Kërkohet një Ekspert Lokal Përmirësim i Kapaciteteve Organizative dhe Institucionale

Datë 09/02/2022

AIS, një organizatë jofitimprurëse e angazhuar në Transparencë, Llogaridhënie dhe Mirëqeverisje është duke kërkuar një ekspert lokal për angazhim me kohë të pjesshme ditë pune. Eksperti duhet të asistojë organizatën në hartimin e disa dokumenteve si rregullore dhe manual të praktikave të mira menaxheriale dhe financiare. Eksperti duhet të vlerësojë edhe nevojat për ndërhyrje në statut dhe të bashkëpunojë në hartimin e strategjisë së punës së Organizatës. Angazhimi është me kohë të pjesshme 20 ditë pune në vit, në dy vite me pagesë bruto për 20 ditët e punës në vlerën 3000Euro (viti i parë).

Eksperti duhet të jetë prezent në zyrat e AIS gjatë zbatimit të angazhimit dhe në bashkëpunim me Drejtorin dhe Sekretarin e Organizatës.

Kriteret. Personi duhet të ketë eksperienca në rritje të kapaciteteve institucionale apo auditim institucional në sektorin jofitimprurës. Kjo eksperiencë duhet vendosur në CV-në që do të përcillet për përzgjedhje. Eksperti Lokal duhet të njohë dhe zotërojë parime të rregullimit ligjor, institucional, financiar dhe të burimeve njerëzore në një subjektit ekonomik. Ai/Ajo duhet të zotërojë shumë mirë gjuhën shqipe dhe gjuhën angleze.

Kandidati duhet të ketë eksperienca të mëparshme në hartimin e dokumenteve të sipër kërkuara dhe duhet ti artikulojë qartë këto eksperienca.

Përveç Ekspert në këtë thirrje mund të aplikojë edhe një subjekt që ka punë të ngjashme të mëparshme, dhe është i gatshëm të bashkëpunojnë me tarifën e mësipërme.

Në adresën [email protected] duhet të dërgohet një BIO e shkurtër me të dhëna për kriteret dhe angazhimet e mëparshme brenda datës 09 Mars 2022.

AIS is seeking two full-time and part-time Data Analysts

Position: Open Data Analyst.
Programme: Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of corruption.
Under: Project Director

Salary: Monthly net total salary, plus mandatory share of contributions for employer and employee, plus salary tax, is planned 900 Euros.

Publication Date:  09/02/2022

Deadline for application: 09 March 2022.

AIS, an organization a committed to transparency, accountability, good governance and anticorruption, is implementing programmes in the above-mentioned areas. With a view to preparing data analysis on public spending, national economy performance, tenders and other social economic data, the organization is looking for two Data Analysts.

Job description. The Data Analyst must carefully follow the developments related to public sectors through the organization databases and other institutional databases. Compiles statistical evidence on indicators illustrating the development and performance of the economy and development in the country. Based on evidence, he/she drafts research articles that help the public understand and raise the public awareness of issues of public interest. The articles should be in a simple language and visualized, making information easy to understand.

The commitment can be on part-time full-time basis and depends on the evaluation of his/her productivity and subject to agreement with the selected candidate. In any case, remuneration shall be made according to the number of articles published per month. The project lasts 3 years. The work may also be done remotely, but the selected candidate(s) shall be required to spend at least 20% of their time of engagement in the project office. The Data Group for every article or group of articles will be identified in co-operation with the Project Director and the Public Relations Officer. The analyst will co-operate with the Database Developer to enable the creation of visualizations according to relevance, and with purposes of ensuring the clarity of information.


  • University Diploma, preferably in Economics, and Justice.
  • At least 3 years of previous work experience in a position relevant to economic and statistical management, and research.
  • Good analyzing skills.
  • Knowledge of research and logical evaluation techniques.
  • Good articulation and drafting skills; economic use of words; good use of simple definitions to make articles easy to understand.
  • Knowledgeable about international databases for economic factors and indicators.
  • Eager to get deeper into research and research every day.
  • User of the main computer software.

In addition to meeting the job technical requirements, candidates must be people of integrity and enthusiastic about issues related to information and awareness.

Candidates must submit their CV to [email protected]. The CV should contain information about the university education, professional experience and the requirements for the position. The CV should be accompanied by a paragraph containing references to previous work experience. The candidates selected based on their CV will be invited for an interview. The organization shall have the right to a two-week probation period based on practical tasks before confirmation of appointment.

Terms of Reference:

  • Follow carefully statistical publications in local and international databases.
  • Propose topics for statistical analysis and present arguments about the importance of indicators and assessment methodology.
  • Map tables of aggregated and comparative data.
  • Draft research articles and the final article following comments and notes of the project director or the assigned expert.
  • Carefully check the data source, narrative descriptions, and visualizations.
  • Identifies the impact of the article following its publication, as well as the impact of potential comments.
  • Co-operate with colleagues (designer, website maintainer, Albanian-English translator) for as a good and clear version for publication as possible.
  • Participates regularly in the working group meetings.
  • Meets deadlines and criteria for publication.
  • Is periodically informed about the organization’s activities and their results.
  • Performs his duties by being physically present in the office or remotely. However, he/she is required to spend at least 20% of the time of engagement in the office, and the payment shall be made according to the number of articles finalized into publication.

The CV is required in Albanian, and should be as simple as possible, and not in any certain forms or standards. Candidates are expected to send their CVs to  [email protected] before 09 March 2022, with the subject: CV application for Open Data Analyst.

SHKURTI 2022: Muaji i Angazhimit të Shoqërisë Civile për Integrimin Evropian!

Procesi i integrimit në Bashkimin Evropian në tërësi si dhe procesi i negociatave për anëtarësim në veçanti është një përpjekje e përbashkët e shoqërisë shqiptare si një prioritet kombëtar, i cili kërkon vazhdimësi dhe angazhim nga të gjithë faktorët shoqëror.

Ideja për të patur një muaj të veçantë, të dedikuar me aktivitete të ndryshme dhe të organizuar nga të gjitha grupet e interesit si dhe institucionet publike e jopublike të përfshira në proces, vjen për të rritur më tej cilësinë e debatit publik mbi procesin e integrimit evropian si dhe për të patur një fokus më të gjerë në informimin dhe njohjen e procesit.


Muaji i Integrimit në BE:

 Më shumë përfshirje e aktorëve shoqërorë në procesin e Integrimit Evropian.

 Rritje e cilësisë së debatit publik mbi Integrimin dhe Negociatat.

 Njohje më e mirë e hapave që Shqipëria do të ndjekë në rrugën drejt BE.

→ Rritje e transparencës dhe bashkërendimit ndërmjet aktorëve publikë dhe jopublikë.

Out of the 100 tenders with the highest value in 2021, 35 are marked as RedFlag for lack of competition

Open Data Albania has published the list of the 100 tenders with the highest value, carried out by the State Tendering Authorities during 2021 . These tenders are ranked according to their values. The tender with the highest value announced and finalized by the public authorities in the country during 2021 is the Construction of the Llogara Tunnel, in the road section Orikum-Himara, part of the SH8 Vlora – Saranda Highway. This tender has a limit fund value of Albanian Lekë 18 967 810 952 was won by a union of Turkish operators TNTEKAR YAPI LTD. – İ, and has been procured by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. This contract accounts for 23% of the value of contracts for the 100 tenders with the highest value of 2021. It is striking that in the 100 largest tenders, there are 35 contracts signed through a limited procedure or direct negotiations, therefore the are marked as RedFlag for the lack of competition.

Business companies that are constructing after the Earthquake, 10 Economic Operators won 25 % of the entire state fund

Open Data Albania has published a Ranking of the Economic Operators in the Reconstruction Process based on economic values. In total, there are , Albanian leke 67.6 billion announced as being contracted to business companies. On the top of the list of operators, is a consortium led by a company established by a current mayor. The 10 largest contractors have 25% of the total contracted value. 33 Contractors have 50% of the fund. There are no foreign or international business company on the list, and this was expected as long as the procedure selected for identification and contracting does not respect economic freedoms and equality of competition. The data are part of the Contracting monitoring through two databases, Contracting Reconstruction Program in the Municipality and the Albanian Development Fund ADF .

Tendera me Risk për Parregullsi dhe Probleme të Garës Bashki viti 2021

Date : 26 Janar, 2022

Në vitin 2021 Bashkitë kanë zhvilluar 29 tendera me vlerë mbi 100 milion lekë dhe me shënimin RedFlag çfarë tregon për rrisk potencial për parregullsi dhe korrupsion në garë

Bashki problematike paraqitet Durrësi, për shkak të procedurës së dhënies me negocim (pa garë) e Kontratës me Vlerë 1 148 864 000 Lekë objekt pune Depozitimi i Mbetjeve Urbane Bashkia Durrës. Kjo procedurë u mbajt në muajin Shtator 2021, dhe Kontraktori përfitues është Integrated Ebergy BV SPV.

Po bashkia Durrës shënon edhe dy tender të tjerë po me vlerë mbi 100 milion lekë të mbajtur gjatë vitit 2021 dhe që kanë risk të lartë për parregullsi, abuzime dhe korrupsion. Konkretisht është tenderi për Ndërtimin e rrjetit K. U. Z të fshatit Shënavlash Bashkia Durrës me vlerë fondi limit 364 498 645 Lekë.  ky tender u bë me garë të hapur, por gjatë vlerësimit u s’kualifikua ofertuesi me vlerë më të ulët. Tenderi u fitua nga bashkimi i operatorëve EdiCom shpk dhe 2T shpk. Po në Bashkinë Durrës gjatë vitit 2021 është zhvilluar duke marrë shënimin për risk edhe tenderi Lot 1 Naftë 10ppmULSD me vlerë fondi limit 109 199 733  Lekë, i fituar nga Kastrati shpk.

Bashkia Tiranë ka 3 procedura kontraktimi të mbajtura në 2021, me vlera mbi 100 milion lekë dhe me risk për parregullsi. Vlera e Fondit Limit për to është 2 033 144 843 Milion lekë.  Tenderi me titull “Shtesa e Impiantit të përpunimit të ujit të pijshëm Bovillë 1800l/s faza e 2 me 1200l/s. është procedura, që shënoi vlerë fondi limit 1 762 144  843 Lekë. Kjo procedurë është fituar duke s’kualifikuar operatorin me ofertë më të leverdishme (ulët). Po bashkia Tiranë ka edhe dy tenderime të tjera me risk si tenderi Për Shtesa e Kontratës Rikonceptimi i Kopshtit Zoologjik vlerë fond limit 105 311 644 lekë dhe Blerje Kimikate për UKT 165 78 500 lekë.

Bashkia Pogradec ka dy tendera të tillë, konkretisht “Ndërtim i ujësjellësit rajonal Çërravë & Dardhas-Burimet e Gurrasit” me vlerë fondi limit 775 722 413 Lekë dhe “Ujësjellësi i Mokrës Faza e II-të”, Bashkia Pogradec me vlerë 221 972 534 Lekë.

Një bashki e vogël si Poliçani shënon tender me vlerë të fondit limit prej 700 000 000 Furnizimi me ujë i fshatrave Vertop, Bregas, Fushe-Peshtan dhe Vodice, Bashkia Poliçan” dhe me markimin me red flag si tender me risk për parregullsi në garë. Shënimi me red flag është vendosur pasi në procedurë mori pjesë vetëm një kompani.

Elbasani ka gjithashtu tendera të tillë , konkretisht atë me titull Kryerja e shërbimit të pastrimit në qytetin e Elbasanit dhe Blerje makineri pajisje për UK.

Rikonstruksionet e rrjetit te Ujësjellësit, janë gjithashtu ne listën e Bashkisë Dropull të renditura si gara me shënime rrisku.

Ndërsa Shkodra

Tenderët me Red Flag janë tendera ku vlerësohet automatikisht se gara ka një problematikë me konkurrencën apo mungesën e garës. Lista e Plotë Red Flag Tendera në Bashki është e afishuar në Portalin Open Procurement.al


Constitutional Court must abrogate the Corruptive Law – Democratic Party Supports the Lawsuit prepared by the Civil Society

Date: 17 Janar, 2022

The Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court demanding the Suspension and Abrogation of Chapter VI of the Normative Act with the power of Law no. 9/2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”. This law violates the Freedom of Economic Activity as a constitutional freedom. Contracting for the 2019 Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program with a fund of about120 billion Albanian Lekë is being done with contractors selected without open competition, restricting Economic freedoms. This law creates premises for the selection of businesses in clientelist ways causing high financial loss. AIS/OpenData, an Albanian Civil Society Organization prepared this Lawsuit  , and is filed to the Constitutional Court in September 2021. The Constitutional Court refused to review the Lawsuit, claiming that the organization does not have to justify direct interest in such claim. Recognizing the essence of the Lawsuit, and responding to the Organization’s request to set the Constitutional Court in motion at all costs, the Democratic Party supports the Civil Society request, and filed this Lawsuit signed by its 28 Members of Parliament. Now, the Constitutional Court must examine the unconstitutionality of this law.

Stages of the Process

  • Data 28.09.2021 AIS files in the Constitutional Court a Lawsuit against Law no. 9/2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”, which violates Constitutional Freedom and creates Clientelism. Lawsuit in Albanian and English .
  • Date 26.11.2021 AIS public statement “The Constitutional Court is delaying the Examination of the Lawsuit, ALL 100 billion are tendered through clientelism.
  • By its decision No. 132, taken on November 15, 2021, published for the parties on December 1, 2021, the Constitutional Court decided not to pass the case for consideration in the Plenary Session by Case Rapporteur, Judge Elsa Toska. Decision No. 132 to Reject the Adjudication of the Case.
  • January 2022 The Democratic Party, with the signatures of 28 MPs submits to the Constitutional Court a Lawsuit for Suspension and Abrogation of Chapter VI, Public Procurement Procedures, Articles 40 – 44, and Article 4, point 7 and point 9, of the Normative Act with the power of Law no. 9, dated 16.12.2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”, approved by the Assembly of Albania through law no. 97/2019, on 18.12.2019. 
  • Database Contracting Reconstruction Program by Municipality – https://openprocurement.al/en/tender/rindertimi
  • Database Contracting Reconstruction Program by Albanian Development Fund – https://openprocurement.al/en/albaniandf/rindertimi

Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Rrogozhinë 18.12.2021

Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga  Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 18 Dhjetor për Bashkinë Rrogozhinë një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe Fuqizim të aktorëve civil Aktivist në Antikorrupsion.

Corruption Risk in Albania Public Procurement (2017 – 2019) – a Document prepared by Heritie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Sciences AIS, May 2021.

The OSCE Presence in Albania commissioned the Hertie School of Governance and the Albanian Institute of Science, to research corruption risk in public procurement in two relevant sectors and to propose improvements to the legal and administrative framework for its reduction.

Please find HERE an Executive Summary of the research document.

AIS alarm: Reconstruction Fund, medium-term budget program can be used in the upcoming Elections (2022-2025) to compromise voters through individual grants a few hours before voting.

The risk of misuse of public money in elections is high. AIS denunciation of the misuse of the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program in the April 25th Elections was rejected by the Administrative Investigation Institutions.  They did not provide solutions for the violations found in the zone where Prime Minister Rama won. AIS reported that in violation of the Electoral Law, the Council of Ministers Decision dated 25 March and Durrës Municipal Council Decisions 12-24 April, transferred and executed in Durrës 6.1 Million Euro of non-emergency grants with Individual beneficiaries benefitting 1-5 thousand USD. The Commissioner declared himself incompetent and rejected the lawsuit. The CSC, after AIS Appeal, accepted the investigation but ended it with only one hearing where no Experts or challenged parties were heard. Based on the positions of the CSC and those of the Commissioner, the organization raises the alarm that the Reconstruction Fund, a medium-term budget program for 3-5 years, can be used in the next elections to compromise voters by giving individual grants a few hours before voting.

Stages of the AIS Process against the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës, Denunciation, Decision, Administrative Investigation:

  1. Date 31 May 2021, AIS submits a Denunciation to the State Commissioner for Elections, the Reconstruction Fund was Used in Durrës to Favor the Electoral Entity SP. The respondents include the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës HERE
  2. Date 16. 07. 2021, State Commissioner Response and Request for Information from Reported Institutions HERE
  • Decision no. 439 dated 2.08.2021 Decision of the State Commissioner for Elections for Extension of the Term of Administrative Review HERE
  1. Rejection by the Commissioner. CEC decision (no. 457, dated 01.10.2021) On the administrative review of a violation provided in decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission, in the Central Election Commission, to the Council of Ministers and the Municipal Council of Durrës HERE
  2. October 28th, 2021. AIS Appeal Against Decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021 of the State Commissioner for Elections HERE

The hearing in the CSC was held on 8 November. The Complaints and Sanctions Commission (CSC) accepted our Request for changes to be made to the Decision of the State Commissioner regarding its lack of competence, but rejected the allegations of irregularities in the acts of the Council of Ministers and the Municipality of Durrës, i.e. the acts that made it possible to pay Individual grants a few hours before the Voting day. The text of the CSC Notice is as follows

The Complaints and Sanctions Commission reviewed  November 8th appeal no. 74, challenging decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021, of the State Election Commissioner, a complaint by the organization Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS).

The Albanian Institute of Sciences has challenged the acts of the Council of Ministers and those of the municipality of Durrës regarding the funds they have allocated to the subjects affected by the earthquake. The State Election Commissioner had claimed lack of competence over this complaint.

Having heard the appellant and having reviewed the documentation, the CSC found that its review is the competence of the CEC bodies, so by a majority of votes, it decided to accept the request to amend decision no. 457, dated 01.10.2021 of the State Election Commissioner, whereby the latter had declared itself not competent for reviewing the complainant’s claim.

At the end of the administrative investigation, the CSC concluded that the acts challenged by the Albanian Institute of Sciences do not constitute a violation of decision no. 9 dated 24.12.2020 of the Regulatory Commission (reformer), because such decisions do not propose, approve, or allocate any new funds, but simply set executive procedures, so by a majority vote it decided to reject the request for an administrative sanction to be imposed for violation of decision no. 9, dated 24.12.2020 of the CEC Regulatory Commission.


This Decision can be challenged in the Administrative Court within 30 days from its Disclosure on the CEC Website.