USAID/Albania through Assist Impact supports AIS project: Money, Government & Politics

USAID / Albania and Assist Impact are supporting eight civil society projects to empower democracy. In a special ceremony held on 16 of April, was the signing of grant support agreements. One of the wining projects was that of our organization, called: Money, Government and Politics. The Executive Director Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ signed the agreement on behalf of AIS. Through this project is aimed the promotion of transparency and civic reaction, release of data on the assets declared by senior officials and judges, as well data on assets and public expenditure.

The Ambassador of United States of America in Tirana Mr, Donald LU present at the ceremony emphasized the value of civil society groups in Democracy. In his welcoming speech Ambassador Lu stated that: “The Albanian Government, local governments and private businesses should understand the value of civil society groups and take responsibility to financially support and encourage them. Without a strong civil society, no democracy can be really successful”

Assist Impact is implementing a three-year project for USAID / Albania, entitled “Human and Institutional Capacity Building”. The project aims to support non-governmental organizations, governmental agencies and business associations, in improving their skills and work.

As part of this project, Assist Impact, through a competitive process, has selected eight organizations from all over Albania. The goal of the grant is to increase the participation in decision-making, the role of the community and the accountability of public officials.

USAID+ASSISTIn the picture, the US Ambassador in Tirana Mr, Donald LU with grant beneficiaries.foto 1In the picture, the Ambassador Donald LU and the Executive Director of AIS Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ during the grant ceremony.foto 2In the picture Ms, Aranita BRAHAJ signing the grant agreement.foto 3

AIS participated at Personal Democracy Forum for Central and Eastern Europe

Albanian Institute of Science became part of one of the most important events in Europe dedicated to Technology for Democracy and Active Citizenship. Personal Democracy Forum took place in Poland between 16 and 17 of April.

The topic of this year My Country: Open, Digital, Civic, reflected the interest of exploring how society in different regions, are integrated into the digital age. States are under pressure by citizens for openness and transparency. The forum brought together representatives of non-governmental organizations, activists, public administration officials and journalists from more than twenty countries.

AIS team was represented by Besjana HYSA and Blerta TUCI. Blerta TUCI Project Coordinator of AIS was one of the main panel speakers and presented: Money, Government and Politics, a project for transparency, innovation and civic participation. The presentation prompted the interest of a wide audience with over two hundred participants from prestigious institutes in Europe and other continents.

Money, Government & Politics through the opening of data for decision makers, public transactions and concessions, was estimated as a model of inspiration for civil society in Central and Eastern Europe. Publications in Spending Data Albania were considered as consolidated cases of use of technology for Democracy and Civic Activism.

  • Personal Democracy Forum is an annual conference on how technology is changing politics, government and civic life which started in America in 2004, and took place in Poland for the first time in 2013. Since then, PDF POLAND CEE has become the biggest European event dedicated to technology, democracy and civic engagement.


Presentation link:




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AIS at WeLoveData event

On 24-25 March 2015, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the ECSI organized in Istanbul, Turkey an Open Data Workshop for NGOs in Euro-Asia called WeLoveData. The workshop was designed to address the needs and challenges that the growing open data community is facing in Europe and Central Asia. The workshop brought together 30 journalists, civic activists, and data analysts from over 15 countries across the region.

AIS /Open Data Albania was presented by two of its members, Ms. Shefiko Hajna ( Data Analyst ) for our Money Governments, and Politics Program, and Ms. Marilda Mancka, one of the founders of the organization and the Open Data Albania working group. They shared with the workshop participants the experience of the Albanian NGO in opening data regarding the Public Treasury, Declaration of Assets of Senior Officials, Electoral Spending, and other datasets available on the Spending Data Albania portal. The agenda of the event was very interesting and provided a unique opportunity for civil societies of Euro-Asian countries to share their experiences.


GOW15 at “Ismail Qemali” High School

As part of ‪#‎GOW15‬ activities in Albania, AIS organized two meetings with young people from high school “Ismail Qemali” in Tirana to encourage young people to choose to study in fields where the labor market has more demand.

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Get Online Week 2015 – Anketë

23-29 Marsi është Java e Internetit / Get Online Week 2015. Për të katërtin vit rresht Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) është pjesë e kesaj fushate për fuqizimin dixhital organizuar nga Telecentre Europe nën moton Fuqizohu; Punësohu.Në kuadër të kësaj jave ju lutemi të gjeni pak sekonda kohe të plotesoni këtë pyetësor.

Get Online Week 2015 në Shqipëri

Fuqizohu; Punësohu

AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatënGet Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që njohin internetin dhe teknologjinë. Por ndërsa kërkesa për punë me pagesë të mirë është e kënaqshme, njerëzit që kanë aftësi të punojnë janë më pak se kërkesa. Kjo Javë Promovuese synon ti nxis Europianët të Fuqizohen dhe Përfshihen në këtë treg pune. Mjeti është aftësimi. 20% e Europianëve nuk janë përdorues të internetit. 39% e forcave të punës nuk janë të aftësuar në përdorimin e teknologjisë. Rrjeti Telecenter Europe po punon gjatë kësaj jave përmes partnerëve lokal me rreth 5000 komunitete në qendra trajnuese. Synimi është të aftësohen rreth 50 mijë njerëz dhe të përfshihen dy milion qytetarë të Europës.

AIS si pjesë e network Telecentere Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatën Get Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.

Në Shqipëri kjo javë do të shënojë trajnimin e të rinjve të katër shkollave të mesme publike; aplikimin e një sondazhi që ndihmon të kuptojë sa e përdorin internetin grupmoshat dhe profesionet e ndryshme si dhe mjaft evente mediatike që promovojnë aftësimin profesional në teknologjinë e informacionit.

AIS is attending Open Data Priorities and Engagement event

AIS is attending the event entitled Open Data Priorities and Engagement , that is taking place on 16 and 17 March in Timisoara, Rumania. The event is organized by Share-PSI 2.0, the Network for Innovation in European Public Sector. Our organization, AIS, as a promoter of Open Data Albania, shall be presented in this event as the initiator of the publication of datasets, such as the Concessionary Register. AIS shall be represented in this event by its Executive Director, Ms. Aranita BRAHAJ. The event will take place in West University of Timisoara, distinguished as an innovative University, especially in applying opportunities and modalities offered by IT.

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Real Time Reporting – Training for local journalists

ZA’ LART , ICT for Fair Election

On 12 of March, AIS organized the training entitled:  Real Time Reporting. The training aimed to enhance the capacity of local journalists in monitoring and reporting the problems in the electoral process. Participants were representatives of traditional media (TV and newspapers) from districts of: Korça; Shkodra; Fier; Dibër; Vlora and Kukës. The training is part of project activities of ZA’ LART 2015. Important concept of this project is the use of Information and Communication Technology, ICT in Elections. In the training contributed moderators and trainers engaged in election monitoring and reporting like:

Mimoza KOÇIU, former public relations officer at the institution of the President of the Republic of Albania (2007 – 2012), currently political analyst for various media, trained the participants on the Voting Process Issues and Election Administration irregularities.

Matilda DURI, moderator at ZA’LART, referred on the accessing options and the use of the open source ZA’LART Albania.

Klara DERVISHI, editor-in chief at Ora News, facilitated the training on reporting cases of tension and lack of ethics in election campaigns.

The concept of ICT for fair election was referred by AIS Executive Director, Ms. Aranita BRAHAJ.

Other activities and trainings with small groups of activists and local reporters will take place, in the framework of the process of local government elections of 2015.  ZA’LART  is an AIS program financially supported by OSFA. ZA’LART slogan is Make Elections Count.

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Trajnim në kuadër të projektit ZA’LART – ICT për Zgjedhje të Drejta

Në kuadër të aktiviteteve për projektin ZA’LART 2015, më 4 Mars, AIS organizoi një trajnim- workshop me pjesëtarë të redaksisë Ad-Hoc dhe stafin që do të angazhohet në zbatimin e ketij projekti. Synimi i trajnimit ishte rritja e kapaciteteve dhe aftësimi në përdorim të platformës për monitorim dhe verifikim të problematikave zgjedhore në kohë reale.  Ky trajnim – workshop kishte si synim edhe aftësimin koordinues të pjesëtareve të redaksisë në terren me stafin e angazhuar  pranë zyrës qëndrore të Dhomës së Situatës Zgjedhore. Pjesëmarrës në trajnim ishin përfaqësues të mediave tradicionale (televizione dhe gazeta) në disa Bashki si Fieri, Berati, Elbasani, Ura Vajgurore, Gjirokastra, Kruja, Vora etj. Trajnimi u organizua në kuadër të aktiviteteve të projektit ZA’LART 2015. Koncept i rëndësishëm i këtij projekti është edhe përdorimi i Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Komunikimit TIK në Zgjedhje.

  • Matilda DURI, moderatore pranë Za´Lart referoi mbi opsione të aksesimit dhe përdorimit të open source Za´Lart Albania.
  • Koncepti i ICT për Zgjedhje të Drejta u referua nga drejtore ekzekutive e AIS znj. Aranita BRAHAJ.
  • Griselda RUCI facilitator i trajnimit.

Në javët në vijim, në kuadër të punës për zgjedhjet lokale 2015, do të zhvillohen trajnime me grupe aktivistësh dhe reporterësh lokalë. ZA’LART është një program i AIS i mbështetur financiarisht nga OSFA- Open Society Foundation for Albania. Slogani i ZA’LART është Bëji Zgjedhjet të Vlejnë!

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“Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of the International Open Data Day

Albanian Institute of Science has organized on 21st of February 2015 the workshop “Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of International Open Data Day.  Different journalist, economists and IT engineers discussed at Protik ICT Resources, Tirana, about the benefits and challenges of the Open Corporates Database. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness about open data with special attention to the concessionary companies Data journalism, technology-fueled transparency and consistency of the data were some of the main issues discussed in this workshop. Special attention was given to the use of this database as being the largest database containing information about the corporates in Albania.

By filtering information according to the company type, status, data and many other characteristics, the database is simple to use and offers great facilities which harness the power of ICT to enable transparency and accountability.

For more information see: Open Corporates Albania

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