Entries by admin

Lobbying to abrogate the law that reduces the benefits of maternity, has already started; Open Data Albania makes available the tables and the new calculations

Soon after the detailed analysis public available at Open Data Albania on the reduction of the benefits as a result of legal amendments, members of the Group on Gender Issues in the Parlament of Albania notified on a possibility of abrogating this article, that obviously consists in legal aggravated effects. The women’s right of maternity […]

Open Spending Albania

The project establishes a platfrom where every ordinary citizen is able to monitor transactions of the state treasury, the day-to-day expenses of each institution, by having access to the amount of expenses, descriptions, beneficiaries and clients of state institutions, be it independent institutions, central government, and local government. Goal: The goal of the project is […]

Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania is an initiative that embraces the Open Data principles. The project aims to collect from public offices data on socio-economic indicators, process and publish them based on emerging topics and semantic technologies. Donor: Open Society Foundation Duration: Dec. 2013 – Dec. 2014 Module: * Web Platform * Advocacy URL: http://open.data.al

AIS presents at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance

AIS participates at Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 Jun – 02 Jul 2014. The principal advisor of AIS, Dr. Ing. Julia Hoxha, presented a paper on Open Spending Albania. Link to the paper Link to the talk presented at Samos Summit Below is the abstract of the talk: In this paper, we describe Open […]

AIS promoting Get Online Week Albania

Java Europiane e Përdorimit të Internetit 2013, në Shqipëri ka diçka të veçantë. Për shkak të emigracionit në vendin tonë interneti përdoret sëtepërmi edhe nga nga mosha e tretë. Historia e dy të moshuarve nga qyteti i Vlorës të cilët paguajnë një të pestën e pensionit mujor për të pasur lidhje interneti në banesë është […]

AIS at the Open Society Initiative for West Africa

Albanian Institute of Science. represented by its Executive Director Ms. Aranita Brahaj, is participating in the event organized by Open Society Initiative for West Africa to present “Making Elections Count: A Guide to Setting Up a Civil Society Election Situation Room”. The event takes place 25-28 May, 2014 in Senegal, Dakar. More information on http://www.osiwa.org/en

Fiscal Impact Assessment of Structural Reforms – Case Study on Albania

The country case studies in this volume represent just such an in-depth needs assessment for countries in the region, on an issue that is both critical and insufficiently addressed: how the fiscal impacts of structural reforms are integrated within the budget process. Working closely with Montenegro’s Ministry of Finance and with support from the World […]

Hackathon Day in Tirana

Open Data Albania organized  its annual Hackathon, “Hackathon Albania 2013” on Saturday, December 7, 2013, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, at Tirana’s downtown. This event is a gathering of friends, activists and citizens that want to give their contribution through visualizations or projects, and help the general opinion. Hackathon is a casual meeting, where […]