Entries by admin

Invitation for participation: Hackathon Albania 2015 “Life in another city”

Hackathon Albania is a yearly event organized to celebrate Open Data and promote their use, adoption, and development of new exciting apps. This year, the event takes place on December 19th 2015 with the topic “Life in another city”. The event is open to individuals, analysts; engineers; (storytellers); scout programmers, designers or students able to […]

The impact of Open Data in the democratization of fiscal policy

Within the framework of OpenBudgets.eu project, AIS participated at the workshop “Democratization of Fiscal Policy” organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation International and OKF Germany, on 30th November and 1st December, 2015. The workshop aimed at creating an open-source model that would integrate all Budget data and transactions expenditures for various public sectors to foster better understand […]

Declaration of assets of elected Mayors on 21st of June 2015

In the framework of Money, Government and Politics program, updated data are released in Spending Data Albania portal, “Money and Power” column, about declared assets of newly elected Mayors of June 21st, 2015, as well as their relatives’ assets. The data are published in compliance with access to information, transparency and accountability principles. Through these publications every journalist or citizen can […]

Share PSI 2.0 Workshop in Berlin: Maximizing interoperability — core vocabularies, location-aware data and more

Albanian Institute of Science (AIS)  is being represented by Besjana Hysa at the workshop Share-PSI 2.0 taking place in Berlin on 25- 26 of November. The workshop is explicitly interested in ideas, concepts and solutions that directly or indirectly address the interoperability of open data and PSI. In order to identify best practices the workshop with […]

Spending Transparency for Municipalities

Open Governance – Good Governance

USAID/Albania and PLGP, in collaboration with the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), has launched an “Open Governance as Good Governance” initiative. This initiative will draw upon the AIS project experience to make model municipalities’ budgets more transparent by publishing municipal finance information using an Open Data format.

ODA publishes well-stuctured data for corporates that functions as media associations

Shoqëri Biznesi (alb): Open Corporates Albania that functions as Media Through the publication in one of its sections the Open Data Albania Portal makes possible the visualization of data on Media Associations.  The data gives information on: The Media Associations in Albania Their legal form Who are the shareholders and the associates Their annual profit These […]

AIS against the Draft Law on Defamation

AIS as a promoter of Open Data Albania joins the call of BIRN Albania against the Draft Law on the Defamation. This draft law foresees and open the way to the imprisonment of journalists. Any claim for criticism or a negative analysis for corruption will serve for stakeholders as a defamation reason. Until our problematic […]

The Ambassador of Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania visited AIS

The Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands supports the Albanian Institute of Science in our ‘Money, Government & Politics’ project. This project intends to address issues of abuse, corruption and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in the country by sharing public data on expenditures of state institutions, electoral spending and […]

The three leading political parties PS, PD, LSI sued by AIS

For the first time AIS has sued to the court the three main political parties in the country the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party, the Socialist Movement for Integration and the Commissioner of the Right of Information. Albanian Institute of Sciences urged parties’ the three public bodies to give information concern the finances of the […]