Tregues mbi Shoqëri Aksionare me Kapital Publik Open Data Albania

Open Data Albania ka hulumtuar mbi tregues të performancës së Shoqërive Aksionare SHA me Kapital Publik, duke marrë në shqyrtim 120 të tilla. Analiza ka vlerësuar kapitalin e tyre themeltar, rritjen apo zvogëlimin në vitin 2014 dhe 2015, xhiron vjetore për 2014 apo fitimin vjetor përpara tatimit. E njëjta analizë është bërë edhe për Aftësinë Paguese dhe Kosto të Punës. Gjithashtu përmes këtij grupi artikujsh është hartuar edhe një listë me emra të administratorëve të emëruar për këto shoqëri, sikurse lista me ekspertë kontabël të emëruar për auditimin e pasqyrave vjetore të SHA me Kapital Publik.

Të dhënat për këtë analizë janë marrë në dokumentacionin e reklamuar në Qendrën Kombëtare të Regjistrimit QKR, ku konstatohet se në 120 shoqëri aksionare me kapital publik reklamimi i përditësuar i informacionit në 2014 dhe 2015 është bërë vetëm për 70 prej tyre.

Shkurtimisht mbi Artikujt:

Fitimi Vjetor Para Tatimit Për SHA me Kapital Publik, 2012-2014.

Në vitin 2014 kanë deklaruar pasqyrat financiare 70 SHA me kapital publik nga 120 të marra në hulumtim. Në total ato shënojnë një humbje prej 19.7 miliardë lekë ose 141 milionë euro.

Gjatë këtij viti rezultojnë të kenë dalë me fitim 26 SHA. 5 shoqëri rezultojnë me fitim zero, dhe 39 SHA të tjera rezultojnë me humbje kontabël neto. Fitimin më të lartë neto në vitin 2014 e shënon Operatori i Sistemit të Transmetimit OST me një vlerë prej 2.3 miliardë lekë ose 16.7 milionë euro, ndërsa humbjen më të madhe neto e shënon Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare SHA KESH me një vlerë prej -22.2 miliardë lekë ose -159 milionë euro.

Në 67 SHA me kapital publik që kanë deklaruar pasqyrat e tyre financiare për vitet 2012,2013 dhe 2014 konstatohej një total  me trend në rënie. Në vitin 2014 të gjitha këto subjekte së bashku shënojnë një humbje prej -19 693 523 132 lekë, ndërkohë që në dy vitet e mëparshme kanë pasur një fitim para tatimit prej përkatësisht 11.6 miliardë lekë në vitin 2012 dhe 11.7 miliardë lekë në vitin 2013.

Ky indikator ka pësuar ndryshime në të gjithë subjektet tregtare në hulumtim. Rritjen më të madhe të fitimit para tatimit në harkun kohor 2012-2014 e kanë shënuar këto subjekte: Albcontrol, Posta Shqiptare SHA dhe Kombinati Energjetik, ndërsa rënien më të madhe e shënojnë Korporata Elektroenergjetike Shqiptare SHA KESH, Ujësjellës Kanalizime Tiranë dhe Hekurudha Shqiptare.

Ekspert Kontabël të SHA me kapital Publik, Pasqyra Financiare 2014

Ekspert Kontabël i Regjistruar është profesionisti i pavarur pjesë e Regjistrit Publik të ekspertëve kontabël, në përputhje me dispozitat e ligjit Për Auditimin Ligjor, Organizimin e Profesionit të Ekspertit Kontabël të Regjistruar dhe të Kontabilistit të Miratuar (Ligj Nr 10091, Datë 5.03. 20109). Shoqëritë Aksionare SHA e kanë të detyrueshëm auditimin e pasqyrave financiare vjetore nga një Ekspert Kontabël i Regjistruar. Eksperti kontabël i një shoqërie me kapital tërësisht publik zgjidhet nga aksionari (institucioni publik). Sipas reklamimeve në QKR janë 57 Shoqëri Aksionare me kapital publik, që kanë dorëzuar auditime nga ekspert kontabël për pasqyra financiare viti 2014. Për auditimin e këtyre SHA-ve janë angazhuar 68 ekspert kontabël nga 221 që janë sipas Regjistrit Publik. Janë 12 ekspert të angazhuar në auditimin e më shumë se një shoqërie aksionare me kapital publik për 2014. Rekord shënon një rast eksperti i angazhuar në shtatë shoqëri aksionare publike. Lista e Ekspertëve Kontabël të SHA me kapital Publik, që kanë audituar Pasqyra Financiare 2014 është e publikuar tek ODA. Vetëm tre SHA me kapital publik auditohen nga katërshja e njohur si kompanitë e mëdha të auditimit me zyra apo degë lokale në vend.

Xhiro Vjetore për 2012 – 2014 e SHA me Kapital Publik

Në vitin 2014 kanë deklaruar pasqyrat e tyre financiare 65 subjekte nga 120 të marra në shqyrtim. Xhiro totale e tyre shënon një vlerë prej 33.4 miliardë lekë ose 238 milionë euro. Ndër këto gjashtëdhjetë e pesë subjekte xhiron më të madhe e shënon “Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare SHA KESH me një xhiro prej 10.8 miliardë lekë ose 77 milionë euro. Kjo xhiro përbën 32% të xhiros totale të 65 subjekteve tregtare me kapital apo kuota nga një institucion publik.

Subjekte të tjera me xhiro vjetore mbi dy miliardë lekë janë Operatori i Sistemit të Transmetimit OST, Albcontrol, Ujësjellës Kanalizime Tiranë dhe Posta Shqiptare SHA

Në vitin 2014 të gjitha 61 SHA me kapital publik së bashku shënojnë një xhiro vjetore prej 33.219 miliard lekë, ndërkohë që në dy vitet e mëparshme kanë pasur një xhiro totale prej përkatësisht 45.2 miliardë lekë në vitin 2012 dhe 45.5 miliardë lekë në vitin 2013. Në të tre vitet xhiron më të madhe e shënon Korporata Elektroenergjetike Shqiptare SHA KESH. Xhiroja e këtij subjekti ka rënë me 13.8 miliardë lekë për dy vjet. Nga ana tjetër xhiro vjetore e subjekteve Operatori i Sistemit të Transmetimit OST dhe Albcontrol është rritur me përkatësisht 1.1 miliardë lekë dhe 255 milionë lekë për dy vjet. Vlera të xhiros vjetore për secilën kompani në vitet 2012 – 2014 kanë paraqitur dhe vizualizuar në një nga Artikujt e ODA.

Administratorë të Shoqërive Aksionare me kapital publik. 31 Dhjetor 2015

Gjashtë nga 120 shoqëritë aksionare të zotëruara nga një institucion publik janë në proces Likuidimi (proces likuidimi për efekt mbyllje) për pasojë administratorët e tyre janë edhe në cilësinë e likuidatorit. Ndërmarrje në proces rikujtimi janë Kombinati Energjetik, KESH SECURITY SHRSF dhe OST SECURITY,  Prodhim Veshje Ushtarake SHA, Bursa e Tiranës SHA, ALBMINIERA SHA dhe Berat EKS.

Në njëqind e njëzetë shoqëritë aksionare të marra në shqyrtim 17 prej tyre ose 14% kanë administrator femër ndërsa 103 shoqëri aksionare drejtohen nga administrator meshkuj ndryshe 86% e ndërmarrjeve me aksionar një institucion publik.

Janë tetëmbëdhjetë në numër administratorët e shoqërive tregtare me kapital publik të cilëve u ka mbaruar mandati deri në fund të vitit 2015. Këto subjekte nuk kanë deklaruar në QKR nëse këtyre administratorëve ju është rinovuar mandati apo shoqëria është në pritje të një emërimi për administrator të ri. Në 120 shoqëri me aksionar me kapital publik, për 51 nuk janë reklamuar në QKR pasqyrat financiare të vitit kontabël 2014. Në vitin 2013 janë emëruar 24 administrator të rinj, nëntëmbëdhjetë prej të cilëve kanë një mandat trevjeçar. Në vitin 2014 janë emëruar 24 administrator, njëzetë e dy prej të cilëve kanë një mandat 3-vjeçar. Në vitin 2015 janë emëruar 32 administrator, njëzetë e një prej të cilëve kanë një mandat 3-vjeçar.

Kosto e Punës në Shoqëri Aksionare me kapital të një Institucion Publik 2014

Kostot e punës përfshijnë vlera për pagesat për punonjësit, pagat bruto, kontributet për sigurimet shoqërore që paguan punëdhënësi, kostot e trajnimit profesional, shpenzime e rekrutimit dhe ato për veshje, strehim apo taksa të tjera të punësimit.  Në vitet 2012-2014 rezulton me kosto pune më të lartë shoqëria ALBCONTROL. Në vitin 2014 kësaj shoqërie burimet njerëzore i kanë kushtuar 1.2 miliardë lekë. Një tjetër shoqëri me kosto të punës mbi 1 miliardë lekë është edhe Korporata Elektroenergjetike Shqiptare SHA KESH.

Mbulimi i Kostove të Punës përmes Xhiros Vjetore të Shoqërive, është një element që tregon se sa shoqëritë,  arrijnë të mbulojnë vetë këtë kategori shpenzimi (kostoje). Shoqëri të cilat kanë deklaruar një xhiro prej 0 lekë, ose thënë ndryshe që financohen totalisht nga fonde publike pasi nuk arrijnë t’i mbulojnë vetë kostot e tyre të punës janë ALBMINIERA SHA, Bursa e Tiranës SHA  dhe KRWM SHA. Kompani të cilat kanë një xhiro më të vogël se kosto e punës ose ndryshe që arrijnë të mbulojnë vetëm një pjesë të këtyre kostove, për vitin 2014 janë tetëmbëdhjetë, 14 prej të cilave kanë një mbulim mbi 50%.

Aftësia Paguese e SHA me kapital nga një Institucion Publik 2014.

Ky indikator vlerëson aftësinë që një shoqëri ka për të shlyer detyrimet.  Raportet për të analizuar aftësinë paguese të një shoqërie janë dy. Raporti i borxhit total llogaritet si raport i detyrimeve ndaj detyrimeve dhe kapitalit dhe tregon çfarë peshe zënë detyrimet në pasivin e shoqërisë. Raporti i detyrimeve totale ndaj kapitalit tregon pjesën e aktiveve që financohet me kapital dhe pjesën e financuar me kredi.  Korporata Elektroenergjetike Shqiptare SHA KESH e cila ka vlerën më të lartë të detyrimeve, ka një raport borxhi 84% në vitin 2014. Pra, detyrimet ë kësaj shoqërie zënë 84% të pasivit. Raporti tjetër i po të njëjtës shoqëri tregon që për çdo 1 lekë financim me kapital të vet ajo financon 5.31 lekë me kredi.

Raportin më të lartë të detyrimeve ndaj kapitalit në vitin 2014 e shënon TERMOCENTRALI Vlore SHA në vlerën 443.4 herë.

Situatën më të “mirë” të aftësisë pagese në këtë vit e pasqyron “TRAJTIMI I STUDENTEVE SH A Gjirokastër” i cili financohet thuajse 100% me kapital të vet.

Të dhëna të detajuara për kapitalin, aksionarët, xhiron vjetore, fitimin përpara tatimit dhe administratorët e shoqërive aksionare janë të publikuara për secilën SHA tek databaza e mirëstrukturuar Shoqëri Biznesi .

DiploHack Tirana Award Ceremony

What happens when a programmer, a civil society representative, and a diplomat solve a problem together?! The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and Albanian Institute of Science hosted more than 50 participants on 29-30 January at DiploHack Tirana. Thirteen teams composed of a mixture of diplomats, programmers, and civil society representatives worked together on ways to use open data and technology to strengthen civil society advocacy. In the end, the teams presented thirteen applications designed to raise the civil voice.


The winner of #‎DiploHack Tirana was #‎LoveInAction team with their app AccessHack, an app that maps public buildings in Albania according to how accessible they are for people with disabilities.



DiploHack Tirana Teams and Apps

  • Team: HopEU, Helping Domestic Violence Victims IMG_0206
  • Team: Swords, Idea: Fund your idea, technical assistance, accessibility to data sources, capacity building. Title: Fund Jour Idea IMG_0196


  • Team #4Techno, Idea: Information on real time for public procurements to be improved. Title: Public procurements IMG_0191

  • Team: Slackomats Idea: Education vs Labor Market.IMG_0210


  • Team: The Pink Team, Common Places, an open digital platform as space of discussion anbout creation of common places.IMG_0214
  • Team: Albanian Tulip. Idea: Civil Society Platform

  • Team: The Pioneers Idea Balkan Bike Digital Platform for cycling mobility IMG_0237

  • Team: Click Idea Neighbor tapIMG_0242


  • Team: DEC16 Idea: Giving a voice to Citizens through technology, website and app that allow citizens to contact directly their political representatives.IMG_0248


  • Team: DotHack Idea: See and Act. Responsibilities of local governments.IMG_0254


  • Team: Sunshine Pirates: WANA app (we are not alone) helping people who live alone for medical emergency purposesIMG_0260


  • Team: The Fifth Power: Be my Guest: Digital Tourism map of Albania with info on region/attractions and populationsIMG_0268


DiploHack Tirana is the first of a series of events that the Netherlands will hold in EU countries during 2016 with photos, video presentations, and developed applications.

Programme Diplohack Tirana

DiploHack: Introducing The Challenge

 Friday 29 January, 17 – 18:30

Embassy Netherlands, Rruga Asim Zeneli 10

Welcome – what is a hackaton – composing the teams – logistics.

Diplo Hack: Hackathon!

Saturday January, 9:30 18:00

Embassy of the Netherlands, Rrug Asim Zeneli 10

10:15 welcome by Dewi van de Weerd, ambassador of the Netherlands to Albania

10:20 Presentation: open Data and how to use it by Aranita Brahaj

Phase 1: Ideation 10:30 12:00


Lunch 12:00 – 13:00

Phase 2: Prototyping 12:00 17:00

Phase 3: Preparing an elevator pitch 17:00 18:00

Prepare an elevator pitch of MAx 3 minutes cn the idea MAX 1 visual


Diplohack Tirana Award Ceremony

Saturday January, 19:00 – 21:30

Destil, Qemal Guranjak

Presentations of the teams – Key note speech by Ened Mato – Award and drinks

DiploHack Tirana 29 – 30th January

The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and the Albanian Institute of Science will host DiploHack Tirana, “A Voice for Civil Society: Using Open Data to Strengthen Civil Society Advocacy” on January 29 and 30. This Hackathon event will bring together civil society representatives, diplomats, and programmers in a day-long session to work together towards creative ways for using open data to give civil society a stronger voice.

As the current holder of the Presidency of the European Union, the Netherlands has as one of its principles to promote dialogue between citizens and governments. Transparency plays a crucial role in a meaningful public debate, and using technology and open data can contribute significantly to empowering civil society, journalists and academia.

Mixed networks and collaborations are becoming increasingly important; the world is changing, and so is diplomacy. The rapid evolution of new technology offers both challenges and great opportunities. To meet these challenges, diplomats regularly collaborate with other actors to set up co-creative events that can approach issues of global relevance through ideation and design processes.

A #DiploHack combines the specific know-how and skill sets of NGO’s, social entrepreneurs, tech developers and designers, and those of diplomats, journalists, and academics to ‘hack’ problems and come up with out-of-the-box solutions. Small teams comprised of a civil society representative, a diplomat, and a programmer will work together for 24 hours. The team with the best idea wins the DiploHack Tirana Award.

Date: 29 afternoon and 30 January all the day.

Location: The Public Award Ceremony from 19:00 till 22:00 at 30 January 2016 at Destil

Hashtag: #DiploHack

  • Schedule – link
  • Results

Diplohack Albania 2016 Award

#Love in Action

Access hack in Tirana: an interactive map of accessibility statuis of public spaces for people with disabilities.


  • DiploHack Data Sets


Information on time for public procurement to be improved

Email 1Print Screen Ap 2Print Screen App


Fund your idea:technical assistance, accessibility to data sources capacity building



Helping domestic violence victims



Education and labor market


The Pink Team

Common Places, on open digital platform as space of discussion about the creation of common places


Albanian Tulip

Civil Society Platform:Making Albanian NGO’s more effective by improving their visibility


#Love in Action

Universal access in Tirana:an interactive map of accessibility statuis of public spaces for people with disabilities


The Pioneers

Balkan Bike, digital platform for cycling mobility

The Pioneers Slide1The Pioneers Slide2


Neighbour tap



Giving a voice to citizens through technology:website and app that allow citizens to contact directly their political representatives



See and Act, responsibilities of local governments


Sunshine Pirates

WANA app(We Are Not Alone): helping people who live alone for medical emergency purposes


The Fifth Power

Be My Guest: Digital tourism ma of Albania with info on region/attraction and populations



  • Mentors


  • Participants list
  • Organizers: The Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and the Albanian Institute of Science
  • Inspiration





  •  Resource Open Data


  • Instruments

Google Charts tools

  • Video Presentations (after the event)
  • Photo Gallery





Finalists of Open Data Hackathon Albania 2015

Date: 19.12.2015

Organizer: AIS in the framework of MG&P

Place: My Office, Tirana

Topic of this year: Life in a Different City

Hackathon (Hacker + Marathon) is an open marathon, where various individuals may participate, work, and finalize an application or map. This year, Hackathon was held on 19 December, and the suggested topic was: Life in a Different City. An open invitation was addressed to ordinary citizens, analysts, storytellers, scout programmers, and designers.


The event was organized as a contest among groups and individuals. Six groups managed to get to the finals, presenting the following topics:

Topic: Health Care in My City. How is money spent in the hospitals for citizens’ health? Where is budgeting done best: Gjirokastra, Fieri, Korça, Dibra, or Kukësi? Students of Economics monitored budget-related facts for regional hospitals. Money means first health services, and then health. Some of the Hackers’ findings include: more money is paid for salaries than medications, equipment, and hospital treatment. .


Topic: Albanian Facing European Tourism. What should know a tourist visiting Tirana, and what those managing tourism should know about other European countries and about countries neighboring Albania? This was the theme of an application presented at Hackathon 2015.

Topic: Infrastructure Expenses. Two municipalities with the biggest budget for Infrastructure: Gjirokastra and Tirana. Public Works and Infrastructure that each citizen would like to have in his/her municipality. One of the Hackathon contestants identified the two municipalities with the biggest budgets and expenses for infrastructure. Gjirokastra and Tirana are on the top of the list, and Hackathon presentation identified the private companies contracted for public works in these two municipalities.


Topic: Improve My City#‎Saranda. APP or web page? Do you have problems with infrastructure or urban planning? Do you live in Saranda? Report your problems to ‘Improve My City’!! Afterwards, your report shall be posted on the website of the Mayor or City Council. An APP for e-Participation.


Topic: Employment vs. University in My CityThe number of those pursuing their University studies is much higher than the number of new jobs requiring a University degree. An analysis of these figures presented at this Hackthon brings a comparison showing how disintegrated these two trends are. Finding: 6% of the country population is University students. However, the number of jobs that require a University degree is far from that. Study fees are the highest at the University of Medicine, but the highest salaries are paid in the Hydrocarbure Industry. The number of IT students is the lowest, but the highest number of new jobs is found precisely in this sector. There is a need for more research in the labor market and its relation with the University – that is the conclusion of the first presentation at Hackathon Albania. qytetin tim cdokush shkon ne Univ. A ja vlen/list.html


Topic: Taxes in a Different City. How do I pay for my Municipality?!! A student of the Faculty of Economics, another one from the Faculty of Medicine, and one from IT joined their efforts in finding out the city, where people pay the highest and the lowest taxes.


The six final ideas were presented to a jury composed of the following:

  • Anisa RULA, Scientific Researcher, University of Milan, Bicocca, Italy
  • Elga MITRE,Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana
  • Julia HOXHA, Scientific Researcher, Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), University of Columbia, USA
  • Leonid BLLOSHMI, Open Society Foundation Albania
  • Rron NUSHI, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana


Hackathon took place in the premises of My Office. This is the fourth year that AIS organizes a Hackathon for Albania. The next event to be organized by AIS is Open Data Day 2016 Albania.

Transparent data about the assets of high officials in the Justice System

The Spending Data Albania portal has published some data about the assets and economic interests of some high officials of the Justice System under its Money and Power section.

Thus, you may find the latest annual incomes of the three Presidents of the Republic, i.e. Mr. Rexhep MEIDANI, Mr. Alfred MOISIU, and Mr. Bamir TOPI, by using the search filter in the ‘President of the Republic’ category.


You may also find the Declaration of Assets of the two latest General Prosecutors, i.e. Ms. Ina RAMA and Mr. Thedhori SOLLAKU, by using the search filter for ‘General Prosecutor’


In the same section, you may also find the official declarations of assets of some judges of the high level and judges of the Court for Serious Crimes. This data section is enriched as part of the activities organized by the Albanian Institute of Science (AIS) for the implementation of Money Government &Politics Program (MG&P).

Local Government Law. The Election Situation Room against three mandates for locally elected officials

Tirana, 15 December 2015

The Election Situation Room has asked the Assembly of Albania not to change the original draft law on local government, which restricted the time in office of locally elected officials to 2 mandates.

The latest decision to increase the number of mandates to 3 is considered a regress by the Election Room. According to the representatives of this Room, this decision is a move backward, because all the mayors, who had won a third mandate, were actually criminally prosecuted for abusing their power.

Gerti Shella (INFOCIP): The Albanian experience with the local government dictates today more than ever the need to restrict the mandates of locally elected officials to two. At the beginning of this year only, the mayors of the most important cities, who had already two mandates each, and ran for a third one, were criminally prosecuted for misuse of duty and corruption. Those prosecuted included also tens of commune mayors.

Aranita Brahaj (AIS and Za’Lart Albania 2015): The observation of election situations in the 2015 local government elections showed that where the existing mayors reran in these elections, there were higher expenses and more cases of misused of the public administration for purposes of electoral campaign. The Za’Lart platform received reports from citizens about problems with the transfer of voters’ names on the civil register. In municipalities, where existing mayors reran, there were also cases of pressure being exercised to intimidate voters through public services, violating thus the principles of fair competition among the candidates. Therefore, the law should not tolerate the use of power for such a long time.

Kristaq KumeWe are going to use such restrictive mechanisms such as the restriction of the right to be elected to no more than two mandates”

The changing of the original local government draft law is, according to the Election situation Room, against the recommendations made by the international bodies, as well as against the consultation process with the interest groups.


  • Title: Election Room against the draft law: Such draft law produced corruption – Top Channel Albania – News – Lajme

Shekulli Newspaper: Election Room – Mayors should be elected for two mandates only


Ballkanweb: Election Room – Mayors should be elected for two mandates only


MAPO Newspaper: Declaration of the Civil Society – Draft Law on Local Government makes negative deviation


deklarata 016deklarata 006deklarata 009

Phases of the Court process of AIS vs Political Parties for transparency on electoral financies

In the framework of its efforts to promote electoral transparency, AIS has appealed at the Administrative Court of Appeal against the decision of the Court of Tirana to dismiss the organization’s request towards the main political parties PDPS and LSI (two of them in power) to make available their information on campaign spending and donations. Considering this issue the first court case where an entity / organization submitted a claim against the three main political parties

The Constitution of Albania, which brings one of the best models of access to information on election finances with no restriction, discrimination, bureaucratic procedures and institutional intermediaries.

AIS will continue to advocate the judicial position that political parties are subjects to the Public Law, and obliged, based on the Constitution to provide information to the citizens, media and other civil actors. Also, transparency over campaign spending and donations is an essential aspect of free and fair election.

Chronological steps of the process

  1. Official request sent to the three main parties on 09.06.2015
  2. Request based on the Law on right of information and the Constitution
  3. The three parties didn’t replied to the official request of AIS
  4. AIS addressed the issue to the Commissioner for the Right of Information (Mr. Besnik Dervishi), but the claim was dismissed
  5. AIS sued the three political parties in the Administrative Court
  6. The court held three sessions, in which were present only the representatives of the Socialist Party and the Commissioner for the right of Information
  7. The last session held on November 10th the court decided to dismiss the AIS claim
  8. AIS appealed the decision in the Administrative Court of Appeal,
  9. In this process AIS is represented by the Law firm Gumi & Associates
  10. Appeal to the Administrative Court of Appeal
  11. Request for acceleration of adjudication
  12. AIS addresses the Strasbourg Court. Albania does not guarantee trial within a reasonable time (Article 6 of the ECHR)
  13. Administrative Court of Appeal Decision dated 22.11. 2017 with no. 4916 (5236)
  14. AIS addresses the Court of Strasbourg in the absence of both a High Court and a Constitutional Court in the country, asking this court to review the merits of a case, which is now in a process of recourse.

Important Documents of the Court Process:

Request for Information PS                  

Request for Information PD

Request for Information LSI

Complaint for the Commissioner of the right to information

Law suit act                       

Court Call document

Decision of the Administrative Court

Appeal to the Administrative Court of Appeal

Request for acceleration of adjudication

AIS Request to Strasbourg Court (PDF)

Decision Administrative Court of Appeal

Request: AIS addresses the Court of Strasbourg in the absence of both a High Court and a Constitutional Court in the country, asking this court to review the merits of a case, which is now in a process of recourse.



Invitation for participation: Hackathon Albania 2015 “Life in another city”

Hackathon Albania is a yearly event organized to celebrate Open Data and promote their use, adoption, and development of new exciting apps. This year, the event takes place on December 19th 2015 with the topic “Life in another city”.

The event is open to individuals, analysts; engineers; (storytellers); scout programmers, designers or students able to develop an application based on Open Data.

How to prepare for the Hackathon (Hacker+Marathon) ?

Everyone can collect data about its city or town (not just digital) and create a map or an application. This edition triggers data analyses and applications of various themes affecting different aspects of life in Albanian cities regarding

  • Economy, employment, enterprises
  • Infrastructure including urban distances, buildings, forests ect.
  • Technological development and Internet access in various cities
  • Demography

All those who would like to participate in this event, may be registered for free in the following link : Hackathon Albania 2015  or join the event on the facebook page of the Albanian Institute of Science

Thank you in advance!

The impact of Open Data in the democratization of fiscal policy

Within the framework of project, AIS participated at the workshop “Democratization of Fiscal Policy” organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation International and OKF Germany, on 30th November and 1st December, 2015. The workshop aimed at creating an open-source model that would integrate all Budget data and transactions expenditures for various public sectors to foster better understand what role open data plays.

AIS promoter of open budgeting through the implementation of Open Data Albania and Open Spending platforms, presented different models that made transparency over state budget expenditures and treasury transactions. Also, the use of linked data helped in the identification of conflict of interest, cases of corruption and nepotism in Albania.

Different civil society organizations such as: Fair-Play, Hasdana, k-monitor, UNDP, journalists and policymakers, worked together on the processes of partnership-building, the acquisition of the best open budget practices, as well as shaping concrete actions in the Democratization of fiscal policy.12309084_10153157338517051_1514968783_n12325358_10153157338577051_101162729_nUntitled