Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32”

The Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA

Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform.

This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, the Institute for Political Studies ISP, the Albanian Helsinki Committee AHC and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.

See the event agenda HERE

You will find enclosed below the following items:

  • Policy Paper “Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32” (PDF link)
  • Summary and conclusions Financial control and the process of opening European Integration negotiations for Chapter 32 (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 1 – Summary of the progress done by Albania based on NPIE 2021 – 2023_Chapter 32 (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 2 – Existing legal framework for Financial Control (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 3 – Progress Report for Albania – Yearly assessment by EC (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 4 – EC Assessments, Opinions and Recommendations for Chapter 32 (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 5 – Objectives & priorities defined in the NPEI 2021-2023 Chapter 32 (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 6 – Objectives and priorities defined in PIFC 2021-2023 Chapter 32 (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 7 – The role of Albanian Institutions in the National Plan for European Integration (PDF link)
  • ANNEX 8 – EC Progress Report – Juxtaposition with countries in the region (PDF link)

Findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed in this event represent the viewpoints of the experts and the AIS organization and do not coincide with the responsibility of the partners or supporters of the C1-EU-NPA Project.

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania


Mrs.Aranita Brahaj, director of AIS/ Open Data Albania

Prof. Lindita Lati Milo

Mr. Eduart Shalsi, Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee Economy and Finance and Mr. Arbi Agalliu member of Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Finance

Mr. Eduart Gjokutaj, ALTAX

Mr.Fran Brahimaj, Local Finance Director, at MoFE

Mrs. Oriada Tare

Mrs. Anila Cili

Mrs. Albana Gjinopulli

Documents and Analysis following the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, case of Besnik Cani v. Albania (vetting), AksesDrejtesiAlbania

If Besnik Cani v. Albania case in Strasburg would construe a Precedent (unifying verdict) 8 other judges and prosecutors today would be awarded the same rights as Mr. Cani, as the Judge elected in violation of the statutory criterias is part of nine Decisions where the KPA (Appeals Chamber) has opposed the qualifications in the KPK (Independent Qualification Commission)

The previous day, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg issued a decision on the case of Besnik Cani against Albania. Mr. Cani is a prosecutor who passed the first stage of evaluation in the KPK (Decision No. 84/2018), but was dismissed by the Special Appeals Panel (Decision 2.2020). His case in Strasbourg referred precisely to the decision of the KPA, with the argument that the right to due process had been violated, since one of the member judges of the College, Mr. L.D., had been appointed in violation of the statutory criteria, having previously been dismissed from his office as a judge in First Instance Court.

The Strasbourg Court accepted the request of Mr. Besnik Cani, awarding him the right to claim that he was not given a proper process. Mr. Cani’s profile and documents concerning his evaluation HERE

The Decision issued on October 4th by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, it seems to cast doubts on quite a few decisions, where the KPA Judge (elected contrary to the statutory criteria) was a member of the body that made said decisions. Specifically, below we will list the cases in which the Judge or Prosecutor under the Vetting Process had been confirmed by the Temporary Qualification Commission, but was later dismissed by the KPA- Special Appeals Chamber composed of a panel that included Mr. L.D.

The documents listed below are part of the Access to Justice database – the Register of Magistrates, a register created by the AIS organization with the aim of increasing transparency, integrity and public trust in individuals who are part of the justice system.

Confirmed in KPK (Independent Qualification Commission) and dismissed in KPA (Appeals Chamber)


  1. Decision No. 12/2018 (JR) dated 17.12.2018, the subject of the re-evaluation is Bashkim Dedja, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA; Luan Daci – Rapporteur of the case, see passport and documents: HERE
  2. Decision No. 6/2019 (JR) dated 28.02.2019, including the minority opinion; the subject of the re-evaluation is Antoneta Sevdari, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, case Presided by Luan Daci; documents and passport of the subject: HERE
  3. Decision No. 9/2019 (JR) dated 18.04.2019; the subject of the re-evaluation Astrit Faqolli, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, with Luan Daci acting as Member; documents and passport of the subject: HERE
  4. Decision No. 11/2019 (JR) dated 22.05.2019, including the parallel opinion; the subject of the re-evaluation is Edmond Islamaj, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, Presided by Luan Daci; Register of Magistrates – documents and passport of the subject: HERE
  5. Decision No. 14/2019 (JR) dated 09.07.2019, including parallel opinions; Alma Brati, the subject of the re-evaluation See Profile HERE, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, with Luan Daci acting as Member;
  6. Decision No. 19/2019 (JR) dated 26.07.2019, including the parallel opinion; the subject of re – evaluation Xhezair Zaganjori, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, with Luan Daci acting as Member; documents listed: HERE
  7. Decision No. 27/2019 (JR) dated 24.10.2019; the subject of re-evaluation Artur Malaj, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, with Luan Daci acting as Member See Profile HERE
  8. Decision No. 2/2020 (JR) dated 27.02.2020, including the parallel opinion; the subject of re-evaluation Besnik Cani, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA, with Luan Daci acting as Member, the European Court of Human Rights accepted his appeal with a Decision dated October 4th, 2022.
  9. Decision No. 4/2020 (JR) dated 12.03.2020; the subject of re-evaluation Arben Dollapaj, confirmed by the KPK and dismissed by the KPA; Luan Daci – Rapporteur.

Meanwhile, KPA member Luan Daci was appointed by the Assembly as a member of the Special Appeals Chamber on June 17, 2017. A criminal investigation was filed against him in the Supreme Court thereafer. He exercised this duty until his suspension from the College (December 2021).

Mr. Luan Daci has been part of the collegial body  in about 35 Decisions concerning re-evaluations of Judges and Prosecutors which constitute Dismissal Decisions in the KLP (High Prossecutor’s Office), who remained in force even after the appeal in the KPA (Appeals Chamber).

All KPA Decisions are published and carefully listed in the Register of Magistrates Access to Justice Akses Drejtësi, a platform created by the AIS organization as an open and transparent model of a Magistrate’s Register.


393 Donors during the 2021 Election Campaign, SP receives the largest donations, LSI surpasses the DP, List of Donors for each party

Open Data Albania is publishing the names and donation size of Electoral Donors in the 2021’s April Elections. Donors in Electoral Campaigns are private subjects, companies, legal entities or individuals who donate funds, goods or services to candidates or electoral parties. Donations are mandatory to be divulged based on the agreed legal form. Donations of goods or services, provided without compensation in return are considered in-kind and their value is accounted for and reported. The Electoral Code requires that, for donations above the amount of ALL 50,000, a special account must be opened and all transactions above this value must pass through it. See the article HERE
  • Based on the official Records, it emerges that there are 9 parties that have disclosed the size of donation as well as the identity of donors, the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party, the Socialist Movement for Integration, the National Front Party, the Union Party for Human Rights, the Agrarian Environmentalist Party, the Hashtag Initiative and the Movement for Change.
  • 393 donors were rounded up for all political parties. See the article HERE
  • The size of donations calculated for all political parties is ALL 31,747,216.
  • The amount of donations in cash is ALL 23 168 668 or 73% of the total donations. The amount of donations in kind was estimated at ALL 8,578,548 or 27% of the total donations.
  • In the article you can see the Donations, Amount, names, parties and other aspects concerning in kind and in cash donations.
  • In this section we’ll analyze donations received by the three main parties in the country, the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration.
  • The Socialist Party and its candidates have benefited from donations amounting to ALL 17,162,800. Of this amount, 83% are donations in cash (ALL 14,245,240), and the rest, 17%, are donations in kind (ALL 2,917,560).
  • The article contains the complete information and data in regards to the proceeds donated to each party and respective candidate.
  • The Democratic Party and its candidates managed to receive donations in the amount of ALL 2,552,601. All donations to the Democratic Party are in the form of in-kind donations. Four candidates of the Democratic Party have declared that they have received private donations. The candidates of the Democratic Party who have benefited from said donations are: Edmond Spaho, Entela Shehaj (in this case the donation came from the candidate herself), Ethem Zyber Aga, and Anduena Qefalia.
  • The Socialist Movement for Integration and its candidates have managed to collect donations in the amount of ALL 8,217,807. The Socialist Movement for Integration has declared that it has received donations from private donors in the amount of ALL 1,174,688, which is 14% of the total amount of donations received. Its candidates have declared that they have received donations in the amount of ALL 7,043,118, or 86% of the total amount donated. It should be noted here that 51 candidates have made donations to themselves or rather, have put their own funds at the disposal of the 2021 election campaign.
  • If from the total donations collected from the three main parties, we discount donations made by the candidates themselves, it appears that the Socialist Party has benefited from donations in the amount of ALL 17,162,800, the Democratic Party and its candidates have benefited of ALL 2,251,141. Meanwhile, the Socialist Movement for Integration Party has benefited from ALL 3,159,169. It seems clear that the Socialist Party and its candidates have managed to collect relatively much more donations compared to the Democratic Party, the Socialist Integration Movement or their respective candidates.
  • The Socialist Party and its candidates have received the abovementioned amount from 127 donors, the Democratic Party and its candidates from 58 donors and the Socialist Integration Movement from 108 donors. See the article HERE
  • A simple calculation of the average amount received per donor shows that a donor of the Socialist Party donated an average of ALL 135,140, a donor of the Democratic Party ALL 38,813, while a donor of the Socialist Integration Movement donated an average of ALL 29,252.
Below you can see the complete list with the size of donations, their form, and the name and surname of the donor. Other articles on Electoral expenditures https://ndiqparate.al/?cat=49 For more details and to have a look at donations for all, big and small parties separately, download and consult the Excel file at the end of the article.

Web-ATRAKO nonfunctonal: Open Corporates Albania offers a comprehensive online Registry for PPP/Concession contracts

The cyber attack, that started in July 2022 on the Albanian official state database, has also taken offline the database containing information and documents concerning PPP/Concessions from ATRAKO, the Agency for the Handling of Concessions. Their publication, as well as guaranteeing public access are mandatory.   Abanian Institute of Sccience, through its web-portal Open Corporates Albania, has in place a Registry with all the Albanian PPP Concessions contracts and documentaton. This database was created by monitoring, recording, collecting, re-publicating in a well-structured manner of data from the Public Registers, the work and commitment of many years  from AIS  team of analysts.

The Concessionaire Registry OpenCorporates.al is of particular importance especially during this time, with ATRAKO Concession Handling Agency official website, atrako.gov.al and relevant information out of service, due to the cyber attacks on the Republic of Albania’s official databases and systems. (from July 2022).   Our Concessionaire Register contains the following information, business passports and documents: – Concession and PPP Contracts and Agreements; – Information on the PPP and Public Concession Companies management, ownership, and performance; – data and documents on Companies selected for PPP Implementation; – the Statute, Financial Statements, Credit Agreements, documents on legal issues; – Financial control packages; – Treasury Transactions and Payments over the Years; – Extensions and Amendments to the initial contract or agreement; – Feasibility studies and procurement procedure documents for awarding PPP or Concession through competition; – fees and concessionary conditions; – etc.

The purpose for which this database was created and operates matches our desire and will that the data for this important public sector be easily accessible and transparent. The database applies the best standards of data publication and access and creates opportunities for objective analysis and assessment.

The information provieded by the database demonstrate consistency in time, tracking documents from the PPP planning phase, to the finalization and subsequent implementation. The information is complete, revised and updated over time. The data has been retrived over the years in the followoing Public Registers: Official Bulletins of the Albanian Government; Parliament Archives; Business Registration Center; Licensing Center; Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania; Publications of the Treasury Directorate; Publications of the Public Procurement Agency; Publications of Public Business Registers in EU countries; Publications of AKBN, i.e National Agency of Natural Resources.

OpenCorporates Albania, – data on the Concessionary Company,- functions simulaneaously as a service, instrument and a database, created by the Civil Society in implementation of the “OpenData Access and Trasaprency over sectors exposed to risk of corruption” Project. Other products of AIS’s work in the implementation of the “OpenData Access and Trasaprency over sectors exposed to risk of corruption” project involve the publication of Reports and Research Articles regarding Concessions and Private Public Partnerships in the country, which can be accessed online via the NdiqParate webpage, by searching on the topic of Concessions

Money Laundering in the Context of the Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty, AIS position, Analysis and Conclusions

Albanian Institute of Science has carefully analyzed the draft law on “Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty of entities submiting voluntary declaration” initiated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice and presented for Public Consultation by the Albanian Government on June 23, 2022. The deadline for the submission of opinions and recommendations on the draft daw during the consultation process is July 23, 2022.

The organization examined various aspects related to the country’s current circumstances and the amnesty, such as: the fiscal policy and administration; the degree of informality; the fight against corruption and the risk of money laundering as a result of criminal offences. Likewise, a separate report analyzed issues of harmonization of the draft with the national criminal legislation, testing the principle of legal safeguards.

In the end, the two Documents drafted were presented in a meeting, held on July 19th, with guests and participants from the relevant institutions, international organizations in the country, representatives from EU countrues Embassies, field experts and civil society actors and the Media.

Event Agenda

The two Documents contain an analysis, conclusions, recommendations, as well as short-term and long-term alternatives to the recent Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty. More specifically:

  • Policy Position Paper: Money Laundering in the Context of Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty (See more HERE)
  • Technical Report: Fiscal Amnesty Issues and Problems of Harmonization with the Criminal Legislation (See more HERE)

The Policy Position Paper and the Technical Report were presented as part of civil society initiatives, which aim to contribute to the Country’s European integration.

Both documents will be submitted to the Albanian government, the Parliament of Albania and Stakeholders, as official Position and Recommendations from civil society.

Conclusions, Recommendations and Alternatives, as presented on the July 19th event (See more HERE)

The Albanian Institute of Science, widely referenced as Open Data Albania, will continue to participate in the process of consultation and technical discussion concerning the present draft law, even when the latter will be submitted for debate in the Assembly.

We deem our participation of paramount importance, given the importance of the process, the assessed risks, issues of the legal framework and harmonization of the legislation, and many other fecets related to the governing majority initiative.

AIS has also prepared an Analytical Report on the History of Fiscal Amnesties and Voluntary Asset Declarations in Albania from 2008 to 2017.

The Policy Document “Money Laundering in the Context of the Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS/Open DataAlbania, in implementation of the C1 – EU – NPA project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability for Fulfilled Basic Rights” through the creation of the Negotiation Platform of Cluster1 Albania. The C1 – EU – NPA project is implemented by four Albanian organizations: Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, Institute of Political Studies ISP, Albanian Committee of Helsinki KSHH and Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.

The Findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed in this Document represent the viewpoint of experts and AIS and do not necessarily reflect those of our partners or supporters of the C1 – EU – NPA Project.

“Money Laundering in the Context of Fiscal and Criminal Amnesty” activity, organized by the Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania , Prof. Dr. Petraq Milo – Field Expert

Mr.Alexis Hupin, Head of the EU Policy and Integration Section, EU Delegation to Albania; Mr.Karel Urban, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Albania; Mr.Jonas Paul, Political Officer in the Delegation of the European Union to Albania

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania

Prof. Dr. Petraq Milo – Field Expert

Mr.Viktor Gumi – AIS Legal Expert

Mrs. Monika Meça, Head of the Legal Unit for the Coordination of Priority Initiatives and the Acquis, Regulatory and Compliance Department in the Prime Minister’s Office

Mrs. Aranita Brahaj, Director of the organization Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania

Mrs. Elsonida Rama, Head of Directorate for Criminal and Civil Justice, Ministry of Justice.

Mr. Enio Jaco, President of the American Chamber of Commerce

Mrs. Klotilda Bushka – Chairwoman of the Legal Affairs Committee

Mrs. Dhurata Cupi – Deputy Chairwoman of the Legal Affairs Committee, Representative of the Opposition


Mrs. Aranita Brahaj, Director of the organization Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania

Forum “Youth and Emigration: Corruption as inducement to live for a better country”

Last Friday, July 1st, AIS/Open Data Albania hosted a forum on “Youth and immigration: Corruption as inducement to leave for a better country“. The activity was held in the frame of the Open Data, Access and Transparency over Sectors Exposed to Risk of Corruption project,  as part of which, AIS is preparing the Open Data Fellowship Network, a group of young people who will be upskilled in analyzing data and use data and facts in arguing on topics of public interest.

During the 3 hours that the forum lasted, guests partook in a discussion about the flight of the population, as one of the biggest problems facing the country, with disturbing effects that will extend in the following years and decades. Led by analysts in the field, young people debated on what has influenced this phenomenon, how can we analyze its various dimensions through data, how it is related to other prominent issues, such as corruption and unemployment.

Speakers at the event brought different perspectives on the increased emigration in the country:

Sociologist Donalda Tanellari treated the phenomenon from the point of view of societal developments; Blerina Shehu, a journalist with a focus on economics, spoke about immigration and how it has affected demographic dynamics, while Gjergj Erebara brought a history of censuses to the country, focusing on what data that can be extracted from them, as well as how censuses can be used to inform government policies.

For a more detailed overview of the approaches broached during the forum, please consult the agenda in the attached link


Agenda Forum Youth Network. Youth and Emigration Corruption as inducement to live in a better country


Open Data Fellowship Youth Network: working with young people to increase their capacities

AIS is working with a team of young professionals aiming to educate, increase their capacities in public speaking and evidence-based debating. They come from university auditoriums, important institutions, organizations and civic movements. Strengthening their capacities against corruption through civic education and improving Fact-Checking models are the main goals of the training curriculum,  assistance, and internships. The OpenDataFellowship Youth Network is being established within the OpenData Project, Access and Transparency on Corruption Risk Sectors, supported by Sida through the Swedish Embassy in Albania.


Para dhe Pushtet, Media zbardh Interesa Ekonomik të Ministrave dhe Familjarëve Kabineti Ministrorë Rama 3

Kontrolli Publik i interesave ekonomike dhe personale të Shtetarëve, është proces i rëndësishëm sa i takon Integritetit. AIS ka krijuar databazën online Para dhe Pushtet, me të dhëna të Integruara, ku publikohen pasuri dhe interesa të Individëve Drejtues në Pozicione të larta. NewsBomb revistë e printuar çdo muaj, i ka kushtuar një Shkrim në Kopertinë Deklarimit të Aseteve Pasurore të Kryeministrit dhe Ministrave, Deklarime Kabineti Rama 3. Institucioni Shtetëror për Deklarim dhe Kontroll ILDKPKI, ende nuk ka startuar procesin e publikimit online të Deklarim Asete. Ky publikim online bëhet nga Portali ynë Spending Data Albania, Para dhe Pushtet, duke krijuar mundësi për kontroll publik të interesave të Ministrave, Deputetëve dhe Familjarëve të tyre.


AIS part of the agreement with The High Inspector Of Justice. The cooperation agreement with 6 Civil Society organizations is signed.

The establishment of a continuous communication between the civil society and the Office of HIJ, was formalized today by signing a cooperation agreement between the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani and six civil society organizations (CSOs), that are engaged in monitoring justice reform, human rights, transparency, accountability and good governance.

The cooperation initiated earlier with the civil society, through the consultation for the Strategic Plan and Action Plan of HIJ 2020-2022, materializes with this agreement, which aims to increase the performance and capacity building of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the increase of communication and development of joint activities, in the framework of monitoring, analysing, accountability and awareness-raising on the activity of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the exchange of data, organization of periodic meetings, providing relevant expertise of specialized CSOs.

Institute for Policy and Legal Studies (IPLS), represented by Mr. Ardian Dhima; Institute for Political Studies (ISP), represented by Mr. Afrim Krasniqi; Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), represented by Ms. Krisela Hackaj, Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), represented by Ms. Erida Skëndaj, European Centre (EC), represented by Ms. Klara Kodra and Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania, represented by Ms. Aranita Brahaj.

During the ceremony of signing the agreement, the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Metani praised the important role of civil society organizations in strengthening democratic processes and underlined that this institutional cooperation mechanism will serve to improve the work of HIJ, and in addition the whole system for the functioning of a professional, responsible, accountable and transparent justice.

The organization has a database in support of Justice Reform.

You can find the Cooperation Agreement Between High Inspector Of Justice And Civil Society Organizations: HERE


Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration”

The Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA

Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform.

This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, the Institute for Political Studies ISP, the Albanian Helsinki Committee AHC and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.

The Policy Paper was presented on February 28th, at a Roundtable with the participation of organizations and institutions ingaged in the european integration and public procurement processes.

You will find enclosed below the following items:

  • Public Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF link)
  • Summary and Conclusions of the Policy Paper, Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF Link)
  • Event Agenda of the Policy Paper Presentation (PDF LINK)

Photos from the Event:

Panelistët: Znj. Aranita Brahaj - Drejtore Ekzekutive e AIS/Open Data Albania; Z. Viktor Gumi - Ekspert Juridik, Autori i Dokumentit (AIS); Znj. Jorida Tabaku - Kryetare, Komisioni për Integrimin Evropian, Parlamenti; Z. Eduart Shalsi - Kryetar, Komisioni për Ekonominë dhe Financat, Parlamenti; Znj. Reida Kashta - Drejtore e Përgjithshme, Agjencia e Prokurimit Publik (APP)

Panelists: Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS/Open Data Albania; Mr. Viktor Gumi – Legal Expert AIS, Author of the Paper; Mrs. Jorida Tabaku – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, Parliament; Mr. Eduart Shalsi – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Finance, Parliament; Mrs. Reida Kashta – General Director, Public Procurement Agency (PPA)

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania

Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation


Mr. Muharrem Cakaj – Procurement Expert


Mrs. Ledia Muço- Policy Officer EU Delegation;

Mrs. Kristina Voko – Director, BIRN Albania

Mr. Neritan Sejamini – Editor-in-Chief of Exit.al and Director of the EuroNews Albania Information Department;

Mrs. Valia Pentarvani – First Counsellor & DHoM of the Embassy of Greece to Albania; Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation; H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania;

Mrs. Krisela Hackaj – Expert and Executive Director of CDI Albania


The findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed at this event represent the views of experts and the AIS organization and do not necessarily reflect the responsibilities of the partners or supporters of the C1-EU-NPA


The document has been forwarded in the Official Form to the institutions engaged in the process and interested parties.

AIS/Open Data Albania is a local non-governmental organization established in 2011. The organization has created a database with open data on Public Procurement in the Health sectors; Concessions; Local Government; Road Infrastructure; Publicly Owned Enterprises; Development Fund. The organization also applies RedFlag real-time risk assessment instruments and is the author of several case studies on Public Procurement and Contracting issues.