Money&Power: Publishes data about the assets, incomes, and expenditures declared by high level officials in politics and judiciary.

At the portal Open Spending Albania on the section Money and Power (One Stop Integrated Data Source) publishes data about the assets, incomes, and expenditures declared by high level officials in politics and judiciary. Such data were either declared in a certain year or before the public official took office. In any case, the respective documents contain the date in which it was submitted to the High Inspectorate of Declaration of Assets in Albania (HIDAA). Such declarations are made not only by the public officials themselves, but also by their family members, who are subject to declaration in accordance with the national legislation. Annual declarations contain information about the incomes of the respective year, properties gained during the declaring year, and expenditures, which according to the law, should be declared. The high public officials subject to such declaration include: the President of the Republic, Members of the Council of Ministers, and Mayors of main Municipalities, Members of Parliament, high-level Judges, Chief Prosecutor, and directors of independent institutions. The information they declare is published and made transparent in order to inform the public about the economic interests and assets of the high public official, who represent and govern the country. The data published under Money & Power are interlinked with those published under the Open Corporates Albania on business companies declared by individuals. The data for each individual includes the index number of the reference document submitted to the High Inspectorate for the Declaration of Assets in Albania (HIDAAA).

Albanian Institute of Science is looking for associates

Albanian Institute of Science in the framework of a better territorial implementation of its programs is looking for associates, mainly for media correspondents from different regions of Albania. Specifically, from cities/towns such as: Mirdita; Malësi e Madhe; Bulqizë; Mat; Kurbin; Kamzë, Peqin; Lushnjë; Kuçovë; Urë Vajgurore; Poliçan; Gramsh; Maliq; Devoll; Mallakastër; Skrapar, Kolonjë, Përmet.

These associates must be residents in one of the cities/towns mentioned above, and have a good comprehension of democratic values and culture. An essential criterion for our associates would be the experience and education in journalism; communication; public relations; social and political science. It is important for them to be able to act as active citizens in raising awareness. Their commitment will be in certain months and period of the year, based on the themes and activities of the organization.

If you would like to join our activities and gain experience on a program of a high social and media impact, please contact at: [email protected].

“Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of the International Open Data Day

Albanian Institute of Science has organized on 21st of February 2015 the workshop “Open Corporates Albania” in the framework of International Open Data Day.  Different journalist, economists and IT engineers discussed at Protik ICT Resources, Tirana, about the benefits and challenges of the Open Corporates Database. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness about open data with special attention to the concessionary companies Data journalism, technology-fueled transparency and consistency of the data were some of the main issues discussed in this workshop. Special attention was given to the use of this database as being the largest database containing information about the corporates in Albania.

By filtering information according to the company type, status, data and many other characteristics, the database is simple to use and offers great facilities which harness the power of ICT to enable transparency and accountability.

For more information see: Open Corporates Albania

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Ftesë për pjesëmarrje: Open Data Day Albania (21 Shkurt 2015)

AIS si promotor i Open Data ka kënaqësi t´ju informojë se në datën 21 shkurt është Dita Ndërkombëtare e të Dhënave të Hapura: Open Data Day 2015. Në këtë datë në kryeqytete të ndryshme të botës, aktivist dhe promotor që punojnë për të dhëna të hapura përpiqen të orgnizojnë evente dhe prezantime të ndryshme. Në Shqipëri, me rastin e kësaj date do të organizohet një takim prezantues për Open Corporates Albania. Takimi do të mbahet në orën 11, datë 21 Shkurt në ambientet e ProTIK (ish godina e INIM-ës, në krah të Piramidës, aktualisht aty edhe QKL).

Me dëshirën që prezantimi të shoqërohet me një bisedë mbi dobishmërinë, vështirësitë apo defektet e hapjes së të dhënave për Shoqëritë Tregtare Shqiptare, e në veçanti të atyre Konçesionare që veprojnë në vend,

Ju ftojmë ti bashkoheni takimit tonë të shtunë datë 21 Shkurt, ora 11 tek ProTIK (Godina e ish-INIM-ës, aktualisht aty është edhe QKL-ja).

Modetarore të takimit janë:

Znj. Ornela LIPERI – Kryeredaktore e Revistës Monitor,

Znj. Aranita BRAHAJ – Drejtore e AIS

Qëllimi i takimit është një bisedë ndërmjet gazetarëve dhe analistëve të çështjeve ekonomike në vend. Takimi mund të zgjasë pak më shumë se një orë.

Ju mirëpresim


Dita Ndërkombëtare e Open Data 2015

Datë 21 Shkurt, 2015 ora 11:00 në kuadër të Ditës Ndërkombëtare të të dhënave të hapura, International Open Data Day 2015, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave në bashkëpunim me qëndrën Protik organizojnë workshopin për prezantimin e Open Corporates Albania në ambientet e qëndrës Protik.

ICT Tools for Monitoring Public Treasury Albania

In order to increase transparency over the Government data, AIS, the implementer of Open Data Albania Project, has enabled the Albanian public, journalists, scientific researchers, businessmen, and Government’s opponents and opposition, to get informed in real time about every expenditure made by the State Treasury both in the form of transactions and payments.

Such monitoring is done through the Spending Data Albania portal under the Treasury Transactions section. This system, which is open to the public, includes data from the state treasury for 1400 state-budget institutions like ministries, Government agencies, independent institutions, municipalities and communes, and central and regional directorates.

Every such transaction is now online for all those who wish to know how and how much is spent. The application contains data from January 2012 up to date.

People may search the data using the available filters for the following categories:

  • State-budget Institutions that make payments;
  • payment Beneficiaries or Clients;
  • the date on which a payment was ordered or executed;
  • the value of a transaction.

Data can also be searched through the Expenditure Category. Every transaction contains a description of the order or contracts that enables a payment. Payments made for public works awarded through a tender procedure are also part of the system.

The system also contains a special section on Monitoring Ministries only, as part of the Government Cabinet.

This space for transparency enables the public to lean about expenditures on public interest, cases of abuse and excessive expenditures for specific categories, and cases of nepotism and conflict of interest involving certain clients or beneficiaries.

We would like to thank NED and OSF for financially supporting the work for enabling the online Monitoring of the Treasury Transactions. We would also like to thank the Albanian Government, which since January 2012, in the context of its commitment for Partnership for an Open Government, enables access to payments made by the state institutions through the state treasury. Thus, our country, Albania, becomes part of the countries, where the public has access to the State Treasury Transactions.

We invite the public to widely use these data; the taxpayers may get information about how their money is spent; the media may report on cases of abuse and conflict of interest; and watchdog organizations may use the Treasury Transactions data to promote accountability and exercise public pressure for good governance.

Albania – Citizens’ Access to State Treasury Transactions

In order to increase transparency over the Government data, AIS, the implementer of Open Data Albania Project, has enabled the Albanian public, journalists, scientific researchers, businessmen, and Government’s opponents and opposition, to get informed in real time about every expenditure made by the State Treasury both in the form of transactions and payments.

Such monitoring is done through the Spending Data Albania portal under the Treasury Transactions section. This system, which is open to the public, includes data from the state treasury for 1400 state-budget institutions like ministries, Government agencies, independent institutions, municipalities and communes, and central and regional directorates.

Every such transaction is now online for all those who wish to know how and how much is spent. The application contains data from January 2012 up to date.

People may search the data using the available filters for the following categories:

Data can also be searched through the Expenditure Category. Every transaction contains a description of the order or contracts that enables a payment. Payments made for public works awarded through a tender procedure are also part of the system.

The system also contains a special section on Monitoring Ministries only, as part of the Government Cabinet.

This space for transparency enables the public to lean about expenditures on public interest, cases of abuse and excessive expenditures for specific categories, and cases of nepotism and conflict of interest involving certain clients or beneficiaries.

We would like to thank NED and OSF for financially supporting the work for enabling the online Monitoring of the Treasury Transactions. We would also like to thank the Albanian Government, which since January 2012, in the context of its commitment for Partnership for an Open Government, enables access to payments made by the state institutions through the state treasury. Thus, our country, Albania, becomes part of the countries, where the public has access to the State Treasury Transactions.

We invite the public to widely use these data; the taxpayers may get information about how their money is spent; the media may report on cases of abuse and conflict of interest; and watchdog organizations may use the Treasury Transactions data to promote accountability and exercise public pressure for good governance.

Një ditë kushtuar Open Government Partnership (OGP)

Dy tema kryesore të angazhimeve për qeverisje të hapur: Open Data dhe Local Governance.

Në fund një sondazh mbi vlerësimin qytetar për institucionet–gjetjet-e-sondazhit-te-perceptimit-publik-ne-shqiperi-mbi-institucionet-publike


In honor of International Anti – Corruption Day, our organization AIS is happy to announce new tools and more released data for more transparency not only about public expenditures. Those data and tools are part of our new project Money, Government and Politics.

This project and its activities intend to address issues of abuse, corruption, and conflict of interest in the context of governance and politics in Albania. The program aims at opening data about the wealth of high state officials; expenditures of state institutions; electoral spending and expenditures of the concessionary companies. Comparison and analysis of such data increases transparency and public pressure in cases of favors in funds or public assets.

The objective of the Money; Government and Politics Project is to expand the Open Data Albania and Spending Data Albania platform by introducing new data that will empower the Albanian public with information and better decision-making skills.

Project time frame: November 2014 – 30 December 2014. Donor: National Endowment for Democracy, and other potential funds to be raised.

Evidentohen Ikona Guri, Projekti i AIS në Zonën Para Alpe

Me mbështetje të programeve të Trashëgimisë Kulturore nga Ministria e Kulturës, Instituti Shqiptar i Shkencave (AIS) në muajt gusht – tetor ka realizuar në terren një proçes pune për evidentimin dhe kartelizimin e objekteve etnografike të paregjistruara në zonën e njohur si Para Alpet. Konkretisht është punuar në fshatrat Iballë; Mërtur Guri dhe Ars Miliska të rrethit të Pukës Qarku Shkodër. Përmes këtijë projekti është synuar jo vetëm evidentimi por edhe kartelizimi i objekteve me vlera të veçanta etnografike. Proçesi i evidentimit dhe kartelizimit të objekteve, është realizuar sipas kritereve dhe modaliteteve të legjislacionit që rregullon evidentimin dhe kartelizimin e objekteve etnografike pranë sistemit të dixhitalizuar të QKIPK, Qendra  Kombëtare e Inventarizimit të Pasurive Kulturore.

Në punën në terren janë evidentuar objekte etnografike tepër interesante të materializuara në gur; metal; dru apo tekstil artizanal. Çdo objekt veç vlerës që lidhet drejtpërdrejt me vjetërsinë e tij dhe karakterin artizanal, përcjell edhe simbolikë të pasur të periudhës Iliro – Arbërore dhe të mesjetës së vonë. Shumë prej objekteve kanë vlera që adresojnë në nevojën për tu shpallur edhe Monument Kulture. Ato mbartin karakteristika të spikatura monumentale, arkitekturore dhe tradicionale.

Rast tipik është ai i Kishës së Ars Miliskaut ku gjenden dy ikona guri të hershme dhe një galeri gdhendjesh po në gur. Këto objekte në gur, së bashku me element të tjerë në dru, u evidentuan dhe kartelizuan pranë Qendrës së Inventarizimit. Më tej specialist të programit do të propozojnë pranë Drejtorisë Rajonale të Kulturës Shkodër, inicimin e një procedure për ta shpallur këtë objekt Monument Kulture.

Etnografi-Kishe-Zona Para Alpe

Rikonstruksioni grafik i këtyre tre elementeve: porta; shenjtorët e gdhëndur në gur, si dhe të simboleve të gdhendura gjithashtu në gur na rezulton si një “ikonostas” me shumë interes, në të cilin paraqiten figura përfaqësuese pagane e më tej edhe të krishterimit (Katolik Romak).

Etnografi-Dru-Zona Para Alpe

Etnografi-Gur (Ikone supozohet Shen Nikolla)-Fshati Arsmiliska


Etnografi-Gur(Ikone supozohet Zoja Shna Prende)-Fshati Arsmilska 2Etnografi-Gur (Pjese Ikone Supozohet Zoja Shna Prende)-Fshati Arsmiliska 2

Etnografi-Gur(Ikone)-Fshati Arsmiliska 1

Programi i AIS në terren ka evidentuar mbi 50 objekte etnografike të kësaj zone të cilat po inventarizohen dhe pajisen me kartelë evidentuese pranë Qendrës së Inventarizimit. Ky inventarizim në fondin tonë dixhital do të ndihmojë jo vetëm në evidentim të qartë të vlerës etnografike por edhe më tej në kontribut për konservim dhe mbrojtje më të mirë të këtij fondi.

Etnografi-Dru-Zona Para Alpe 2Etnografi-Gur-Fshati Arsmiliska 1

Instituti falënderon në mënyrë të veçantë Ministrinë e Kulturës për mbështetjen, dhe Qendrën Kombëtare të Inventarizimit për bashkëpunimin me qëllim finalizimin e këtij projekti.

Etnografi-Gur-Fshati ArsmiliskaEtnografi-Hekur-Zona Para Alpe 1Etnografi-Veshje- Zona Para Alpe 1Etnografi-Veshje-Zona Para Alpe 2Etnografi-Veshje-Zona Para Alpe 3

skica e deres