
Open Local Government Procurement and Red Flag Index

This project is opening data for each procedure of public procurement of the 61 municipalities for their two first years, i.e. 2015 – 2017. The OpenLGP Program created a database with data pertaining to public procurement and public contracts of the municipalities (from July 2015 onwards). The database became applicable through a web platform with an open data format and search and selection filters that enable a listing and reuse of information by municipality, date, type of procurement, value of offers, and selected contractor. This platform became accessible for the public in February 2016, and since then, it has served as a reference point for qualitative and quantitative use by citizens, journalists, stakeholders involved in transparency and engaged in evaluating the performance of the municipalities. The ongoing project will also create some options for an indexing of the municipalities based on the level of exposure of their procurement process to phenomena like abuse, lack of competitiveness, lack of competition, interventions in the competition, or indications of clientelism. The problematic tenders will be marked by a red flag [1]. The database is being updated on daily basis, giving thus opportunities for monitoring, watch dog activity, evaluation and citizens’ reaction in real time.

The aim of the project and its activities is openness, publication, provision of access to, and friendly and analytical use of all data related with public procurement and public contracts of Local Government. Eventually, this is all about creating and applying some instruments for purposes of information, transparency, and watch dog processes.

Open Procurement contains information about the announcements for tenders, technical criteria, fund limits, deadlines for application, types of contracts, types of procedures, offers, complaints, cancellations, number of participants in a tender, and winners. Procurement is finalized when a contract is signed. This is where the structuring of the data begins, which corresponds with Open Contracting.

Open Contracting contains information about the date when contracts are signed, contracting parties, contract value, technical criteria, and object of contracts, contract terms, and payments emerging from the contract.

[1]Red Flag is a fact, event, or set of circumstances, or other information that may indicate a potential legal compliance concern for illegal or unethical business conduct, particularly with regard to corrupt practices and non-compliance with anti-corruption laws.

Open Procurement in the Media

Public Health Sector Procurements

The Public Health Sector Procurements Project has enabled the creation, promotion, and use of a well-structured database, which serves as an instrument (tool) for transparency, information, citizens’ monitoring about procurement processes of the Public Health Sector for 2016. The database contains well-structured data, updated in real time[1] and filters for ensuring user friendly information. It serves as an instrument for anti-corruption. Fact-based journalism and fact-base public debate is the final purpose of the creation of the well-structured database. It provides exhaustive information about every public procurement process in the health sector, and every public health policy-making and service institution, including the Institute for Health Insurance as an institution responsible for the obligatory public insurance scheme. Procurement processes of all kinds and values shall be controllable by the public in real time and in compliance with open contracting data standard

The objective of this project is to establish a platform that makes the public tenders and procurement contracts of the public health sector (institutions) open and easily monitor-able by citizens. The platform allows the citizens to observe which high-value services, works, or public purchases are being contracted, as well as monitor aggregated amounts of money allocated to public health programs. These data are interlinked with the Open Corporate Albania, creating a complete profile for each company that serves as an online Corporate Passport. The proposed platform and the dissemination activities around it shed the missing light on the procurement procedures and tenders, which are directly related to the citizens’ quality of life and health services for citizens.

Donator :  US Embassy through the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program

[1] Open tender, calls for proposals, direct negotiations, public-private partnership procurement, consultations, and auctions for the period 1 January – 30 December 2016

Electoral Room for Electoral Reform – a lobbying project, an initiative of the civil society

AIS is now engaged in a new lobbying project in favor of as fair Electoral Code as possible. The name of the project is ‘The Electoral Room for Reform’, and it is an initiative of five organizations, supported by the Open Society Foundation for Albania OSFA.

Money Government & Politics

Money, Government and Politics project and its activities address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program opens up and well-structures data about the wealth of high state officials, and expenditures of state institutions, concessionary corporates, and electoral spending.This process enables to track cases of nepotism, embezzlement, and conflict of interest. Access to such data increases transparency, accountability and public pressure in cases of favoritism, and embezzlement of public funds or assets.

Spending Transparency for Municipalities

Open Governance – Good Governance

USAID/Albania and PLGP, in collaboration with the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), has launched an “Open Governance as Good Governance” initiative. This initiative will draw upon the AIS project experience to make model municipalities’ budgets more transparent by publishing municipal finance information using an Open Data format.


Get Online Week 2015 në Shqipëri

Fuqizohu; Punësohu

AIS si pjesë e network Telecentre Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatënGet Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.Në Europë tregu i punës kërkon çdo ditë me mijëra profesionist që njohin internetin dhe teknologjinë. Por ndërsa kërkesa për punë me pagesë të mirë është e kënaqshme, njerëzit që kanë aftësi të punojnë janë më pak se kërkesa. Kjo Javë Promovuese synon ti nxis Europianët të Fuqizohen dhe Përfshihen në këtë treg pune. Mjeti është aftësimi. 20% e Europianëve nuk janë përdorues të internetit. 39% e forcave të punës nuk janë të aftësuar në përdorimin e teknologjisë. Rrjeti Telecenter Europe po punon gjatë kësaj jave përmes partnerëve lokal me rreth 5000 komunitete në qendra trajnuese. Synimi është të aftësohen rreth 50 mijë njerëz dhe të përfshihen dy milion qytetarë të Europës.

AIS si pjesë e network Telecentere Europe ka startuar në Shqipëri fushatën Get Online Week. Ky event mbahet ne datat 23 deri 29 Mars në mbarë Europën. Qëllimi është të nxitet aftësimi në internet.

Në Shqipëri kjo javë do të shënojë trajnimin e të rinjve të katër shkollave të mesme publike; aplikimin e një sondazhi që ndihmon të kuptojë sa e përdorin internetin grupmoshat dhe profesionet e ndryshme si dhe mjaft evente mediatike që promovojnë aftësimin profesional në teknologjinë e informacionit.




Get Online Week 2016

Get Empowered, Get employed

The European Get Online Week is an annual digital empowerment campaign that engages and empowers people to use technology and the Internet with confidence and skills that allow them to benefit of the world of online opportunities. The campaign is organized each year in March by Telecentre-Europe.

ZA’LART 2015

ZA´LART 2015, is a project where the citizens are invited to denounce (report and alert) on an open source platform (website & app mobile), about problems they encounter during electoral campaigns and electoral day. Citizens are empowered with tools that allow them to participate in a real time monitoring process. This project is a new form of democracy that aims to give voice to the common citizens’ through a crowd source platform.

The Albanian citizens will be heard and have the possibility to express a personal opinion on the electoral process. This project is based on ICT for Fair Election and aim to contribute for active citizenship and democratic process of Local Government Election 2015 in Albania. The facts (audio, photo and video), irregularities and information collected, will provide a clear overview of the electoral process and encourage the interested bodies (civic stakeholders and institutions) to undertake appropriate administrative and politic measures.

Open Spending Albania

The project establishes a platfrom where every ordinary citizen is able to monitor transactions of the state treasury, the day-to-day expenses of each institution, by having access to the amount of expenses, descriptions, beneficiaries and clients of state institutions, be it independent institutions, central government, and local government.

The goal of the project is to provide access to well-structured and visualized data on public procurements and spending, supporting citizens and CSOs to participate in a more open government approach








Albanian Institute of Science with its Open Data Albania team, willing to empower both individuals and the Albanian society with information on how taxpayers’ money is spent, has built a new platform known as Spending Data Albania. Through certain applications, the public has the opportunity to learn how each individual contributes through their taxes to the total budget or to specific budgets by sectors. Similarly, an application known as Money Map and Budget provides information on division of budgets by sectors. The most interesting part of the platform is the Treasury Transactions application. This application and the standard of monitoring the day-to-day expenses made by the state administration is a standard that is being offered to the Albanian citizens at a time when countries with much more advanced democracy or models of access to information have not yet managed to achieve.

The information provided by this platform is exhausting regarding every state budget from January 2012 until the current weeks. This application, the range of information and its philosophy enables the society, the media, and the citizens to have access to information about the ways the taxpayers’ money is spent, as well as about the public assets, based on the slogan “Public Money is my Money”. The entirety of transactions includes also those expenses and transfers made to those selected through public procurement.

We invite the public at large to take this opportunity to inform themselves and invite you to write to us so that we may help you with the technical use of the applications available or by making even more detailed analysis of the Treasury Transaction Monitoring.
This Project is supported by:

The goal is to provide a platform where citizens, through several applications, can get information on everything related to public expenditures. Services offered to the public include monitoring of the state treasury; online tax calculation; money map and budget.


ACADEMIC´AL – Increasing the Visibility of Scientific Research

As part of the scope to base our projects ICT Solutions, AIS implemented during the first 6 months of 2013 a platform for the Albanian scientific research. The aim of the platform was to increase the visibility of scientific researchers and their scientific works. The project delivery include a central portal that provides information on researchers including activities, projects engaged, relations with other researchers and institutions. The portal contains data of 300 researchers in Albania and more than 500 documents (publications & result-sets of experiment activity).
