Bizneset e Rindërtimit deri tani 162 Shoqëri kanë fituar kontrata Publike

Cilat janë Bizneset që po Realizojnë Punime në Kuadër të Programit të Rindërtimit Post Tërmeti i 26 Nëntor 2019?!

Open Corporates Albania ka krijuar një kategori të veçantë në Menu ku vendosen pasaporta për të gjitha bizneset shoqëritë që janë angazhuar me kontratë për të bërë Punë dhe Projekte pjesë e Programit të Rindërtimit të Qeverisë Shqiptare. Emri i Kategorisë (menu) është Biznese Rindërtimi.

Këto shoqëri kanë të paktën 1 kontratë të lidhur me Institucionet Shqiptare. Kontratat janë kryesisht në bazë marrëveshje kuadër të hartuara pas tenderimit me Procedurë të Kufizuar.

Aktualisht deri datën e sotme, sistemi ka identifikuar 162 shoqëri që kanë një kontratë për një projektim, mbikëqyrje, ndërtim apo riparim në kuadër të Programit të Qeverisë Shqiptare për Rindërtimin.

Për secilin operator shfaqen të dhëna mbi administratorin, zotëruesin, objektin e aktivitetit, data e themelimit, ndryshime në strukturën e shoqërisë, performanca ekonomike në vitet e fundit, pagesat nga Thesari, të dhëna dhe listime për tender fitues.

Lista mund të shkarkohet si PDF ose si Excel për ripërdorim sipas dëshirës tuaj.

Shoqëritë janë vendase. Kategoria do të përditësohet me të tjera pasaporta biznesi që do të fitojnë statusin e Kontraktorit për Kontrata në Kuadër të Programit të Rindërtimit Post Tërmet.

Secili Biznes është listuar duke marrë si të dhënë kontratën apo marrëveshjen. Këto Kontrata apo marrëveshje janë pjesë e sistemit për Prokurime Transparente krijuar nga AIS. Procedurat Tenderuese për Rindërtimin janë mbajtur nga Fondi Shqiptar për Zhvillim dhe Bashkitë.


Fondi Shqiptar për Zhvillim


Gazetarët që kanë nevoje për të aksesuar dhe kuptuar procedura të tenderimit Programi i Rindërtimit pas tërmetit, mund të kontaktojnë zyrën tonë


P.s Këtu nuk janë të listuar Bizneset qo kanë fituar kontrata për tenderime me fonde të EU, e për të cilat autoritet tenderues nuk është një Institucion i Shtetit Shqiptar.

The public monitors the integrity of the Justice System. Most viewed individuals in the Register of Magistrates, December 2020

The web-based Access to Justice Database is created by AIS organization as a mine of data and documents for the newly established justice institutions and their members. The database contains a Register of Magistrates, which includes information and a passport for each judge , prosecutor , and each member of the justice institutions, as well as for suspended judges and prosecutors .

The three most viewed profiles for December on this database according to google analytics are:

  • The profile of Mar. Altin Binaj, elected Constitutional Judge . A profile had already been created on the Access to Justice database for Mr. Binaj as a prosecutor. His profile was updated in December with data and documents about his promotion as a Constitutional Judge.

The passport profile for Mr. Binaj contains information and documents in the following categories: General information, professional experience, qualifications and promotions, documents, and asset declarations.

  • The Ph.D. thesis of Dr. Erjon Muharremaj, member of the High Judicial Council, HCJ, , is the most viewed documents for December on Access to Justice Database, under the Register of Magistrates. The title of the Ph.D. is “The impact of the International Environmental Law on the Albanian Legislation “. The dissertation for defending the “Doctor” grade was presented to the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law .
  • The third ranking profile in terms of number of views was the profile of Judge Alaudin Malaj, whose re-assessment process was interrupted upon his resignation request

Most of the views for the 12 months of 2020 rank the profile of Mr. Sotir Kllapi, Prosecutor in the Special prosecutor’s Office against Corruption and Organized Crime as the most viewed profile , followed by the profile of Mr. Altin Binaj, a Constitutional Judge and that of Mr. Luan Daci, a member suspended by the Special College of Appeals and subject to criminal proceedings .

So far, passports have been created in the Register of Magistrates with information about individuals who have passed the vetting process, resigned, or promoted to the high level of the justice institutions.

The data and documents are accessible through official sources and requests for information sent to the relevant institutions. The profiles of the magistrates are intended to strengthen public monitoring and increase public trust in the system. Each profile contains data and documents regarding general personal information; the date of initial assignment to the current office: previous professional experience, education, and research; special qualifications; decisions of the qualification institutions; evaluations of their ethics and professional performance; effective disciplinary measures; and asset declarations.

Our web-based Database for the Register of Magistrates is a pilot model proposed by the organization AIS as a model for the state institutions, which are required to create a Register of Magistrates. The Justice Reform is strongly connected with the need for public monitoring and trust in the integrity of the members of the Justice System.


Our web-based Database for the Register of Magistrates is part of one of our fund-raising projects for 2021. Our website and the software solution are created by AIS team and funded by OSFA through a project of several months in 2019. During 2020, the maintenance of the website and the updating of the magistrates’’ profiles was carried out on volunteer basis by the organization AIS.

For easy access to information on the database, you are advised to use the search machines as per the relevant categories .

Altin Binaj of the Constitutional Court, Erjon Muharremaj of the HJC, and Alaudin Malaj, a suspended judge, are the three most google viewed profiles for December 2020. The public is interested in names promoted in the justice system.

#aksesdrejtesi #reformedrejtesi #vetting

AIS proposes to the Government the establishment of an Electronic Register for the Magistrates, AKSHI sets up working group for its implementation

A Register of the Magistrates, with data, documents, and information for Albanian judges and prosecutors is required by the law since 2016, the year when the legal package for the justice reform was adopted. This register enables the careful archiving of the documents and information related to the integrity, performance, and image of judges and prosecutors. AIS has found that none of the institutions, the High Prosecutorial Council and the High Judicial Council has made any efforts to create the register in an electronic form. Therefore, the Government was officially requested to commit to this database of great importance for the public confidence and the integrity of the Reformed Justice System. The National Agency for Information Society has established a working group and is expected to start the process. The intervention consists of four steps: drafting of the missing by-laws; software infrastructure; hardware infrastructure, and increasing the capacities of the implementation staff. AIS has created the web-database Access to Justice Info as a pilot model to be considered by the institutions.

Chronological steps :

Anti-Corruption Day – Open Data Albania is awarded the Prize for Civil Society Action

The Integrity Week and the World Anti-Corruption Day were finalized with several awards of appreciation being given to important and active actors in the country. Our organization, known as a promoter of Open Data Albania, was awarded the prize for Civil Society Action. The prize was given in recognition for Strengthening Accountability with respect to Policymaking Improvement and Promoting Transparency, Communication, and Civic Participation through the use of innovation and information technology. The prize was handed over by the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Albania, Madame Guusje Korthals Altes.

The Integrity Week is an Initiative of ICC Albania with the support of the Netherlands Embassy, EU delegation in Tirana, Ministry of Justice, and A2CNN as the Media Partner. In this context, 15 important actors were nominated. Our organization feels grateful for this award and thanks every stakeholder involved in improving transparency, accountability, and good governance.

Apliko për Praktikë Profesionale në temën: Kërkimi dhe Hulumtimi të dhëna dhe statistikore Drejtësi

AIS po kërkon të angazhojë në një praktikë profesionale 3 deri 6 mujore, një ose dy student profili Drejtësi. Praktika ka në fokus aftësimin për punë kërkimore dhe evidence në sektorin e drejtësisë. Kandidati duhet të jetë student në master, të ketë mesatare të mirë dhe dëshirë për të zgjeruar njohuritë mbi: databaza të institucioneve, regjistra publik, mirë-strukturimin e dokumentit zyrtarë, dinamikën dhe vëllimin e fenomeneve që lidhen me të Drejtën Publike dhe të Drejtën Civile, agregimin e informacionit statistikor për këtë sektor.

Aplikanti duhet të njohë mirë programe kompjuterike si Excel dhe Microsoft Word.

Praktikanti duhet të angazhohet të paktën 60 orë në muaj.

Në fund të praktikës 3 mujore, Praktikanti i Suksesshëm mund të përfitojë angazhim si i punësuar pranë AIS.

Databaza të AIS ku aplikohet Kërkimi dhe Hulumtimi të dhëna dhe statistikore Drejtësi janë

Të interesuarit të dërgojnë një letër interesi me titull Aplikant Praktikë Profesionale, Kërkimi dhe Hulumtimi të dhëna dhe statistikore Drejtësi në adresën e emailit [email protected] deri në datën 12 Dhjetor.

Register of Magistrates, Proposal of Civil Society Action Plan OGP, Component Open Government for Access to Justice and Digital Governance

The Register of Magistrates is an unfulfilled legal obligation, and the civil society proposes to consider it as a Government commitment in the 2021-2022 Action Plan.

AIS as an organization, draws attention to the institutional delays for the creation of the Register of Magistrates for Prosecutors and Judges. This register is both a legal obligation and a set standard for the Justice Reform. AIS has proposed to the Intergovernmental Technical Committee tasked for drafting the Open Government Partnership (OGP) 2021-2022 Action Plan, to commit and include in this plan the implementation of such as Register. The direct beneficiaries of this plan are two key institutions of the Justice System, the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council. Governments have the obligation to draft the Action Plan for the Open Government Partnerships in cooperation with the civil society. Below the request proposal.

Find HERE the full proposal

Access to Justice – A public register for the magistrates, created by a Non-Governmental Organisation

Access to Information Database is a data mine into the justice system. A passport of information, documents, and data is created for each individual that is promoted and qualified in the vetting process, enabling public monitoring of individual integrity. This data is restructured, setting a model for the Magistrates’ Register. The Register represents a legal obligation for the new justice institutions, not yet fulfilled . Access to Justice contains data on CVs, public declarations, qualifications, scientific research, promotions, disciplinary measures, and asset declarations for each individual judge and prosecutor. Access to Justice enables also access by search filters for each document of the new justice systems, such as acts, decisions, official records, reports, etc. AIS, the organization promoting Open Data for Albania has created and maintains this data mine. On 1 October, the vetting process has fully confirmed in office only 76 judges, prosecutors and individuals of the justice system. 123 judges and prosecutors have been dismissed. For 48, the process has been terminated. A decision was made by the Special Qualification Committee for 28 others, who are pending a decision from the Public Commissioner or the Special College of Appeals. A passport of information and documents is created for each judge and prosecutor who has fully passed the vetting process on our Access to Justice website. This passport enables public access and monitoring over the integrity of promoted individuals. This includes:

  1. Vitore Tusha Judge
  2. Fatjona Memcaj Prosecutor
  3. Manjola Xhaxho Judge
  4. Marcela Shehu Judge
  5. Anila Leka Prosecutor
  6. Dritan Prenci Prosecutor
  7. Brikena Ukperaj Judge
  8. Vate Staka  Prosecutor
  9. Arta Marku Prosecutor
  10. Kostaq Beluri Prosecutor
  11. Nertina Kosova Judge
  12. Ardian Dvorani Judge
  13. Medi Bici Judge
  14. Brunilda Kadi Judge
  15. Dritan Hallunaj Judge
  16. Gentjan Medja Judge
  17. Adnan Xholi Prosecutor
  18. Bujar Sheshi Prosecutor
  19. Sokol Stojani  Prosecutor
  20. Arnisa Kellici Candidate Judge
  21.  Miranda Nakaj Legal Assistant
  22. Arta Vorpsi Legal Advisor
  23. Enton Dhimitri Judge
  24. Fiona Papajorgji Member of the CC
  25. Emona Muci Judge
  26. Alma Kolgjoka Judge
  27. Arben Kraja Prosecutor
  28. Eloida Goxhi Prosecutor
  29. Alfred Progonati Prosecutor
  30. Gentjan Jahjolli Legal Advisor
  31. Adrian Shega Former Legal Advisor
  32. Alma Muca Prosecutor
  33. Altin Binaj Prosecutor
  34. Eriol Roshi Judge
  35. Elsa Toska Member of the CC
  36. Ornela Naqellari Judge
  37. Albana Boksi Judge
  38. Esmeralda Ceka Judge
  39. Dhorina Theodhori Prosecutor
  40. Rexhep Bekteshi Judge
  41. Elidiana Kasa Prosecutor
  42. Sotir Kllapi Prosecutor
  43. Sokol Binaj Judge
  44. Edvin Kondili Prosecutor
  45. Artan Shtrungza Prosecutor
  46. Ened Nakuci Prosecutor
  47. Enkeleda Millonai Prosecutor
  48. Vladimir Mara Prosecutor
  49. Margarita Buhali Judge
  50. Esmeralda Keshi (Cami) Prosecutor
  51. Klodiana Veizi Judge
  52. Saida Dollani Judge
  53. Behar Dibra Prosecutor
  54. Zeqir Hoda Prosecutor
  55. Elida Kackini Prosecutor
  56. Olsian Cela Prosecutor
  57. Maela Alicanaj Legal Advisor
  58. Altin Dumani Prosecutor
  59. Enkel Peza (legal assistant, candidate magistrate)
  60. Sokol Ibi Judge
  61. Sonila Muhametaj (Domi) Prosecutor
  62. Artur Kalaja Judge
  63. Daniela Shirka Judge
  64. Iliriana Olldashi Judge
  65. Doloreza Musabelliu Prosecutor
  66. Klodian Kurushi Judge
  67. Genti Xholi Prosecutor
  68. Sander Simoni Judge
  69. Miliana Muca Judge
  70. Thoma Jano Prosecutor
  71. Asim Vokshi Judge
  72. Gjon Fusha Prosecutor
  73. Edlira Petri Judge
  74. Ilir Toska Judge
  75. Dhimiter Lara Judge
  76. Manjola Kajana Prosecutor

Njoftim Organizata AIS kërkon Përpunues të Dhënash me karakter ekonomik

AIS organizatë jo qeveritare, promotore e të dhënave transparente (open data) në Shqipëri është në kërkim të bashkëpunëtorëve të rinj pjesë e proceseve për përpunim dhe hedhje të dhënash. Individët që kanë interes të bashkëpunojnë apo angazhohen në procese të tilla mund të aplikojnë për një intervistë apo testim.

Kriteret për aplikim janë: diplomë universitare në Ekonomi (jo domosdoshmërish master). Njohuri të sakta nga e drejta tregtare (funksionimi i shoqërive tregtare) ose i kontabilitetit individual (deklarim asetesh). Nuk kërkohet ndonjë eksperiencë e mëparshme profesionale, dhe janë të mirëpritur edhe studentët master ende në procese studimi.

Pagesa për orë pune fillon nga 2 usd për orë pune dhe varjon sipas aftësive dhe rezultateve. Java e parë është provë pa pagesë.

Të interesuarit të dërgojnë një email në adresën [email protected] brenda datës 1 Nëntor, me titull Aplikim Përpunues të Dhëna me karakter ekonomik. Emaili duhet të ketë bashkëlidhur një CV të thjeshtë ku preferohet sa më pak informacion për aktivitet dhe eksperiencë që nuk lidhet me objektin e njoftimit.

Njoftim organizata AIS kërkon financier me kohë të pjesshme pune

AIS organizatë jo qeveritare është në kërkim të një financieri për  mbajtje të librave kontabël dhe dokumentacionit përmbyllës vjetor. Organizata ka llogari vjetore me shpenzime më pak se 30 milion lekë. Kandidati/Kandidatja duhet të jetë i diplomuar në Ekonomi. Me eksperiencë mbi 3 vite në mbajtje kontabiliteti ku pëlqehet eksperiencë pranë subjekteve jofitimprurëse.

Kandidati përveç intervistës mund ti nënshtrohet një testi pyetje dhe përgjigje ( me shkrim)

Angazhimi është 50 ore pune në muaj me pagesë bruto 5 usd për orë pune. Kandidati duhet të punojë në zyrën e AIS (jo në distancë) dhe të deklarohet si i punësuar me kohë të pjesshme. Të interesuarit të dërgojnë një email në adresën emaili [email protected] brenda datës 25 shtator me titull Aplikim financier me kohë të pjesshme pune. Emaili duhet të ketë bashkëlidhur një CV të thjeshtë ku preferohet sa më pak informacion për aktivitet dhe eksperiencë që nuk lidhet me objektin e njoftimit.

The reconstruction programme after the earthquake of November 26th, tenders and contracts

The Albanian Government continued its tender procedures during March – June for the reconstruction and development of buildings and areas damaged by the November 26th 2019 earthquake. So far, there are two authorities involved: the Albanian Development Fund and the Municipality of Tirana. Open Procurement Albania is preparing passports for every tender and contract procedure related to this programme. So far, several contracts are announced by the Albanian Government. The procedure selected for tenders is the restricted (not the open) procedure, and the deadline for expression of interest in each case is no longer than 10 calendar days. The Procedure and Deadline are predetermined by Normative Act No. 9, dated 16.12.2019 on Dealing with the Consequences of the Natural Disaster, a normative act equivalent to a law. This is done by avoiding and bypassing the regular application of the common rules and legislation on Public Procurement. The same procedure and the same deadline were applied even in the case of contracts exceeding the High Monetary Limit, which requiring international competition and call. The deadline for expression of interest by law in the case of the limited procedure is at least 20 working days for each phase, while the limited procedure is used only in specific cases. The application of rules and procedures pre-determined by a Normative Act through very short deadlines and the Limited Procedure corresponds with situations exposed to higher risks related to competition and bid efficiency. Below are the tenders announced so far (June 2019)


List of Tenders Reconstruction Program from the Albanian Development Fund includes 18

These 18 tenders of the Albanian Development Fund have a total value limit of 14 281 395 708 (fourteen billion and two hundred and eighty-one million, and three hundred and ninety-five thousand and seven hundred and eight) Lekë. This is equal approximately to 116.1 million euros. Tenders are listed as follows:

  1. Reconstruction of individual residences and reconstruction of public infrastructure and any other interventions serving the reconstruction of these homes. For a fund of 6 186 125 775 (six billion and one hundred and eighty-six million and one hundred and twenty-five thousand and seven hundred and seventy-five) Lekë. The budget projected for this year (2020) is 5,49 billion lekë. The budget has been made available by the Albanian Government’s (not donors) budget. The scope of the Framework agreement includes the reconstruction of individual homes, construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure, and any other intervention serving these homes on the territory of the municipalities of Durres, Kamza, Kavaja, Rrogozhina, Kruja, Kurbin, Lezha, Mirdita, Shijak, and Vora. This tender was originally announced on March 10th, 2020, with a deadline for submission of expression of interest of only 9 days. The tender failed and was re-announced on April 28th, 2020. The Albanian Development Fund has not yet announced who was qualified, has not identified the winning bid, and has not announced the signing of any contract as part of the Framework Agreement for this tender Link
  2. The next tender is the Construction and Reconstruction of public infrastructure in the new areas announced for Mandatory Development. For a projected value of up to 3 726 934 577 (three billion and seven hundred and twenty-six million and nine hundred and thirty-four thousand and five hundred and seventy-seven) Lekë, or approximately 30.3 million euros. The budget allocated for this tender for 2020 is 745 389 915 million lekë. The scope of the framework agreement consists of the infrastructure of these zones, and utility, and urban infrastructure. The public infrastructure means the construction sites in areas assigned for free development and available for construction, the transport infrastructure, water supply and sewage infrastructure, energy supply infrastructure, community infrastructure of squares, parks, sports playgrounds, and public lighting on the territory of the municipalities of Durres, Kamza, Kavaja, Rrogozhina, Kruja, Kurbin, Lezha, Mirdita, Shijak, and Vora. This tender was announced on April 28th, and there is no yet any information about its progress Link
  3. Equally, another lot procedure is also announced on March 17th for a total fund limit of 4,175,217,853 (four billion and node hundred and seventy-five million and two hundred and seventeen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-three) lekë without VAT. The budget available for 2020 is 1,043,804,463 lekë without VAT. Lots are as follows:
  4. Lot 1. The reconstruction of educational facilities in the areas affected by the earthquake with a funding source includes the Reconstruction Fund, Budget approved by decision no. 212, dated 11. 03. 2020 on the Use of the Reconstruction Fund to fund reconstruction of educational facilities. The value without VAT is 511 405 370 lekë.ë/id/297
  5. Lot 2. Reconstruction of schools, Municipality of Kruja, for a value of 490 413 615 lekë without VAT. Lot 2 includes the 9-year elementary school “Selman Daci”, the 9-year elementary school and kindergarten “Ramazan Jangozi”, the 9-year elementary school and kindergarten “Kastriot Derveni”, the 9-year elementary school Gjon Luka, Luz. The total construction surface of all these buildings is approximately 10 691 m2. The call was announced on 17 March. The submission deadline is 27 March. LINKë/id/298
  6. Lot 3. Reconstruction of educational facilities, Municipality of Durres for a value of 845 723 696 lekë without VAT. The educational facilities included in Lot 3 are: the 9-year elementary school and the kindergarten “Bedrie Beziqi”, kindergarten “Met Hasa”, the 9-year elementary school “Neim Babameto”, the 9-year elementary school and kindergarten “Hasan Koci”, all with a total construction surface of approximately 18 438 m2. Linkë/id/299
  7. Lot 4. The reconstruction of educational facilities, Durres Municipality 2, for a value of 850 692 969 lekë. The educational facilities included in lot 4 are Shaqe Mazreku School, the joint High School Rexhep Mesini, the 9-year elementary school and kindergarten Adem Gjeli, the 9-year elementary school Xhelal Shtufi Shkafanaj, the Njazi Mastori 2+3, school and kindergarten, the 9-year elementary school Vellezrit Haradinaj, all with a total construction surface of approximately 18 545 m2. LINKë/id/300
  8. Lot 5. The reconstruction of educational facilities in Kavaja and Rrogozhina Municipality for a value 414 766 205 lekë without VAT. The educational facilities included in lot 5 are the vocational school Charles Teleford Erickson, the 9-year elementary Shtodher, the vocational school 26 Marsi, Golem dormitory, the 9-year elementary school of Gosa, the elementary school and the kindergarten of Vila Bashtove, all with a construction surface of approximately 9041 m2.ë/id/301
  9. Lot 6. The reconstruction of educational facilities in Kamza municipality for a value of 621 757 340 lekë without VAT. The educational facilities included in lot 6 are the 9-year elementary school Halil Coka, the secondary school Sulejman Elezi, the kindergarten Lidhja e Prizrenit Paskuqan, the kindergarten Halit Coka, all with a construction surface of approximately 13 555 m2. Linkë/id/302
  10. Lot 7. The reconstruction of educational facilities in the municipality of Shijak for a value of 440 458 658 lekë without VAT. The educational facilities included in lot 7 are: the 9-year elementary school Ramazan Subashi, the 9-year elementary school Ahmetaq, the kindergarten in Kodër Berxullë, the kindergarten in Marqinet, the 9 year elementary school Lidhja e Prizrenit, the general secondary school 16 Shtatori, kindergarten no. 1, Vlashaj kindergarten, the secondary school Kajo Karafili, all with a construction surface of approximately 9 602 m2.
  11. The other tenders consist of monitoring the execution of the key contracts and lots. Link


Another institution involved in the Reconstruction Programme tenders is the main Municipality in the country, i.e. the Municipality of Tirana. This municipality is the only one, which, using funds from the central budget, will manage the reconstruction tenders on its own territory on its own.

So far, this municipality has announced several tenders Link:

But so far, the highest-value tender remains the one for the reconstruction of individual homes, within and outside the new areas designated for development, construction and reconstruction of public infrastructure, as well as any other interventions serving the reconstruction of individual homes outside the new development areas.

This tender has a fund limit of 2 123 598 655 leks (two billion and one hundred and twenty-three million and five hundred and ninety-eight thousand and six hundred and fifty-five) lekë or about 17.26 million euros. The tender was announced in March with a smaller fund limit, but it failed, as none of the bids submitted did not comply with the criteria defined in the tender documents. The tender was re-announced in May with a higher value, and after several changes to the budget allocated to Tirana Municipality by a decision of the Council of Ministers. Even in this tender, the applied procedure is the limited procedure. Several areas are so far designated on Tirana’s territory for development after the earthquake, including 5 Maji, Autotraktoret, Kombinat, Agricultural University, Baldushk, Vaqarr, and Zall Herr. All the decisions of the Council of Ministers designating these areas are listed in our tender passports, and the decisions contain the coordinates and satellite photos of the respective area.ë/id/32944

Tirana municipality has also announced tenders for designing several schools to be reconstructed following the earthquakeëord/Programi%20i%20Rindertimit?

The Albanian government’s reconstruction programme, designed in January – February 2020, following the earthquake and emergency situation for natural disasters. The Albanian government, through its Albanian Reconstruction Committee, has estimated that the total need for reconstruction is 1,076.15 billion euros (132.4 billion Lek), including all the sectors for interventions in 11 municipalities in the country.

This amount will be used for reconstruction through a programme that the Albanian government has baptized as the Reconstruction Programme. Monitoring and public information on this process is an important moment that relates to the efficiency, management, and trust of the citizens in the process.