Judicial Council, Mr.  Erjon

While the most viewed profiles (not documents) in January are:

Eloida Goxhi

Ardian Dvorani

Olsian Cela

At Access Info Justice ( will find information and documents for the Justice System, institutions and individuals. The database aims to boost public control over integrity, create a model Register of Magistrates, and contribute to ensuring broad access to Sector-related information by boosting public confidence.