[Month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 788 538 Persons
–           Vaccination with the First Dose 944 011 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 27.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.
–           In Percentage, it results that 33.3 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )

Indicators as of September 30th, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 1st – 30th September  23 744
–           People Testes 1st – 30th September  149 987
–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 1st – 30th September – 200 (Increase from same month 1st – 30th September of prior year.)

–           Number of active cases on 30th September 2021 – 9 823
–           Hospitalization 30th September 2021 – 158 (Reduction from same day 30th September of prior year.)
–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 698
–           Total Number of Infected People 170 131
–           Number of recovered patients (1st – 30th September) 23 791
–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 1st – 30th September – 15.8%
–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 1st – 30th September – 0.84%

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 30th September – 1.6%
–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.
–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same month, 1st – 30th September, last year (1st – 30th September, 2020) there were: 103 deaths, comparing to that for the same month we have 97 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)

A total of 4136 new cases and 25203 tests for (1st – 30th September, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)
Active on the 30th September were 5415 people (1st – 30th September, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)
189 people were hospitalized on the 30th September 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from same day prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 1st – 30th September 2020= 103/4136*100=2.49% (This year we have a reduction from same month prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid
–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/
–           Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en
–           Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/


[Week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 805 420 Persons
–           Vaccination with the First Dose 950 620 Persons
–           In Percentage, it results that 28.4 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.
–           In Percentage, it results that 40.2 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )

Indicators as of October 3rd, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 27th September – 3rd October 3 901

–           People Testes 27th September – 3rd October 26 029
–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 27th September – 3th October – 73 (Increase from same week 27th September – 3rd October of prior year.)
–           Number of active cases on 3rd October 2021 – 8 951
–           Hospitalization 3rd October 2021 – 182 (Reduction from same day 3rd October of prior year.)
–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 713
–           Total Number of Infected People 171 794
–           Number of recovered patients (27th September – 3rd October) 6 511
–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 27th September – 3rd October – 14.9% (Increase from prior week)
–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 27th September – 3rd October – 1.87(Increase from prior week)
–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 3rd October 2021 – 2.03(Increase from prior week)
–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.
–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same week, 27th September – 3rd October, last year (27th September – 3rd October, 2020) there were: 17 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 56 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
A total of 964 new cases and 6424 tests for (27th September – 3rd October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
Active on the 3rd were 5189 people (27th September – 3rd October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
200 people were hospitalized on the 3rd October 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from same week prior year)
Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 27th September – 3th October 2020= 17/964*100=1.76% (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid
–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/
–           Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en
–           Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/


[Week 20.09.2021- 26.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 20.09.2021 – 26.09.2021 , which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/


As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 760 960 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 932 595 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 26.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 32.2 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )


Indicators as of September 26,  2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 20th – 26th September 4 940

–           People Testes 20th – 26th September 33 175

–           Number of Fatalities for last week,  20th – 26th September – 60 ( Increase from same week 20th – 26th September of  prior year.)

–           Number of active cases on 26 September 2021  – 11 634

–           Hospitalization 26 September  2021 – 222 ( Increase from same day 26 September of  prior year.)

–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 640

–           Total Number of Infected People  167 893

–           Number of recovered patients (20th – 26th September)  6 017

–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 20h – 26th September – 14.8% (Reduction from prior week)

–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 20th – 26th September – 1.2% (Increase from prior week)

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 26 September 2021 – 1.9% (Increase from prior week)

–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

–           Population above 15 years  2 362 375.


The same week, September 20-26, last year (September 20-26, 2020) there were: 17 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 43 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

A total of 927 new cases and 5836 tests for (September 20-26, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

Active on the 26th were 5381 people (September 20-26, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

179 people were hospitalized on the 26th September 2020.  (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 20-26 September 2020 = 17/927*100=1.8% (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)



We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.


In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.


AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid

–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/

–           Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en

–           Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/



Website for Transparent Procurement Consolidated in Clicks. The Culture of Citizen Monitoring through Data is strengthened

Google Analytics announces through monthly reports that prokurimetransparente.al site has reached 21.3% more Unique Visitors (Users) in August; 24.5% more Sessions attended. And this is only for the month of August, when the site has not undertaken any visibility campaign, and when even the current updates have been more modest due to some annual staff holidays. Not being a gossip news site, or a beauty and welfare tips site, the site with now a consolidated number of visits shows that the audience in the Albanian language has begun to acquire the culture of #monitoring #procurement and #state contracts. Good news! Furthermore, the databases introduced under openprocurement.al are useful in accessing #information, #data and #documents. Good job from our staff #Sabina #Anila #Megi and trust from our donors: Sida Projects, US Embassy and NED.

On this website, there are all passports for tenders and contracts by Sectors (and years) available:
#Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
#Tender Albanian Development Fund
#Tender Albanian Road Authority
# State Tenders Enterprises
#Centralized Purchasing Agency
#Contract PPP / Concessions

Each of the Databases above has a section where  tenders exposed to risk of #corruption and lack of #competition are identified. The identification is done according to our algorithm for RedFlag, an algorithm created according to the evaluation models of #Transparence International and Open Contracting Partnership.

Follow us OpenPocurement.al and write to us [email protected]

Register of Magistrates. Appointments to the Supreme Court, Career Judges Promoted.

The Register of Magistrates, a database created by AIS/Open Data Albania has created profiles with data, documents and information on the performance, professionalism and integrity of Individuals promoted in the Reformed Justice System.

The last two judges appointed to the Supreme Court are Mr. Asim Vokshi and Mr. Artur Kalaja.

Magistrate Asim Vokshi was appointed in July and he takes up his post as Senior Judge in September 2021. He is a Career Judge, with experience in district courts and appellate courts, and also the author of several publications on Civil Law and Contract Law. In addition to being a Magistrate, Asim Vokshi is also graduated as Doctor of Science, and has an academic career in teaching at the Faculty of Law and the School of Magistrates. Our register of Magistrates provides comprehensive data about their professional career, performance evaluation and professional promotion, aspects of Integrity and self-declarations, including their self-declaration on interests and assets.

Also, the other newly appointed judge, Mr. Artur Kalaja, comes from the ranks of magistrates. Mr. Kalaja has worked in district courts and in the appellate court. In addition, the Passport created for this judge promoted in the Justice system contains data on his Professional Experience, Performance Evaluations, as well as his Self-Declarations concerning his assets and economic interests.

In March 2021, four more judges were appointed to the High Court, namely:

Mr. Sander Simoni, former Head of the Court for Serious Crimes, a Magistrate and Lecturer in Criminal Law.

Mrs. Albana Boksi, a Magistrate and Career Judge, specialized in Criminal Law, experienced in teaching in several Universities

Mr. Sokol Binaj, a career judge.

Mr. Klodian Kurushi, a Magistrate and Doctor in Legal Sciences Legislation, and a Career Judge, specialized in Criminal Law

All Profiles of Judges and Prosecutors who are promoted in the Justice System, are being created with documents, data and self-declarations concerning their Professionalism and Integrity in the Magistrates Registry, a database created by AIS / Open Data Albania.

The establishment of the Registry is a legal obligation for Justice Institutions, but while the High Prosecutorial Council and the High Judicial Council are creating their database for internal and administrative use only, AIS/Open Data Albania has created an Open Register of Magistrates, accessible for the Public, Journalists, Institutions, and Individuals Engaged in the Justice Sector. Transparent information promotes public trust and control in the System.

Contact [email protected]

[Week 07.09.2021- 12.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 07.09.2021 – 12.09.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 702 833 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 895 363 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 24.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 29.7 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )

Indicators as of September 12,  2021, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities:

– New Cases for 7th – 12th September 5 527

– People Testes 7th – 12th September 33 987

– Number of Fatalities for last week,  7th – 12th September – 24 ( Increase from same week 7th – 12th September of  prior year.)

– Number of active cases on 12 September 2021  – 12 766

-Hospitalization  12 September  2021 – 175 ( Increase from same week 7th – 12th September of  prior year.)

– Total Number of Fatalities 2 543

– Total Number of Infected People  157 026

– Number of recovered patients (7th – 12th September) 4845

-Infected Number / Tested Number for 7th – 12th September – 16.2% (Increase from prior week)

-Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 7th – 12th September – 0.43% (Increase from prior week)

-Hospitalized /Active cases as per 12 September 2021 – 1.37 % (Increase from prior week)

– Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

– Population above 15 years  2 362 375.


The same week, September 7-12, last year (September 7-12, 2020) there were: 14 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 10 more deaths in 2021. ( This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

A total of 930 new cases and 5123 tests for (September 7-12, 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

Active on the 12th were 4361 people (September 7-12, 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

174 people were hospitalized on the 12th of September 2020.  (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for September 2020 = 14/930*100=1.5%

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.


In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. We will publish a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

-Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid

-Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/

-Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en

-Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/


Political and Media Debate on Corruption in Procurement, AIS contributes through facts and truths

The country got involved in a political and media debate over corruption in Tenders just weeks before the start of the third governing term of the SP and Prime Minister Rama. The debate began following the arrest of the Director of the Centralized Purchasing Agency and an incumbent Mayor. The government recognizes corruption in Procurement as a phenomenon of Municipalities. However, an Algorithm for risk assessment in tenders created by AIS/Open Data finds that central government sectors such as Health, Road Investment, and State-Owned Enterprises involve a higher risk and potential for abuse compared to Municipalities. Influential media in the country like VOA or TopChannel introduced facts and findings of our organization into this public argument. Open Data Albania is often quoted in the media and part of public debates in the country.


  1. VOA: Prime Minister Rama: Municipalities should not abuse tenders. Open Data: Central Governement has made more violations with tenders than local government.

2. TopChannel TV / Vetting also for Tenders. Experts: Biggest Abuses occur when the Law is Circumveted. The National Media Top Channel has launched one of its news editions in July 2021 with the title: Vetting for Public Tenders. Corruption in Tenders and Procurement has been a very sensitive aspect of the Political and Public Debate for weeks before the beginning of the Third Mandate of the ruling Socialist Party led by Edi Rama.

3. VOA prepares a special report on Corruption in Public Procurement. Corruption in Albania in the field of Public Procurement has brought over $120 million in financial damage to the state budget over the last decade – this is how Voice of America opens its special report on the Procurement Sector in the Country through its reported Mimoza Picari.

Other media citations and impact through data are listed http://ais.al/new/media/

or at webpage NdiqParate (Follow the Money) http://ndiqparate.al/en/category/media-en/oda-in-media/

[Week 01.09.2021- 06.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 01.09.2021 – 06.09.2021 , which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at http://www.open.data.al/covid-19/

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 655 594 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 844 304 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 23.1 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 27.7 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration http://openprocurement.al/en/htender/covid/title/KONTRAKTIME%20VAKSINIM%20COV-2?   )

Indicators as of September 06,  2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 1st – 06th September 5 112

–           People Testes 1st – 06th September 33 594

–           Number of Fatalities for last week,  1st – 06th September – 21

–           Number of active cases on 06 September 2021  – 12 108

–           Hospitalization 06 September  2021 – 132

–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 519

–           Total Number of Infected People  151 499

–           Number of recovered patients (1st – 06th September) 3071

–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 1st – 06th September – 15.2% (Increase from prior week)

–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 1st – 06th September – 0.41%

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 06 September 2021 – 1.09 %

–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

–           Population above 15 years  2 362 375.

In the portal created by AIS http://www.open.data.al/covid-19 /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting http://openprocurement.al/sq/htender/covid

–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney http://ndiqparate.al/en/10789-2/

–           Open Spending Albania http://spending.data.al/en

–           Open Corporates Albania http://opencorporates.al/


Investigation initiated following AIS report on Government Misuse of Public Funds for Electoral Purposes

The State Election Commissioner initiated an administrative investigation into alleged Misuse of Public Funds in Elections through individual grants issued in the framework of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Fund. Through its letter registered by Protocol No. 6092, the Commissioner asked both the Central Government, and the Local Government in Durrës to provide information about the subject and facts involved in AIS/OpenData Albania Report. By Decision no. 439, it was decided for the Investigation to be considered a complex case that requires additional administrative investigation and a deadline of longer than 60 days.  The organization AIS has reported that the Government is using the Reconstruction Fund allocated following the Novermber 2016 earthquake for electoral purposes. In Durrës, the Central and the Local Government approved and paid certain individuals during the electoral campaign days, for which the Electoral Code contains special provisions. Our organization addressed the Commissioner, asking for administrative investigation, acknowledgment of facts, verification, and independent international expertise on the use of funds in electoral campaigns. Ultimately, an evaluation of the responsibilities for Electoral Favoritism through Misuse of Public Money (Article 92/5 of the Code) is expected. You may find more information about the arguments and evidence we have submitted to the Commissioner on our website LINK

Kërkesë për Informim mbi në lidhje me Shoqërinë e Biznesit që është palë në marrëveshjen e lidhur me shtetin Shqiptar.

Open Data Albania OJF ka drejtuar një kërkesë për informacion në lidhje me Shoqërinë e Biznesit që është palë në marrëveshjen e lidhur me shtetin Shqiptar për prodhimin dhe furnizimin nga dhe ndërmjet Pfizer Overseas LLC dhe Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë, Institutit të Shëndetit Publik dhe Ministrit të Shtetit të Rindërtimit, e miratuar me Akt Normativ datë 16 Qershor 2021.


Kërkesën e plotë për Informim e gjeni Këtu.

Gjithashtu gjeni përgjigjen e plotë të kthyer nga Ministria e Shëndetësisë Këtu.