[Week 07.09.2021- 12.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 07.09.2021 – 12.09.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 702 833 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 895 363 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 24.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 29.7 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )

Indicators as of September 12,  2021, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities:

– New Cases for 7th – 12th September 5 527

– People Testes 7th – 12th September 33 987

– Number of Fatalities for last week,  7th – 12th September – 24 ( Increase from same week 7th – 12th September of  prior year.)

– Number of active cases on 12 September 2021  – 12 766

-Hospitalization  12 September  2021 – 175 ( Increase from same week 7th – 12th September of  prior year.)

– Total Number of Fatalities 2 543

– Total Number of Infected People  157 026

– Number of recovered patients (7th – 12th September) 4845

-Infected Number / Tested Number for 7th – 12th September – 16.2% (Increase from prior week)

-Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 7th – 12th September – 0.43% (Increase from prior week)

-Hospitalized /Active cases as per 12 September 2021 – 1.37 % (Increase from prior week)

– Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

– Population above 15 years  2 362 375.


The same week, September 7-12, last year (September 7-12, 2020) there were: 14 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 10 more deaths in 2021. ( This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

A total of 930 new cases and 5123 tests for (September 7-12, 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

Active on the 12th were 4361 people (September 7-12, 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

174 people were hospitalized on the 12th of September 2020.  (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for September 2020 = 14/930*100=1.5%

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.


In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. We will publish a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

-Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid

-Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/

-Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en

-Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/


Political and Media Debate on Corruption in Procurement, AIS contributes through facts and truths

The country got involved in a political and media debate over corruption in Tenders just weeks before the start of the third governing term of the SP and Prime Minister Rama. The debate began following the arrest of the Director of the Centralized Purchasing Agency and an incumbent Mayor. The government recognizes corruption in Procurement as a phenomenon of Municipalities. However, an Algorithm for risk assessment in tenders created by AIS/Open Data finds that central government sectors such as Health, Road Investment, and State-Owned Enterprises involve a higher risk and potential for abuse compared to Municipalities. Influential media in the country like VOA or TopChannel introduced facts and findings of our organization into this public argument. Open Data Albania is often quoted in the media and part of public debates in the country.


  1. VOA: Prime Minister Rama: Municipalities should not abuse tenders. Open Data: Central Governement has made more violations with tenders than local government.

2. TopChannel TV / Vetting also for Tenders. Experts: Biggest Abuses occur when the Law is Circumveted. The National Media Top Channel has launched one of its news editions in July 2021 with the title: Vetting for Public Tenders. Corruption in Tenders and Procurement has been a very sensitive aspect of the Political and Public Debate for weeks before the beginning of the Third Mandate of the ruling Socialist Party led by Edi Rama.

3. VOA prepares a special report on Corruption in Public Procurement. Corruption in Albania in the field of Public Procurement has brought over $120 million in financial damage to the state budget over the last decade – this is how Voice of America opens its special report on the Procurement Sector in the Country through its reported Mimoza Picari.

Other media citations and impact through data are listed http://ais.al/new/media/

or at webpage NdiqParate (Follow the Money) http://ndiqparate.al/en/category/media-en/oda-in-media/

Top Channel TV / Vetting also for Tenders. Experts: Biggest Abuses occur when the Law Is Circumvented

The National Media Top Channel has launched one of its news editions in July 2021 with the title: Vetting for Public Tenders. Corruption in Tenders and Procurement has been a very sensitive aspect of the Political and Public Debate for weeks before the beginning of the Third Mandate of the ruling Socialist Party led by Edi Rama.

Transcript of the interview:

Journalist: The biggest weaknesses of the public procurement system, which even the frequent legislative changes do not seem to be able to solve, are the main cause of abuse with tenders. The expert of this field, Aranita Brahaj, explains that legislation leaves significant room for violations and what is most problematic is the contracts signed by circumventing the procurement system. What is a concern now, she adds, is the tender procedures for reconstruction.

Aranita Brahaj: Contracting through special laws or contracting on basis circumventing legislation on public procurement are the largest malfunctions. While a tender may have irregularities and problematic criteria, the way these contracts are made are not subject to any system in charge of monitoring the process before the call for tender is about to be published. The Public Procurement Agency does not have anyone in charge of monitoring these specific tenders either. There is no system in place to provide a lawyer’s evaluation of public procurement. The level of risk and corruption in a system relying only on an automated evaluation of 3 or 4 indicators is very high.

Journalist: Even though a new law on public procurement entered into force since January this year, Brahaj argues that this law does not put an end to the chain of abuse. She proposes a deep public procurement reform.

Aranita Brahaj: We should start with those responsible for making special laws. A control mechanism should function at the Public Procurement Agency. So, we need an evaluation system in place for the public procurement employees, an automatic system. Once they reach a certain margin of error, they should lose their right to exercise their function.

Journalist: Only a few days ago, PM Edi Rama, admitting problems with the tenders, said that some of the institutions did not take into consideration the recommendations of the Public Procurement Agency.

Link to the interview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJzce6_V1oE

VOA prepares a special report on Corruption in Public Procurement Albania

Corruption in Albania in the field of Public Procurement has brought over $ 120 million in financial damage to the state budget over the last decade – this is how Voice of America opens its special report on the Procurement Sector in the country through its reporter Mimoza Picari.

The Voice of America findings are based on official reports from the State Audit Institution and the Audit Unit under the Ministry of Finances. The Report includes the views and comments of the representatives from the Community of Investors and Law and Audit Experts in the country.  The special report of the Voice of America included also the findings of AIS Organization, which through Public Procurement.al scans every day and identifies abusive tender procedures at the level of Local Government, National Investments; Health, and State-Owned Enterprises.

The Director of the Organization, Mrs. Aranita Brahaj, says that the biggest problem lies in contracts approved by special laws. State authorities say improvement is made in the area of procurements, but they are aware that this has not changed the public perception about problems running deep.

Link to the interview: https://www.zeriamerikes.com/embed/player/0/6004542.html?type=video

Link to the article: https://www.zeriamerikes.com/a/prokurimet-publike-dëmi-në-buxhet-mbi-120-milionë-dollarë/6004542.html

Investigation initiated following AIS report on Government Misuse of Public Funds for Electoral Purposes

The State Election Commissioner initiated an administrative investigation into alleged Misuse of Public Funds in Elections through individual grants issued in the framework of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Fund. Through its letter registered by Protocol No. 6092, the Commissioner asked both the Central Government, and the Local Government in Durrës to provide information about the subject and facts involved in AIS/OpenData Albania Report. By Decision no. 439, it was decided for the Investigation to be considered a complex case that requires additional administrative investigation and a deadline of longer than 60 days.  The organization AIS has reported that the Government is using the Reconstruction Fund allocated following the Novermber 2016 earthquake for electoral purposes. In Durrës, the Central and the Local Government approved and paid certain individuals during the electoral campaign days, for which the Electoral Code contains special provisions. Our organization addressed the Commissioner, asking for administrative investigation, acknowledgment of facts, verification, and independent international expertise on the use of funds in electoral campaigns. Ultimately, an evaluation of the responsibilities for Electoral Favoritism through Misuse of Public Money (Article 92/5 of the Code) is expected. You may find more information about the arguments and evidence we have submitted to the Commissioner on our website LINK

Prime Minister Rama: Municipalities should nor abuse tenders. Open Data: Central Governement has made more violations with tenders than local government.

The Informative Edition of the Voice of America broadcast on Friday, June 9, a chronicle on the Albanian Government’s Position on Corruption in Public Tenders. After several arrests of senior officials, Prime Minister Rama in a meeting with mayors raised the issue of Local Government performance in relation to tenders as problematic for corruption. VOA asked the director of Open Data Albania for a comment. Since 2015, this organization provides well-structured data and risk assessment for clientelism and corruption with tenders of important public sectors.

Article below:


In Tirana, Prime Minister Edi Rama called on mayors to end corrupt practices with tenders and procurement, so that they do not become subject to SPAK investigations, as the mayor of Lushnja. While the monitoring organization Open Data Albania told VOA that the government and its agencies are on the top as the most suspected of corruption and clientelism, especially in the sectors of Health, Roads, and Reconstruction.

A few days after the arrest of the mayor of Lushnja and other employees from SPAK for abuse of tenders, Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with mayors and called on them to comply with the law, so that they do not become subject to investigations by the special anti-corruption office.

Mr. Rama said that the criteria introduced purposefully in tenders as “customized suits for the winners” and the lack of competition are a phenomenon that must come to an end along with bribery and corruption in local government.

He said that the municipalities have been indifferent to requests to improve their work, even when they have had advice from the procurement agency.

“88.5% of the procedures have resulted in problems with how the criteria are drafted, and the relevant municipalities have been given precise recommendations by the Public Procurement Agency. 52.5% of the municipalities did not react and did not any reflection any of such technical recommendations in their procurement processes. The ‘hand-made sewing of the tender procedure’ directly affects the degree of participation, competition, and fairness of public operators. It is a predatory, ugly, and exclusion technique” – said Mr. Rama.

Prime Minister Rama said that there is a red line between personal and party acquaintances and lawbreakers, so mayors should rather not interfere with public procurement, and not play with a fire that will become more and more scorching.

But the monitoring organization Open Data Albania told VOA that municipalities are not the most problematic when it comes to abusive tenders, compared to others.

The head of the organization Open Data Albania, Aranita Brahaj, asked by VOA, stated that central government tenders are much more problematic than those of the municipalities in terms of lack of competition, repeated cancellations, negotiations, and non-compliance with deadlines.

It is true that municipalities have a 30% level of tenders with risk of corruption and abuse, but municipalities are not the most problematic sector. According to Open Data, the same methodology indicates that 40% of tenders in the Health sector are found to be exposed to a high risk of corruption and clientelism.

There are also tenders of the Road Authority or the Albanian Development Fund, which are characterized by the concentration of funds in a few businesses.

“These tenders include disqualification of operators that offer lower values, leading to high bids winners” – states Open Data.

Problems and major defects are also identified with the earthquake reconstruction fund , where in the second year, after the disaster, billions of Albanian leke were used by signing contracts through limited procedures, without bidding, and within deadlines of only 10 days for operators to express their interest.

“Although this involves high values, no foreign companies come on the scene, money is concentrated in a few hands and the lack of competition is established by law, as the government applies the Normative Act of December 2019, bypassing the procurement legislation” – says Ms. Brahaj. the director of Open Data.

The State of Natural Disaster has ended as a status quo, but the Normative Act continues to be used, she stressed. The values of tenders are concentrated in a few businesses, foreign companies are reluctant to participate in competitions, notes the organization Open Data Albania.

Kërkesë për Informim mbi në lidhje me Shoqërinë e Biznesit që është palë në marrëveshjen e lidhur me shtetin Shqiptar.

Open Data Albania OJF ka drejtuar një kërkesë për informacion në lidhje me Shoqërinë e Biznesit që është palë në marrëveshjen e lidhur me shtetin Shqiptar për prodhimin dhe furnizimin nga dhe ndërmjet Pfizer Overseas LLC dhe Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë, Institutit të Shëndetit Publik dhe Ministrit të Shtetit të Rindërtimit, e miratuar me Akt Normativ datë 16 Qershor 2021.


Kërkesën e plotë për Informim e gjeni Këtu.

Gjithashtu gjeni përgjigjen e plotë të kthyer nga Ministria e Shëndetësisë Këtu.

NewsBomb publikon: 1 Miliard Euro Koncesione për 4 vite, cilat janë projektet dhe kompanitë, nga Gjoka tek Bardhi Konstruksion dhe Bushtrica Hydropower

News Bomb ka publikuar në datën 10 Qershor 2021, një Artikull me titull 1 Miliard Euro Koncesione për 4 vite, cilat janë projektet dhe kompanitë, nga Gjoka tek Bardhi Konstruksion dhe Bushtrica Hydropower. Ky artikull ilustron kosto koncesionare sipas kompanive duke përdorur Pasaporta më informacion të krijuara në Portalin Open Corporates Albania, Kategoria Kontraktor Publik. Ky artikull informon publikun mbi kontraktorët e mëdhenj duke i prezantuar ata edhe përmes Pasaportës tonë (AIS OpenCorporates.Al) , pasaporta ku ka informacion shterrues për Kompaninë, Kapitalin, Objektin, Zotëruesit, lista e Pagesave nga Transaksione Thesari, performanca ekonomike dhe lista e kontratave sipas tenderimeve me Qeverisje Lokale. Pasaportat që shfaqen në artikull janë për kompanitë: Gjoka 87Bardh KonstruksionOrikum Llogara , Integrates Energy BV SPV , Eco CleaningTirana 4 shpk.

Artikulli përdor Pasaporta të Shoqërive të Biznesit të cilat janë produkt i Aktiviteteve të Projektit të AIS mbi Transparencën për Kontraktor të Bashkive dhe Kontraktimeve me Impakt për Qeveritë Lokale. Projekti ka titull “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Link Origjinal Artikulli https://newsbomb.al/1-miliard-euro-koncesione-per-4-vite-cilat-jane-projektet-dhe-kompanite-qe-jane-dyndur-ne-para-nga-gjoka-te-bardhi-konstruksion-dhe-bushtrica-hydropower-e-plote/

EXIT.AL publikon: 622 Milion Euro pagesa për Koncesionet deri 2023

Portali EXIT.AL në datën 5 Qershor Publikoi Artikullin me Titull: 622 Milion Euro pagesa për Koncesionet deri në 2023. Artikulli bazohet tek informacioni i prezantuar nga organizata jonë mbi vlera të parashikuara për buxhetim nga Financat Publike për disa biznese koncesionare. Në artikull janë prezantuar me hiper link Pasaporta të disa Kompanive të krijuara si pjesë e aktivitetit të Projektit të AIS me Leviz Albania. Më konkretisht pasaporta e shoqërive Integrated Energy BV SPV kontraktor me bashkinë Tiranë; Integrates Thechnology Waste Treatment dhe pasaporta të disa shoqërive të tjera.

Artikulli jep fakte ekonomike për shpenzime publike në shërbime dhe vepra publike të dhëna në PPP Koncesion dhe përdor informacion të mirëstrukturuar duke Listuar kompanitë dhe duke ilustruar listimin me pasaportën e secilës Kompani që është Kontraktor Publik në një Koncesion PPP.

Mbi 662 milionë euro do të shpenzojë qeveria për pagesat e 15 koncesioneve për periudhën 2018- 2023. Kjo e dhënë u publikua nga organizata për transparencën e fondeve publike, Open Data Albania.

Qeveria parashikon të paguajë më shumë këto koncesione në vitin 2022, me rreth 122 milionë euro. Pagesat më të mëdha i takojnë kompanisë Gjoka 97 për koncesionin e rrugës së Arbrit, me vlerë 130 milioën euro, e planifikuar për vitet 2018-2023.

Më pas renditet kompania Sani Servicë, për koncesionin e sterilizimit të mjeteve kirurgjikale, dhe S2 Albanai, koncesioni i skanimit në dogana. Këto dy koncesione përbëjnë 12 % të totalit të buxhetit të parashikuar për pagesa ndaj koncesioneve.

Kontratat e tjera koncesionare të parashikuara për vitet 2018-2023 janë: Integrated Energy BV SPV 50 milionë euro, Laboratory Networks 40 milionë euro; 3P Life Logistic 40 milionë euro; Albania Highway Concession 20 milionë eruo; Dia Vita 30 milionë euro; Integrates Technology Waste Treatment Fier 20 milionë euro; Education Infrastructure Tirana 30 milionë euro; Koncesioni  Orikum Llogara Road 20 milionë euro; Bardh Construction 9 milionë euro; Albatek Energy 10 milionë euro; Devoll Hydropower 25 milionë euro ; G2 Infra për të cilën nuk ka asnjë pagesë të planifikuar.

Transparenca për Kontraktor të Bashkive dhe Kontraktimeve me Impakt për Qeveritë Lokale bëhet përmes aktiviteteve të Projektit “Monitorimi Qytetar dhe Transaprencë mbi Kontraktor Privat të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike„ mbështetur Financiarisht nga Leviz Albania, një Projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC.

Link Artikulli Origjinal: https://exit.al/e622-milione-pagesa-per-koncesionet-deri-ne-2023/