ZA’LART in Media
Over 230 cases of “Vote Buying” reported at ZA’LART
International community has been very committed on the electoral process on June 21, 2015 in its normal proceeding and to not support such phenomena as vote buying. EU Ambassador Mrs. Vlahutin during the II Conference of Electoral Situation Room organized by Soros Foundation for pre- and post-election situation appealed the citizens to denounce any possible form of pressure and attempts of vote buying at: Furthermore she confirmed the significance of the elections in achieving political stability and the impact the process would have in the European Integration of the country.
Executive Director of AIS Aranita Brahaj invited at the TV program of ORA News “Ekopolitikë” to talk about election campaign, financial incomes and expenses. The program directed by the well-known journalist Aurora Sulçe addresses issues of political economy.
The local elections of 21 June 2015 for the first time will be monitored and evaluated by a coalition of seven Albanian non-governmental organizations which have created an electoral situation room in order to coordinate the information and expertise about the election process. Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) as part of this initiative within the project Za’Lart 2015 an online portal, provides the citizens with the opportunity to report online on election problems and defects.
Open data and articles published in Open Data Albania and Spending Data Albania portals have been (re)used by the media and public at circa 90% of information disclosed by AIS. Concessionary Contracts publication has encouraged the media to better dive into data of calls for tenders related to concessionary projects.
A typical case is the parking concessionary contract in the municipality of Vlora. This tendered contract made in November 2014 and signed on February 2, had passed without the public and media attention. The contract has a timeframe of fifteen years and has its effects on the citizens and tourists of the municipality of Vlora. After contract was disclosed in our Concessionary Register, citizens of Vlora expressed their discontent about the concession. The same discontent for the Municipality decision, was articulated in media even by the representatives of central government through the Head of Prefecture in Vlora, Mrs. Etjona HOXHA. The Prefecture claimed that was not notified on this contract, although according to the municipality declaration this contract was signed by its secretary. Thereby, the General Secretary of Prefecture Mr. Dritan HALILI was forced to resign from his duty. Currently, supreme State audit and public procurement agency are verifying if there is any abuse and violations of the law in granting the concession.
During March-April 2015,
The Concessionary Register introduced 8 more concessionary agreements or extracts of such agreements (amounting to a total of 48 agreements since January). The information published on the Concessionary Register has encouraged the media to better investigate into calls for tenders for concessionary projects. This applies particularly to the local media, which covers closely issues of public services and activities of the local government.
Albanian Institute of Science has organized on 21st of February 2015 the workshop “Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of International Open Data Day.
Dy ikona prej guri të cilat mendohet se i përkasin shek të XII-XIII janë gjetur në kishën e vogël të fshatit Arsmiliska që gjëndet rreth tre orë larg qytetit të Pukës.
For the last nine months, Project “Spending Data Albania” has published every transaction involving payment of public money to beneficiaries and clients of the state institutions. Such information helps Albanian citizens learn how their money and public assets are being spent. At the same time, individuals may know clients who provide paid services to the state institutions, and from time to time see whether there is any nepotism or conflict of interest involved in such arrangements.
Thus, representatives of the opposition, as well as some representatives of the media, have identified a case in the data published by Spending Data Albania regarding the Treasure Transactions which raises obvious suspicions about unlawfulness and conflict of interest. One of the private companies founded and owned earlier by the Socialist Member of Parliament Koço Kokëdhima seems to have benefited from contracts with a large number of state institutions, while the MP was at the same time the shareholder and owner of Abissnet.
The Treasure Transactions application tables were published on newspapers’ front pages, and the former Chair of the largest opposition party in the country, Mr. Sali Berisha, has announced on social networks that such facts will be used to ask the Constitutional Court to revoke the mandate of MP Kokëdhima based on Article 70, point 3 and 4 of the Constitution. In a similar case in 2009, another MP lost his mandate by a decision of the Constitutional Court.
Albanian Institute of Science
“Asim Vokshi”
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1001, Tirana