Constitutional Control over Corrupt Laws, Vacancies of several years in the Constitutional Court bring Serious Consequences for the Prevention of Corruption by Law

The AIS organization initiated a Lawsuit in September 2021 for the Constitutional Court requesting the Repeal as unconstitutional of a law that regulates Contracts for the Reconstruction Program after the Earthquake.

The lawsuit of the organization AIS/Open Data Albania sought the Partial Repeal of Law no. 97/2019 for the adoption of the normative Act with the power of Law no. 9 / 2019 of the Council of Ministers for Coping with the Consequences of Natural Disasters.

In our opinion, this Law is incompatible with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania as it violates economic freedoms; affects open competition; creates premises for corruption and clientelism in the distribution of Contracts to Preferential Clients.

Contracts for the Reconstruction Program (about 120 billion ALL) have been signed and continue to be signed by following procedures: a. limited procedures, b. procedures without a contest and c. procedures with discriminatory legal deadlines. procedures with criteria formulated by the Procuring Authority.

The Government and the Parliament have introduced this form of contracting by law.

In addition to the potential for clientelism, the contested Law also carries risks for contracts with Business Entities who are persons under investigation for Laundering the Proceeds of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking.

Now the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office has already taken several decisions involving such Businesses as Parties to Public Contracts for Reconstruction.

Regardless of this, the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for checking and repealing the operation of Laws that violate economic freedom and create the premise for Favoritism and Corruption, has not been capable and functional regarding such activity.

The court hesitated and did not act upon a Lawsuit from an Anticorruption Organization. The lawsuit formulated by our organization that works for accountability, transparency and anti-corruption was not recognized as a legitimate lawsuit as the Case Reporting Judge argued that an organization can Request Constitutional Interpretation, but only in cases its members have a direct interest in the claim.

We think that failure of the Court to recognize the right of Organizations, whose mission and scope of work is Good Governance and Anti-Corruption represent a time of regress.

The Constitution recognizes Organizations as entities that have the right to request Constitutional Control, Article 134 point h of the Constitution. And the interest in a claim made to the court does not have to be an individual interest of the members of an organization, whose mission is directly relevant to that claim.

With the desire to stop the operation of a clientelistic law, the organization asked for the cooperation of other actors who are immediately legitimized as subjects that may put the Constitutional Control in motion.

Our request was answered by 28 opposition MPs who re-sent the Lawsuit to the Court in January 2022 . This time, the Court Accepted to Review the Lawsuit and Started reviewing the case facts in a Plenary Session in July 2022.

But in July 2022, the Constitutional Court functioned with a limited number of members, only 7 of its 9 members were in office. Delays in the filling vacancies has affected the efficiency of the Court.

Even with 4 out of 7 judges voting in favor of accepting the lawsuit, and 3 voting against, the lawsuit failed to repeal this law. It requires 5, and not 4 votes in favor, i.e. qualified and not simple majority, to accept the lawsuit.

After two attempts to activate the Constitutional Check, the fact is: The Law that gives Power to the Normative Act of the Government, continues to Remain in force and produce serious consequences of Corruption by Law.

Through this Law, some important contracts in value and public interest have been won by Businesses already subject to criminal investigation, seized by Court Decision for organized crime and drug trafficking.

This company managed to win several contracts with high monetary value for Reconstruction in the Main Areas for Compulsory Development after the Earthquake. This is a typical example of how the limited procedure, the lack of bidding competition and the final negotiation of the bid at the table and not through filling in the electronic system, have led to public contracts being awarded to individuals and businesses that aim to clean up Criminal Products through Public Contracting. In an open competition, a business that does not have Similar Construction Works would not be able to qualify as a Successful Competitor. The law preventing free competition enabled this clientelistic penetration.

The procedure without competition, limited, and with negotiation outside the electronic system is provided precisely by the law that had to be repealed. Only after the award of Public Contracts, the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Anticorruption SPAK acted by requesting seizure of the Businesses. But the fate of public contracts and the responsibility of those who created this situation where the state becomes a contractual partner with entities with criminal records, remain issues without regulation and without criminal investigation.

Corruption by law has been favored in recent years in the absence of the Constitutional Court, its Vacancies and Lack of Efficiency in Reviewing Cases.

As above, the Constitutional Court should exercise a role in controlling the compatibility of Laws with the Constitution. Setting the constitutional court in motion, its operation without vacancies, integrity, impartiality, improved doctrine regarding the constitutional control over Corrupt Laws are the main aspects of Preventing the Corruption Phenomenon by Law.

OpenData Youth Fellowship Retreat October 22nd and 23rd, 2022

The organization AIS / Open Data Albania has been working with a group of students and young professionals for a year, creating a Fellowship program for empowering young people in Anti-corruption matters. This includes events held during the year such as work sessions; discussion forums; internships with the organization’s team; training and other networking events. On the weekend of October 22nd and 23rd, members of the youth team traveled to several districts of the country on a Retreat. The event contains   – Happy Hours and Networking – Presentation of the Organization’s Work Strategy Youth Objectives – StartUp DataThon Albania  

  • The itinerary was organized with the cooperation of Fation Plaku Photography, author of Homeland Albania.

  The young participants areas of significance for nature; culture, tradition and urban development of the country, such as: – Nivica, the view over the Canyon – Peshtura waterfall – Labova, the beautiful area of Lunxhëria with religious and cultural monuments dating back to the 5th century. – accommodation at Bujtina Maria, a model of agritourism and tourism business initiative, where we presented AIS new Work Strategy, with a focus on civic education and young people. – Archaeological Park #Antigone. – Peshtan, visit to the Italian-Greek war museum, During the event, the Work Program was also finalized for the next event of the Network, which is DataThon Albania Financing of Political Parties, an event that will be held in December 2022.

Video Realizuar me Dron nga Fation Plaku Tetor 2022 Kanion Nivice
Video Realizuar me Dron nga Fation Plaku Tetor 2022 Parku Arkeologjik Antigone
Working with young people and empowering them against corruption is part of the implementation of the Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption Project. The project is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. One of the components of the project is Youth Empowerment against Corruption – Citizen Education, Improve Fact-Checking Models.

Training Cycle: Youth Empowerment against Corruption – Citizen Education, Improve Fact Checking Models

The Organization AIS / Open Data Albania is holding this week (October 2022) a training cycle with young people, part of the OpenDataYouth Network. The young participants in this program are selected through competition targeting young journalist professionals or students; economists; tax accountants; future politicians; analysts; sociologists; researchers; etc.

The purpose of the Training is to raise the capacities and empower the youth, as the category most predisposed to bring change in society. The targeted capacity includes awareness, articulation, education and evaluation on issues of good governance and anti-corruption. Provide them with knowledge about the stakeholders engaged in anti-corruption phenomena and tracking methods. The final goal is for a researcher, activist, journalist in the first steps of the profession, or during university studies to be able to articulate publicly on issues related to governance and corruption

There are eight specific topics addressed during October with a focus on anti-corruption and good governance issues, namely Corruption and EU Integration; Media and Anti-Corruption; Institutions and Stakeholders engaged in Anti-Corruption; Gender Perspective and Anti-Corruption; Corruption by Law; Money Laundering Challenges; Fiscal Policy and Civil Society and Activism for Anticorruption.

Working with young people and empowering them against corruption is part of the implementation of the Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of Corruption Project. The project is supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. One of the components of the project is Youth Empowerment against Corruption – Citizen Education, Improve Fact-Checking Models.

This component shall consist of several events. Its objective is to educate and develop the skills of a group of young people in critical thinking and articulation on issues related to corruption. The component envisages activities such as training, individual work sessions, internships at the organization, forum, preparation of articles and networking.

 See the Training Program: HERE

 See the Curricula HERE

Photo from the Training:  

Announcements and other Network Events:

Call Apply to become part of the open data fellowship youth network

OpenData Fellowship Youth Network working with young people to increase their capacities

Forum “Youth and Emigration as an inducement to live for a better country

Forum “Youth and Emigration: Corruption as inducement to live for a better country”

Last Friday, July 1st, AIS/Open Data Albania hosted a forum on “Youth and immigration: Corruption as inducement to leave for a better country“. The activity was held in the frame of the Open Data, Access and Transparency over Sectors Exposed to Risk of Corruption project,  as part of which, AIS is preparing the Open Data Fellowship Network, a group of young people who will be upskilled in analyzing data and use data and facts in arguing on topics of public interest.

During the 3 hours that the forum lasted, guests partook in a discussion about the flight of the population, as one of the biggest problems facing the country, with disturbing effects that will extend in the following years and decades. Led by analysts in the field, young people debated on what has influenced this phenomenon, how can we analyze its various dimensions through data, how it is related to other prominent issues, such as corruption and unemployment.

Speakers at the event brought different perspectives on the increased emigration in the country:

Sociologist Donalda Tanellari treated the phenomenon from the point of view of societal developments; Blerina Shehu, a journalist with a focus on economics, spoke about immigration and how it has affected demographic dynamics, while Gjergj Erebara brought a history of censuses to the country, focusing on what data that can be extracted from them, as well as how censuses can be used to inform government policies.

For a more detailed overview of the approaches broached during the forum, please consult the agenda in the attached link


Agenda Forum Youth Network. Youth and Emigration Corruption as inducement to live in a better country


Open Data Fellowship Youth Network: working with young people to increase their capacities

AIS is working with a team of young professionals aiming to educate, increase their capacities in public speaking and evidence-based debating. They come from university auditoriums, important institutions, organizations and civic movements. Strengthening their capacities against corruption through civic education and improving Fact-Checking models are the main goals of the training curriculum,  assistance, and internships. The OpenDataFellowship Youth Network is being established within the OpenData Project, Access and Transparency on Corruption Risk Sectors, supported by Sida through the Swedish Embassy in Albania.


AIS part of the agreement with The High Inspector Of Justice. The cooperation agreement with 6 Civil Society organizations is signed.

The establishment of a continuous communication between the civil society and the Office of HIJ, was formalized today by signing a cooperation agreement between the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani and six civil society organizations (CSOs), that are engaged in monitoring justice reform, human rights, transparency, accountability and good governance.

The cooperation initiated earlier with the civil society, through the consultation for the Strategic Plan and Action Plan of HIJ 2020-2022, materializes with this agreement, which aims to increase the performance and capacity building of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the increase of communication and development of joint activities, in the framework of monitoring, analysing, accountability and awareness-raising on the activity of the Office of High Inspector of Justice, through the exchange of data, organization of periodic meetings, providing relevant expertise of specialized CSOs.

Institute for Policy and Legal Studies (IPLS), represented by Mr. Ardian Dhima; Institute for Political Studies (ISP), represented by Mr. Afrim Krasniqi; Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), represented by Ms. Krisela Hackaj, Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC), represented by Ms. Erida Skëndaj, European Centre (EC), represented by Ms. Klara Kodra and Albanian Institute of Science/Open Data Albania, represented by Ms. Aranita Brahaj.

During the ceremony of signing the agreement, the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Metani praised the important role of civil society organizations in strengthening democratic processes and underlined that this institutional cooperation mechanism will serve to improve the work of HIJ, and in addition the whole system for the functioning of a professional, responsible, accountable and transparent justice.

The organization has a database in support of Justice Reform.

You can find the Cooperation Agreement Between High Inspector Of Justice And Civil Society Organizations: HERE


Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration”

The Policy Paper “Public Procurement, Albania through the Lens of European Integration” was drafted by the Albanian Institute of Science AIS / Open Data Albania, during the implementation of C1 – EU – NPA

Project “Improving the Debate on Policies and Accountability to Fulfill Basic Rights”, through the creation of the Cluster 1 Albania Negotiation Platform.

This project is being implemented by four Albanian organizations: the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance CSDG, the Institute for Political Studies ISP, the Albanian Helsinki Committee AHC and the Albanian Institute of Science AIS, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana.

The Policy Paper was presented on February 28th, at a Roundtable with the participation of organizations and institutions ingaged in the european integration and public procurement processes.

You will find enclosed below the following items:

  • Public Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF link)
  • Summary and Conclusions of the Policy Paper, Procurement “Policy Paper through the lens of European Integration” (PDF Link)
  • Event Agenda of the Policy Paper Presentation (PDF LINK)

Photos from the Event:

Panelistët: Znj. Aranita Brahaj - Drejtore Ekzekutive e AIS/Open Data Albania; Z. Viktor Gumi - Ekspert Juridik, Autori i Dokumentit (AIS); Znj. Jorida Tabaku - Kryetare, Komisioni për Integrimin Evropian, Parlamenti; Z. Eduart Shalsi - Kryetar, Komisioni për Ekonominë dhe Financat, Parlamenti; Znj. Reida Kashta - Drejtore e Përgjithshme, Agjencia e Prokurimit Publik (APP)

Panelists: Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS/Open Data Albania; Mr. Viktor Gumi – Legal Expert AIS, Author of the Paper; Mrs. Jorida Tabaku – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, Parliament; Mr. Eduart Shalsi – Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Finance, Parliament; Mrs. Reida Kashta – General Director, Public Procurement Agency (PPA)

H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania

Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation


Mr. Muharrem Cakaj – Procurement Expert


Mrs. Ledia Muço- Policy Officer EU Delegation;

Mrs. Kristina Voko – Director, BIRN Albania

Mr. Neritan Sejamini – Editor-in-Chief of and Director of the EuroNews Albania Information Department;

Mrs. Valia Pentarvani – First Counsellor & DHoM of the Embassy of Greece to Albania; Mr. Alexis Hupin – Head of the Political and EU integration section EU Delegation; H.E.Mr. Reinout Vos – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Albania;

Mrs. Krisela Hackaj – Expert and Executive Director of CDI Albania


The findings, Opinions or Recommendations expressed at this event represent the views of experts and the AIS organization and do not necessarily reflect the responsibilities of the partners or supporters of the C1-EU-NPA


The document has been forwarded in the Official Form to the institutions engaged in the process and interested parties.

AIS/Open Data Albania is a local non-governmental organization established in 2011. The organization has created a database with open data on Public Procurement in the Health sectors; Concessions; Local Government; Road Infrastructure; Publicly Owned Enterprises; Development Fund. The organization also applies RedFlag real-time risk assessment instruments and is the author of several case studies on Public Procurement and Contracting issues.


Bëhu Pjesë e #OpenData Fellowship Youth #Network

Mundësi për të punuar me ekipin #OpenDataAlbania
Je një Djalë apo Vajze e re, #Gazetar, #Student, #Ekonomist, #Fiskalist, #Politikan i Ardhshëm, #Analist, #Sociolog apo #Kërkues në një Disiplinë të caktuar
• Nëse ke dëshirë të Publikosh një apo disa artikuj në portalin Open Data Albania
• Nëse planet për Karrierën tuaj të ardhshme lidhen me sa më lart, një Rrjet Rinor të mirëpret për një program Afatshkurtër.
Ajo çka i duhet formimit tuaj profesional është edhe pak aftësim mbi përdorimin e të dhënave në artikulimin publik, vendimmarrjen, planifikimin dhe debatin.
Ne të ftojmë të Bëhesh Pjesë e OpenData Fellowship Youth Network
• Ju thjesht duhet të shpenzoni me Ne disa orë Praktikë çdo muaj për 4 muaj rradhazi.
• Qëllimi final i procesit është forcimi i kapaciteteve dhe njohurive të një grupi rinor elitë që ka vokacion, talent dhe vullnet për tu angazhuar në artikulim publik.
• Procesi do të finalizohet edhe me publikimin e artikujve hulumtues në portalin Open Data Albania nga vetë të rinjtë duke u dhënë atyre mundësinë të ndajnë me publikun fakte, analiza dhe parashtrime.
Mirëpresim të aplikojnë për angazhim të rinj mosha deri/rreth 25 vjeç, në proces studimi universitarë apo të sapo diplomuar. Kusht është dëshira për tu fuqizuar përmes të dhënave, informacionit dhe njohurive.
Të rinjtë duhet të kenë dëshirë të përmirësojnë aftësinë e tyre artikuluese dhe aftësinë për tu përfshirë në diskutime të bazuara në argument dhe të dhëna.

Aplikoni në adresën e emalit [email protected] , emaili duhet te ketë titull Aplikoj për OpenData Fellowship Youth Network dhe duhet të përmbajë jo më shumë se 250 fjalë ku jepen të dhëna për gjeneralitetet ; edukimin ; moshën; eksperienca profesionale dhe angazhime të ngjashme, sikurse kontaktet tuaja.

Procesi ju Garanton
• Rrjetëzim me Kolegë dhe Moshatar
• Puno dhe behu Autor Artikuj në Open Data Albania
• Referencë dhe Certifikatë për Eventin
• Fuqizohu doke njohur BigData
• Pagesë për çdo Artikuj të realizuar nga Ju dhe të Publikuar te OpenDataAlbania

Njofto dhe Shokët
Më të mirët do të ftohen për Intervistë pranë nesh,
Ky Network po krijohet në kuadër të Projektit Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors esposed to risk of Corruption mbështetur nga Sida përmes Ambasadës Suedeze në Shqipëri.

Për pyetje ju lutem na kontaktoni në [email protected].

Kërkohet një Ekspert Lokal Përmirësim i Kapaciteteve Organizative dhe Institucionale

Datë 09/02/2022

AIS, një organizatë jofitimprurëse e angazhuar në Transparencë, Llogaridhënie dhe Mirëqeverisje është duke kërkuar një ekspert lokal për angazhim me kohë të pjesshme ditë pune. Eksperti duhet të asistojë organizatën në hartimin e disa dokumenteve si rregullore dhe manual të praktikave të mira menaxheriale dhe financiare. Eksperti duhet të vlerësojë edhe nevojat për ndërhyrje në statut dhe të bashkëpunojë në hartimin e strategjisë së punës së Organizatës. Angazhimi është me kohë të pjesshme 20 ditë pune në vit, në dy vite me pagesë bruto për 20 ditët e punës në vlerën 3000Euro (viti i parë).

Eksperti duhet të jetë prezent në zyrat e AIS gjatë zbatimit të angazhimit dhe në bashkëpunim me Drejtorin dhe Sekretarin e Organizatës.

Kriteret. Personi duhet të ketë eksperienca në rritje të kapaciteteve institucionale apo auditim institucional në sektorin jofitimprurës. Kjo eksperiencë duhet vendosur në CV-në që do të përcillet për përzgjedhje. Eksperti Lokal duhet të njohë dhe zotërojë parime të rregullimit ligjor, institucional, financiar dhe të burimeve njerëzore në një subjektit ekonomik. Ai/Ajo duhet të zotërojë shumë mirë gjuhën shqipe dhe gjuhën angleze.

Kandidati duhet të ketë eksperienca të mëparshme në hartimin e dokumenteve të sipër kërkuara dhe duhet ti artikulojë qartë këto eksperienca.

Përveç Ekspert në këtë thirrje mund të aplikojë edhe një subjekt që ka punë të ngjashme të mëparshme, dhe është i gatshëm të bashkëpunojnë me tarifën e mësipërme.

Në adresën [email protected] duhet të dërgohet një BIO e shkurtër me të dhëna për kriteret dhe angazhimet e mëparshme brenda datës 09 Mars 2022.

AIS is seeking two full-time and part-time Data Analysts

Position: Open Data Analyst.
Programme: Open Data, Access and Transparency over sectors exposed to Risk of corruption.
Under: Project Director

Salary: Monthly net total salary, plus mandatory share of contributions for employer and employee, plus salary tax, is planned 900 Euros.

Publication Date:  09/02/2022

Deadline for application: 09 March 2022.

AIS, an organization a committed to transparency, accountability, good governance and anticorruption, is implementing programmes in the above-mentioned areas. With a view to preparing data analysis on public spending, national economy performance, tenders and other social economic data, the organization is looking for two Data Analysts.

Job description. The Data Analyst must carefully follow the developments related to public sectors through the organization databases and other institutional databases. Compiles statistical evidence on indicators illustrating the development and performance of the economy and development in the country. Based on evidence, he/she drafts research articles that help the public understand and raise the public awareness of issues of public interest. The articles should be in a simple language and visualized, making information easy to understand.

The commitment can be on part-time full-time basis and depends on the evaluation of his/her productivity and subject to agreement with the selected candidate. In any case, remuneration shall be made according to the number of articles published per month. The project lasts 3 years. The work may also be done remotely, but the selected candidate(s) shall be required to spend at least 20% of their time of engagement in the project office. The Data Group for every article or group of articles will be identified in co-operation with the Project Director and the Public Relations Officer. The analyst will co-operate with the Database Developer to enable the creation of visualizations according to relevance, and with purposes of ensuring the clarity of information.


  • University Diploma, preferably in Economics, and Justice.
  • At least 3 years of previous work experience in a position relevant to economic and statistical management, and research.
  • Good analyzing skills.
  • Knowledge of research and logical evaluation techniques.
  • Good articulation and drafting skills; economic use of words; good use of simple definitions to make articles easy to understand.
  • Knowledgeable about international databases for economic factors and indicators.
  • Eager to get deeper into research and research every day.
  • User of the main computer software.

In addition to meeting the job technical requirements, candidates must be people of integrity and enthusiastic about issues related to information and awareness.

Candidates must submit their CV to [email protected]. The CV should contain information about the university education, professional experience and the requirements for the position. The CV should be accompanied by a paragraph containing references to previous work experience. The candidates selected based on their CV will be invited for an interview. The organization shall have the right to a two-week probation period based on practical tasks before confirmation of appointment.

Terms of Reference:

  • Follow carefully statistical publications in local and international databases.
  • Propose topics for statistical analysis and present arguments about the importance of indicators and assessment methodology.
  • Map tables of aggregated and comparative data.
  • Draft research articles and the final article following comments and notes of the project director or the assigned expert.
  • Carefully check the data source, narrative descriptions, and visualizations.
  • Identifies the impact of the article following its publication, as well as the impact of potential comments.
  • Co-operate with colleagues (designer, website maintainer, Albanian-English translator) for as a good and clear version for publication as possible.
  • Participates regularly in the working group meetings.
  • Meets deadlines and criteria for publication.
  • Is periodically informed about the organization’s activities and their results.
  • Performs his duties by being physically present in the office or remotely. However, he/she is required to spend at least 20% of the time of engagement in the office, and the payment shall be made according to the number of articles finalized into publication.

The CV is required in Albanian, and should be as simple as possible, and not in any certain forms or standards. Candidates are expected to send their CVs to  [email protected] before 09 March 2022, with the subject: CV application for Open Data Analyst.