Open Data Day 2017, Justice Journalists against the Decision of Tirana Court for non-publication of the Criminal Decisions.

March 4th, 2017 is the OpenDataDay. Actors engaged in opening data in different countries in the world have developed events and presented initiatives promoting Open Data mainly for the public sector. AIS, an organization promoting Open Data for Albania, invited journalists, who cover justice-related issues, to attend a round table on transparency and corruption. The event was opened by the presentation of the RedFlag Index initiative, a way of marking municipality procurement processes exposed to inequality, misuse, and corruption. Following two years of monitoring the tender procedures and contracting of 61 municipalities and the establishment of a database for every procurement procedure, such marking identifies automatically every procedure conducted without competition, and by setting inappropriate deadlines for the bidders to prepare their bids.

The justice journalists at the meeting raised their concern about Tirana Judicial District Court not publishing its criminal cases and decisions thereof on its web. After 12 years of a practice of transparency established by this court, it suddenly decided to stop giving the public access to the court decisions. Such measure was taken following some complaints about the publication of decisions of a private and family character. The Court decided, on this occasion, to stop publishing even decisions of a public and criminal nature, and information necessary for transparency. The journalists have already reported on this development, and expect the Court to issue a media release on March 6th.



Open Data Day 2017, Gazetarët të Drejtësisë kundër vendimit të Gjykatës së Tiranës për mospublikim të Vendimeve Penale.

Data 4 mars 2017 është Dita Për të Dhëna të Hapura  OpenDataDay. Aktorë të angazhuar në çlirimin e të dhënave në vende të ndryshme të botës kanë zhvilluar evente dhe kanë prezantuar iniciativa në dobi të Open Data kryesisht për sektorin publik. Organizata AIS promotore e Open Data për Shqipërinë ka ftuar gazetar që mbulojnë cështje të drejtësisë në një tryezë mbi të dhëna për transparencë dhe antikorrupsion. Fillimisht në tryezë u prezantua iniciativa për RedFlag Indeks, shënimi si të ekspozuar ndaj pabarazisë, shpërdorimit dhe korrupsionit për Tendera të realizuar nga Bashkitë. Pas hulumtimit dy vjeçar të tenderëve dhe kontratave të 61 Bashkive dhe ndërtimit të një databaze me të dhëna për çdo prokurim, shënimi me Red Flag synon të evidentojë automatikisht çdo procedurë që zhvillohet pa garë, pa konkurrencë, pa afate të përshtatshme për përgatitjen e ofertës.

Në takim, gazetarët e drejtësisë ngritën shqetësimin për mos publikim dhe heqje nga web-i online i Gjykatës së Rrethit Tiranë të çështjeve Penale dhe vendimeve mbi ecurinë. Pas 12 vitesh praktikë transparence në publikim gjykata në fjalë ka vendosur të mos japë më akses publik mbi vendimet. Kjo masë është marrë pas ankesave të individëve mbi vendime të karakterit privat dhe familjarë. Por Gjykata ka zgjedhur të bëjë offline të gjithë databazën duke fshehur edhe vendime të karakterit Publik, Penal dhe informacione të tjera të dobishme për transparencë. Gazetarët kanë përgatitur disa njoftime lajme dhe shkrime për këtë zhvillim dhe presin qëndrimin e Gjykatës në një deklaratë për mediat ditën e hënë datë 6 mars.

Follow the Money – Financing of Electoral Subjects and Electoral Corruption

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), a non-Governmental organization known as a promoter of Open Data Albania, is organizing a series of Roundtables, Workshops, and Fora on “Follow the Money”. The first meeting of this cycle was held on 26 October on Public Procurement, Tenders, and Contracts in the Health Sector.

In order to strengthen the role of the media in issues of transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption, AIS invites journalists to apply for participation in the second event on “Financing of Electoral Subjects and Electoral Corruption”. The meeting will address issues related with the electoral law, practice, shortcomings, and elements of impunity regarding electoral corruption.

The second meeting on “Follow the Money” will take place on 8 December on the eve of the International Anti-Corruption Day.

Please Regsiter HERE

For any additional question or information, do not hesitate to write to [email protected] .

Public Health Sector Procurement 2016, an anticorruption and Transparency Program

AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, presented to the media representatives today (26 October) a database containing information regarding procurement and contracts from the Public Health Sector. The data covers the period starting from 1 January 2016, and are updated on a daily basis. They are well-structured and presented in an Open Contracting Data (OCDS) format and standard. Such portal and publication format serve to provide information, ensure transparency, and enable the citizens to monitor the public contracts signed in this sector. It functions as an anti-corruption instrument, and as the basis for fact-based journalism.

The project aims to increase the quality and efficiency of the public procurement process through, amongst others, citizens’ reaction/pressure.

A passport of information is created for each tender. The database contains well-structured data not only about the state institutions responsible for providing health services, but also about public procurements of the Mandatory Health Care Insurance Fund as a mandatory public scheme.

  • The procedure and contract system shows that 4881 public procurement procedures were announced during the first nine months of the year (2016).

  • During this period, 4119 tender procedures were finalized with a winner. The rest of the procedures were either cancelled, or still ongoing. The total fund limit, i.e. the amount of money available for tender procedures, already finalized by contracts being signed was 6.72 milliard Albanian Leks or 55.1 million USD.

  • 4119 contracts of value of USD 55.1 million were achieved by 430 economic operators / contractors. The value of the winning offers, i.e. the value of signed contracts (VAT excluded) is 6.31 billion Albanian Leks or USD 51.77 million .

  • The difference between the fund limit and the winning offer is 6.1% of the planned fund. Such difference shows the quality of competition and the budget efficiency in procurement.

  • Accordingly, the difference corresponds with the money saved thanks to the competition and best economic offers.

  • In the case of procurement in the health sector, such efficiency is too low. Local government units are characterized by a much higher efficiency rate, about 10% higher than the health one. Direct Negotiation, a no-competition procedure, was used to sign contracts of a value of 1.55 milliard Albanian Leks, which is 24.5% of the total procured value (contract value).Procurement procedures with one single competitor were used in 1 260 cases, consisting of an offer value of 1.04 milliard Leks, which corresponds with 16% of the total value of offers. 4.9% of the contracted value is dedicated to Public Works (investments), 25.4% of the total value to Services, 69.6% to Public Supplies and the rest is used for Renting and Consultancy Services. The ten leading companies in terms of the contracted value represent 46.9 % of the total value of contracts.

The company, which marks the highest value contracted in the health sector for the nine first months of 2016, is Megapharma, with 352 contracts and a value of 452 million Leks. In addition, MegaPharma LLC has also signed other contracts of cooperation with other operators. This company is followed by Rejsi Farma LLC with contracts of value of 335 million Albanian Leks and Devis shpk (in third place) with contracts of value of 313 million Albanian Leks.The procuring authority with the highest procured values (2.15 billion Leks) is the University Hospital Centre “Mother Tereza”.Tenders in the public health sector have a direct impact on the quality of life of citizens and patients. About 8 up to 9 % of the state budget are allocated to this sector every year.

The data can be analyzed and searched by: Procuring Authority; Economic Operators who are awarded Public Contracts; Type of Procurement Procedure; Type of Contract; Value of Contract and other data search and analysis options.

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No Name Surname Institution / MEDIA
1 Adriatik Doci Gazeta
2 Almarina Gegvataj ATSH
3 Anjeza Alliu Ministria Shendetesise
4 Anxhela Ruci Gaz Investigative
5 Arlinda Gjonaj ATSH
6 Armida Shukulli Freelance
7 Artan Rama Freelance/Públicus
8 Bashkim Shala Koha Ditore
9 Bepin Kolvataj Tv1 Channel
10 Besa Ombashi OSFA
11 Bledar Hoti Gazeta Shekulli
12 Brikela Qelemeni TV “KORCA”- RTSH
13 Brunilda Bakshevani OSFA
14 Bukurije Kastrati A1 Tv
15 Denisa Canameti Shendet Plus
16 Edmond Shehu HAP Project TDH
17 Elona Tereziu Shendet plus
18 Elvis Nabolli Rozafa
19 Enfrid Islami OSBE
20 Entela Barjamaj Scan Tv
21 Erjola Azizolli Ora News
22 Fatbardha Nergjoni Report Tv
23 Fejzi Braushi Gazeta Mapo
24 Gjergj Erebara BIRN
25 Inva Hasanaliaj Gazeta Mapo
26 Juljan Shota Report Tv
27 Keti Banushi Ora News
28 Klaudja Karabolli Report Tv
29 Klevis Paloka Gazetaria Investigative
30 Manjola Malo World Bank
31 Orjada Tare Leviz Albania
32 Rezar Balla Leviz Albania
33 Rukida Veizi HAP Project TDH
34 Saimir Lleshi Ora News
35 Violeta Shqalsi Scan Tv
36 Xhenisa Skenderaj MIAP
37 Xhevahir Zhabina Tv Klan
38 Xhuliana  Jakimi NewsBomb

AIS, a promoter of Open Data Albania, presented to the media representatives today (26 October) a database containing information regarding procurement and contracts from the Public Health Sector. The data covers the period starting from 1 January 2016, and are updated on a daily basis. They are well-structured and presented in an Open Contracting Data (OCDS) format and standard. Such portal and publication format serve to provide information, ensure transparency, and enable the citizens to monitor the public contracts signed in this sector. It functions as an anti-corruption instrument, and as the basis for fact-based journalism.

The project aims to increase the quality and efficiency of the public procurement process through, amongst others, citizens’ reaction/pressure.

A passport of information is created for each tender. The database contains well-structured data not only about the state institutions responsible for providing health services, but also about public procurements of the Mandatory Health Care Insurance Fund as a mandatory public scheme.

  • The procedure and contract system shows that 4881 public procurement procedures were announced during the first nine months of the year (2016).

  • During this period, 4119 tender procedures were finalized with a winner. The rest of the procedures were either cancelled, or still ongoing. The total fund limit, i.e. the amount of money available for tender procedures, already finalized by contracts being signed was 6.72 milliard Albanian Leks or 55.1 million USD.

  • 4119 contracts of value of USD 55.1 million were achieved by 430 economic operators / contractors. The value of the winning offers, i.e. the value of signed contracts (VAT excluded) is 6.31 billion Albanian Leks or USD 51.77 million .

  • The difference between the fund limit and the winning offer is 6.1% of the planned fund. Such difference shows the quality of competition and the budget efficiency in procurement.

  • Accordingly, the difference corresponds with the money saved thanks to the competition and best economic offers.

  • In the case of procurement in the health sector, such efficiency is too low. Local government units are characterized by a much higher efficiency rate, about 10% higher than the health one. Direct Negotiation, a no-competition procedure, was used to sign contracts of a value of 1.55 milliard Albanian Leks, which is 24.5% of the total procured value (contract value).Procurement procedures with one single competitor were used in 1 260 cases, consisting of an offer value of 1.04 milliard Leks, which corresponds with 16% of the total value of offers. 4.9% of the contracted value is dedicated to Public Works (investments), 25.4% of the total value to Services, 69.6% to Public Supplies and the rest is used for Renting and Consultancy Services. The ten leading companies in terms of the contracted value represent 46.9 % of the total value of contracts.

The company, which marks the highest value contracted in the health sector for the nine first months of 2016, is Megapharma, with 352 contracts and a value of 452 million Leks. In addition, MegaPharma LLC has also signed other contracts of cooperation with other operators. This company is followed by Rejsi Farma LLC with contracts of value of 335 million Albanian Leks and Devis shpk (in third place) with contracts of value of 313 million Albanian Leks.The procuring authority with the highest procured values (2.15 billion Leks) is the University Hospital Centre “Mother Tereza”.Tenders in the public health sector have a direct impact on the quality of life of citizens and patients. About 8 up to 9 % of the state budget are allocated to this sector every year.

The data can be analyzed and searched by: Procuring Authority; Economic Operators who are awarded Public Contracts; Type of Procurement Procedure; Type of Contract; Value of Contract and other data search and analysis options.

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20161026_102051 20161026_102103 20161026_105301


















No Name Surname Institution / MEDIA
1 Adriatik Doci Gazeta
2 Almarina Gegvataj ATSH
3 Anjeza Alliu Ministria Shendetesise
4 Anxhela Ruci Gaz Investigative
5 Arlinda Gjonaj ATSH
6 Armida Shukulli Freelance
7 Artan Rama Freelance/Públicus
8 Bashkim Shala Koha Ditore
9 Bepin Kolvataj Tv1 Channel
10 Besa Ombashi OSFA
11 Bledar Hoti Gazeta Shekulli
12 Brikela Qelemeni TV “KORCA”- RTSH
13 Brunilda Bakshevani OSFA
14 Bukurije Kastrati A1 Tv
15 Denisa Canameti Shendet Plus
16 Edmond Shehu HAP Project TDH
17 Elona Tereziu Shendet plus
18 Elvis Nabolli Rozafa
19 Enfrid Islami OSBE
20 Entela Barjamaj Scan Tv
21 Erjola Azizolli Ora News
22 Fatbardha Nergjoni Report Tv
23 Fejzi Braushi Gazeta Mapo
24 Gjergj Erebara BIRN
25 Inva Hasanaliaj Gazeta Mapo
26 Juljan Shota Report Tv
27 Keti Banushi Ora News
28 Klaudja Karabolli Report Tv
29 Klevis Paloka Gazetaria Investigative
30 Manjola Malo World Bank
31 Orjada Tare Leviz Albania
32 Rezar Balla Leviz Albania
33 Rukida Veizi HAP Project TDH
34 Saimir Lleshi Ora News
35 Violeta Shqalsi Scan Tv
36 Xhenisa Skenderaj MIAP
37 Xhevahir Zhabina Tv Klan
38 Xhuliana  Jakimi NewsBomb

Follow the Money – Series of Workshops

The Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), a non-governmental organization known as a promoter of Open Data in Albania, is planning to hold a series of Round Tables, Workshops, and Forums on the topic ‘Follow the Money’. The events intend to present instruments and databases that ensure data and facts about public expenditures, procurement, contracts, contractors, and other processes related with money and governance. The purpose is to encourage discussion on the use of facts in journalistic investigations or citizens’ advocacy, and to make the fact-finding process more concrete and qualitative. The participants will include journalists and activists from Tirana and other municipalities in the country. The three first round tables will take place during October 2016 – January 2017 on the following topics:

  1. Public Procurement, Tenders, and Contracts in the Health Sector, Date 26 October, Donor: U.S Embassy in Tirana- Democracy Commission Small Grants Program Project Public Health Sector Procurements
  2. Auditing of Political Parties and Electoral Subjects. Donor: Netherlands Embassy in Tirana.
  3. Monitoring of Municipality Clients in Public Contracts, with the support of Lëviz Albania.

Those interested in participating in these events are invited to fill in a registration form, upon the receipt of which we will let you know whether you are selected to participate. AIS is going to reimburse the justified participation costs. The events will take place in the course of one day. The two first ones will take place in Tirana.

Please Regsiter HERE

For any additional question or information, do not hesitate to write to [email protected] .


Training on the use of ICT tools to increase transparency over the budgets and expenditures of the local government units.

The training took place on 13 September, at Doro City Hotel. It aimed at enhancing the capacities of the local government unit employees in independently using transparency instruments over their budgets and expenses: Budget by the Economic Classification of the Actual Expenses (Money Map); Monitoring of Transactions for Local Government (Monitoring Treasury).

10 organizations meet in Tirana on the Perspective of Open Contracting Standards in the Regio

Open Data against abuse and corruption using public money. Ten regional organizations met in Tirana on 28-29 July at a workshop organized by AIS: Civil Monitoring of Public Procurement. The participants analyzed how transparent the data from different phases of public contracting are and presented some CSO initiatives for citizens’ monitoring of public procurement in Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Rumania, and Serbia.  Considering Public Contracts as the number one risk of corruption, representatives of ACER/SELDI, Alternativa, Riinvest, TI for BiH, Initiativa Romania, Open Data Kosovo, Metamorfoza, ANTTARC, KDI, and AIS emphasized the need for applying Open Contracting Standards in the Region. There was also a presentation of  Open Contracting Partnership as an effort for  Brighter Government Deal-making: save money and time, improve service delivery, boost integrity, and create a fair business environment. The presentations of the workshop are all published on AIS website.

foto 1

Speed Geeking, Civil Monitoring of Public Procurement Workshop.


CSOs Presentation, ACER Albania.Civil Monitoring of Public Procurement Workshop.

Workshop, Disucssions

Working Groups,Civil Monitoring of Public Procurement Workshop.

Working Groups