Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Tiranë dhe Vorë 22-23.10.2021

Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga  Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 22-23 Tetor për Bashkinë Tiranë dhe Vorë një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe Fuqizim të aktorëve civil Aktivist në Antikorrupsion.

[Week 18.10.2021- 24.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 18.10.2021- 24.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 871 496 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 994 446 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 30.79 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 36.89 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration   )

Indicators as of October 24th, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 18th – 24th October  3 725

–           People Testes 18th – 24th October  23 955

–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 18th – 24th October – 54 (Increase from same week 18th – 24th October of prior year.)

–           Number of active cases on 24th October 2021 – 7 032

–           Hospitalization 24th October 2021 – 164 (Reduction from same day 24th October of prior year.)

–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 874

–           Total Number of Infected People 181 696

–           Number of recovered patients (18th – 24th October) 2 907

–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 18th – 24th October – 15.5%  (Increase from prior week)

–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 18th – 24th October – 1.45% (Reduction as prior week)

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 24th October 2021 – 2.33% (Reduction from prior week)

–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same week, 18th – 24th October, last year (18th – 24th October, 2020) there were: 23 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 31 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

A total of 973 new cases and 5886 tests for (18th – 24th October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

Active on the 24th October were 5312 people (18th – 24th October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

186 people were hospitalized on the 24th October 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from same day prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 18th – 24th October 2020= 24/1114*100=2.36% (This year we have a reduction from same week prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting

–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney

–           Open Spending Albania

–           Open Corporates Albania



Apply to become part of the Open Data Fellowship Youth Network

AIS is working to create a Network with Young People who have the skills and vocation to promote and influence public debate by enriching it with arguments and facts. This idea is implemented by the promotional team of Open Data Albania and it is intended to train researchers, activists, or journalists in their first steps of the profession, or during university studies, so that they may articulate themselves publicly on issues related to governance and corruption.

The process requires a commitment to:

  • one or two meetings per month,
  • independent work,
  • work under the care of an expert or data analyst,
  • stimulated debate among young people themselves;
  • preparation of research articles for publication on the website by junior authors.

The final goal of the process is to strengthen the capacities and knowledge of an elite youth group that has the vocation, talent, and willingness to engage in public articulation.  The process will be finalized with the publication of research articles on the Open Data Albania/FollowtheMoney portal by young people themselves giving them the opportunity to share with the public facts, analysis, and presentations.

Register Here

We welcome young people up to 25, students or newly graduated, to apply. What is required is candidates who are willing to empower themselves through data, information, and knowledge. Young people should be willing to improve their articulation skills and ability to engage in argument-based discussions.

Trajner për Sistem Administrim WebServices


Trajner për të rritur Kapacitete Stafi në Procese Pune si:

  • Sistem Administrim WebServices
  • Linux Administration
  • Konfigurime PHP
  • Konfigurim DataBaze

Angazhimi si më poshtë:

  1. Kurikul Trajnimi SistemeAdministrimi Web Services. (2 ditë pune)
  2. Leksion dhe Ushtrim Praktik. (4 ditë pune)
  3. Përgatitje dhe prezantim Listë Referenca të Tutorialeve OnLine për Trajnim autodidakt në vijimësi. (2 ditë pune)

Pagesa 90 Euro/dita


  • Të ketë diplomë në Shkenca Kompjuterike.
  • Eksperiencë mbi 10 vjet në Sistem Adminitrim WebServices
  • Dëshmi dhe Certifikata që lidhen me Sistem Adrminitrim WebServices
  • Kohë në dispozicion për tu angazhuar dhe për të vepruar në zyrën tonë 6 deri 8 ditë në vit.

Dokumenta që Duhen për aplikim:

  • CV
  • Diplomë dhe Licensa
  • Kopje ID si Person Fizik, apo Individ.

Aplikimet I presim në [email protected] email me titull Aplikoj Trajner për Sistem Adminitrim WebServices

[Week 04.10.2021- 10.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 04.10.2021- 10.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 828 940 Persons
–           Vaccination with the First Dose 960 652 Persons
–           In Percentage, it results that 29.29 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.
–           In Percentage, it results that 35.08 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration   )

Indicators as of October 10th, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 4th – 10th October  3 174
–           People Testes 4th – 10th October  29 909

–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 4th – 10th October – 55 (Increase from same week 4th – 10th October of the prior year.)
–           Number of active cases on 10th October 2021 – 7 113
–           Hospitalization 10th October 2021 – 164 (Reduction from same day 10th October of the prior year.)
–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 768
–           Total Number of Infected People 174 968
–           Number of recovered patients (4th – 10th October) 4 957
–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 4th – 10th October – 10.6 (Reduction from prior week)
–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 4th – 10th October – 1.73% (Reduction from prior week)
–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 10th October 2021 – 2.3(Increase from prior week)
–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.
–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same week, 4th – 10th October, last year (4th – 10th October, 2020) there were: 24 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 31 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

A total of 1114 new cases and 6557 tests for (4th – 10th October 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)
Active on the 10th October were 5409 people (4th – 10th October 2020). (This year we have an increase from the same week prior year)
232 people were hospitalized on the 10th of October 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from the same day prior year)
Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 4th – 10th October 2020= 24/1114*100=2.15% (This year we have a reduction from the same week prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS /the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting
–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney
–           Open Spending Albania
–           Open Corporates Albania

AIS/OpenData files Lawsuit with the Constitutional Court Challenging Law 97.2019, claiming its section on Procurement Reconstruction Program violates Economic Freedom, potentially leaving room for inequality, clientelism, and corruption

AIS organization, known as Open Data Albania, has filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court, demanding partial abrogation of a Normative Act, which has the power of the law, namely Act no. 9, dated 16.12.2019 “On coping with the consequences of natural disasters”, approved by the Assembly of Albania by law no. 97, dated 18.12.2019, specifically the repeal of Chapter VI, Public Procurement Procedures, Articles 40 – 44, and Article 4, point 7 and point 9.

This Normative Act, which has the power of law, in the opinion and reasoning of our Organization, in its section on Procurement for coping with the consequences of natural disaster after the Earthquake of November 26th, 2019, violates the constitutional right of freedom of economic activity, provided in Article 11 of the Constitution.

Violating the Freedom of Economic Activity, it leaves room for inequality, clientelism, preferential contracting, favoritism, and Corruption to the detriment of Public Funds.

This Normative Act has established by Law the Type of ProcedureDeadlines for ParticipationDeadlines for Appeal and Evaluation, bypassing the National Legislation on Public Procurement and restricting the right to competition and equality.

The interested parties in this Lawsuit include the Assembly and the Council of Ministers.

Some of the elements, where Act no. 9, which has the power of law, discriminates against economic freedom and public interest for efficient use of Public Money:

  • It sets a Procedure where Competition is Not Guaranteed. Act no. 9 opts for an Accelerated Procedure and gives the Government the right to determine by Decision of Council of Ministers no. 199, dated 04.03.2020 a Restricted Procurement Procedure (two-stage procedure). This does not guarantee bidding, undermines the competition of operators, removes the process from the electronic system, and takes it to the second stage of negotiation at the table where the risk of clientelism is high. The Accelerated Procedure applies to a specific sector, where the number of operating operators is lowIn this case, it is mainly construction works which are being procured (apartments and educational facilities) in this manner. The nature of this procurement in the context of the Albanian market of companies operating in the field of construction is very favorable and Accelerated and Restricted Procedures are not necessary.
  • Restrictive deadlines for Submission of Documentation by economic operators, in the part of the Law that we seek to repeal. The deadline of only 10 days has drastically limited competition, as it is almost impossible to prepare a large set of documents and technical Bill of Quantities for a period of 10 days.
  • Foreign Businesses are discriminated against. The 10-day deadline also excludes “de facto” offers from foreign operators. It is worth mentioning here that a foreign operator has the obligation to submit official documentation with an apostille stamp.
  • The non-serious deadline of only 2 days for Complaining against the criteria of the procurement procedure, set by the Normative Act no. 9, is extremely restrictive for economic operators, who may claim unlawfulness of the qualification criteria. We clarify the fact that it is precisely the qualification criteria that create premises/incentives or make it impossible for operators to participate in a procurement procedure.
  • On the other hand, the 3-day deadline for complaints to be handled by the Public Procurement Commission is completely non-objective. Law no. 9643 sets a deadline of 15 days for handling complaints, while Law no. 162/2020, sets a deadline of 30 days.
  • Here too, the Legislator has shortened the deadlines for the evaluation of bids by 5 days. Considering that procurement procedures conducted based on normative act no. 9 are mainly procedures above the upper monetary threshold, and have a volume of documentation, it is clear that the 10-day deadline for bid evaluation puts in serious difficulty the quality of evaluation and the possibility of objective verification of all documentation submitted by bidders.
  • Even in the value of contract insurance which is provided at 5% higher in the Normative Act compared to Law no. 9643 and law no. 162/2020, there is a step back and discrimination against economic operators that compete and sign accelerated procedures versus economic operators that compete or are selected winners in regular procurement procedures.

AIS files its lawsuit claiming suspension and abrogation of this Normative Act, which has the power of law, specifically concerning its part on Procurement, because its consequences affect the interests of the state, society, and individuals.

The contracting authorities would have no consequences from such suspension and repeal requested of the Constitutional Court (Suspension and Repeal), as the Reconstruction Fund can be still tendered through Law no. 162/2020 “On public procurement”, entered into force on 31 March 2021, as an organic law that fully regulates the field of public procurement, drafted in line with the directives of the EU legislation on procurement, which provides solutions for any situations, whether emergency or regular situations, that a contracting authority might face.

The organization has monitored All Contracts Related to the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Program of November 26th, 2019. So far, 33.14 billion Lekë have been tendered for 337 contracts with 192 Unions of Operators. Click to get acquainted with the list of contracts and contractors.

AIS, known as Open Data Albania, is registered as a legal entity – non-profit organization – by decision of Tirana Judicial District Court no. 3048, dated 28.03.2011.

The organization is implementing Projects related to Expenditures, Procurement, Public Contracting, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Issues, some of which are as follows:

  • OpenData, Access and Transparency for Sectors Exposed to Corruption and at Risk of Corruption.
  • OpenContractingAlbania Risk Assessment & RedFlag
  • Public Contracts in States of Natural Disasters, Strengthening Independent Monitoring Mechanisms

AIS has established database systems for tendering and Contracting as Open Procurement Albania, contract monitoring system State Reconstruction Program
Risk assessment system (automatically) in tendering
Database for monitoring Public Expenditure and Integrity of Elected and High Level Appointed Public Officials

The lawsuit filed in the Constitutional Court can be found on the website of Followthemoney.Al

Trajnim: Forcim i Aktivizmit Civil me fokus Shpërndarjen e Parasë Publike, Kamëz 01- 02.10.2021

Organizata AIS / Open Data Albania në kuadër të zbatimit të projektit me titull Monitorim Qytetar dhe Transparencë mbi Kontraktor të Bashkive për Shërbime dhe Investime Publike I mbështetur nga  Lëviz Albania,një projekt i Agjencisë Zvicerane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim SDC, mbajti në datat 01-02 Tetor në Bashkinë Kamëz një trajnim për Rritje Kapacitetesh dhe Fuqizim të aktorëve civil Aktivist në Antikorrupsion.

Në trajnim morën pjesë 15 pjesëmarrës nga të cilët 13 gra dhe 2 burra.

Agenda e trajnimit këtu

[Month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the month 01.09.2021- 30.09.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 788 538 Persons
–           Vaccination with the First Dose 944 011 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 27.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.
–           In Percentage, it results that 33.3 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration   )

Indicators as of September 30th, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 1st – 30th September  23 744
–           People Testes 1st – 30th September  149 987
–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 1st – 30th September – 200 (Increase from same month 1st – 30th September of prior year.)

–           Number of active cases on 30th September 2021 – 9 823
–           Hospitalization 30th September 2021 – 158 (Reduction from same day 30th September of prior year.)
–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 698
–           Total Number of Infected People 170 131
–           Number of recovered patients (1st – 30th September) 23 791
–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 1st – 30th September – 15.8%
–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 1st – 30th September – 0.84%

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 30th September – 1.6%
–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.
–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same month, 1st – 30th September, last year (1st – 30th September, 2020) there were: 103 deaths, comparing to that for the same month we have 97 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)

A total of 4136 new cases and 25203 tests for (1st – 30th September, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)
Active on the 30th September were 5415 people (1st – 30th September, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same month prior year)
189 people were hospitalized on the 30th September 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from same day prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 1st – 30th September 2020= 103/4136*100=2.49% (This year we have a reduction from same month prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting
–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney
–           Open Spending Albania
–           Open Corporates Albania


[Week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 27.09.2021- 03.10.2021, which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at

As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 805 420 Persons
–           Vaccination with the First Dose 950 620 Persons
–           In Percentage, it results that 28.4 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.
–           In Percentage, it results that 40.2 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration   )

Indicators as of October 3rd, 2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 27th September – 3rd October 3 901

–           People Testes 27th September – 3rd October 26 029
–           Number of Fatalities for last week, 27th September – 3th October – 73 (Increase from same week 27th September – 3rd October of prior year.)
–           Number of active cases on 3rd October 2021 – 8 951
–           Hospitalization 3rd October 2021 – 182 (Reduction from same day 3rd October of prior year.)
–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 713
–           Total Number of Infected People 171 794
–           Number of recovered patients (27th September – 3rd October) 6 511
–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 27th September – 3rd October – 14.9% (Increase from prior week)
–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 27th September – 3rd October – 1.87(Increase from prior week)
–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 3rd October 2021 – 2.03(Increase from prior week)
–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.
–           Population above 15 years 2 362 375.

The same week, 27th September – 3rd October, last year (27th September – 3rd October, 2020) there were: 17 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 56 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
A total of 964 new cases and 6424 tests for (27th September – 3rd October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
Active on the 3rd were 5189 people (27th September – 3rd October, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)
200 people were hospitalized on the 3rd October 2020.  (This year we have a reduction from same week prior year)
Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 27th September – 3th October 2020= 17/964*100=1.76% (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.

In the portal created by AIS /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.

AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting
–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney
–           Open Spending Albania
–           Open Corporates Albania


[Week 20.09.2021- 26.09.2021] Covid – 19 Situation with Vaccinations, Infections, and Mortality

Please find below an update on Albania’s situation with Covid-19, for the week 20.09.2021 – 26.09.2021 , which AIS / Open Data Albania is providing. Find Data and Charts on Covid-19 updated on a daily basis at


As per the last public statement, the number of Vaccinated in the country is:

–           Complete vaccination with 2 doses 760 960 Persons

–           Vaccination with the First Dose 932 595 Persons

–           In Percentage, it results that 26.8 % of the Population is Fully Vaccinated.

–           In Percentage, it results that 32.2 % of the Population above 15 years is Fully Vaccinated.

The Albanian state has so far applied Vaccination with AstraZeneca; Pfizer BioNTech; Sinovac CoronaVac; Gamaleya – Sputnik V. (Linked all documents of our Government for Vaccine Administration   )


Indicators as of September 26,  2021, Infections, Hospitalizations and Fatalities:

–           New Cases for 20th – 26th September 4 940

–           People Testes 20th – 26th September 33 175

–           Number of Fatalities for last week,  20th – 26th September – 60 ( Increase from same week 20th – 26th September of  prior year.)

–           Number of active cases on 26 September 2021  – 11 634

–           Hospitalization 26 September  2021 – 222 ( Increase from same day 26 September of  prior year.)

–           Total Number of Fatalities 2 640

–           Total Number of Infected People  167 893

–           Number of recovered patients (20th – 26th September)  6 017

–           Infected Number / Tested Number for 20h – 26th September – 14.8% (Reduction from prior week)

–           Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 20th – 26th September – 1.2% (Increase from prior week)

–           Hospitalized /Active cases as per 26 September 2021 – 1.9% (Increase from prior week)

–           Total Population of Albania 2 829 741.

–           Population above 15 years  2 362 375.


The same week, September 20-26, last year (September 20-26, 2020) there were: 17 deaths, comparing to that for the same week we have 43 more deaths in 2021. (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

A total of 927 new cases and 5836 tests for (September 20-26, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

Active on the 26th were 5381 people (September 20-26, 2020). (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

179 people were hospitalized on the 26th September 2020.  (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)

Fatalities/Infected Ratio for 20-26 September 2020 = 17/927*100=1.8% (This year we have an increase from same week prior year)



We see that there is generally an ascending trend from last year.


In the portal created by AIS /  the data for Covid -19 are being updated daily. You will receive a weekly update on Covid 19, Vaccinations, Infections, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities in the coming weeks.


AIS databases, #Information, #Transparency, and #Accountability

–           Open Procurement Albania all Covid-19 Contracting

–           Open Data Albania #FollowTheMoney

–           Open Spending Albania

–           Open Corporates Albania

